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FDA okay's implanted medical chip

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The first sign of the New World Order taking over.




I can't wait to see the denial. In not too long, if you don't have the verichips and national ID cards, you'll basically be an outcast to society, no way to shop.. get gas.. get jobs.. get healthcare.

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You do realize that's paranoia, right?

It's not paranoia, It's logical thinking. When you get this chip you are basically a slave to them, you're giving up all privacy in your life.


Total Mind Control.


Its only the beginning...

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Guest SP-1

How do you infer mind control from a chip that stores static information and isn't even on our brain stem, it's in your freakin' arm?

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How do you infer mind control from a chip that stores static information and isn't even on our brain stem, it's in your freakin' arm?


Mind Control was probably the wrong word, but there's no doubt in my mind it's a stepping stone to that. It's basically control of your life. They'll be able to track anything and everything you do. It's eventually going to get to the point where you're blackballed from society if you don't get chipped.

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Methinks Loaded Glove is reading a bit too much into this, however I am not getting "chipped" either. If they want my med records, you can call fuckin Kaiser or something.

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Guest INXS

Ah, but this will be sold as a requirement due to the current security situation. And, just like ID cards, it will probably, eventually be mandatory to be chipped in order to use certain facilities.

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Now I believe in stem cell research, but I believe that some things just aren't meant to be fucked with, and the direction we could head in with implantable computer chips is one of them.

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I'll probably be dead when this comes to fruition, so I don't really care.


And if America does this, I can't wait until La Raza, or some other hippie pinko organization, demands the government give illegal immigrants the medical chip, too...

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Guest MikeSC
This is so Orwellian. Soon they'll be infiltrating people on internet chat rooms. Wait a minute....they are.


Guess Big Brother really is watching.

You are aware that internet chat rooms have been "spied on" --- for YEARS AND YEARS, aren't you?


Most police departments have agents in them to nail people for attempting to procure sex with children.


But, I suppose facts might slow down your assorted conspiracy theories.

Ah, but this will be sold as a requirement due to the current security situation. And, just like ID cards, it will probably, eventually be mandatory to be chipped in order to use certain facilities.

You mean like the draft?


So I suppose Bush saying "It will never happen on my watch" will only spawn more such claims.


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I'll probably be dead when this comes to fruition, so I don't really care.


And if America does this, I can't wait until La Raza, or some other hippie pinko organization, demands the government give illegal immigrants the medical chip, too...

actually the hippies and left wingers are the most likely to rally against this type of thing.

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Guest GreatOne
How do you infer mind control from a chip that stores static information and isn't even on our brain stem, it's in your freakin' arm?

It's like that Indiana study on WWE's sexual content that was in Foley's second book about their blatant display of...............


Arm rubbing!~


Quick, to the Batmobile. Something must be done about this arm implementation! :lol:

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