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Did anyone catch Jon Stewart

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Paul & Tucker announced he was coming on and figured it would be a barrel of laughs, however John Stewart basically came on and blasted the both of them and the show for being Political-hackism that is doing a disservice to america. This was not done in a joking manner whatsoever, he really took it to them, and Paul & Tucker were kind of speechless. It was freaking hilarious. Then Tucker tried to say, "we are a debate show etc...." and Stewart said, umm it would be good if you were, but that isn't what this show is about etc........It ended with Tucker saying, "you are more funny on the Daily show" and Stewart said something about Tucker being even more of a Dick in person or something........WOW.

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Stewart's main point seemed to be how mainstream news does not "hold politicians' feet to the fire." When Tucker basically said "Well, you dont either!" Jon shot back: "My lead in is a show with puppets making crank calls!"

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Here's a link to the transcript:




Stewart is the fucking MAN!

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Eh, why watch Crossfire? It sucks. Sounds to me like Stewart is all "my show is comedy, so I can do whatever the fuck I want, but you have to live up to my standard" crap. If Stewart doesn't like the direction of Crossfire, don't fuckin watch it. Crybaby ass motherfucker! :)

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Guest SP-1
Eh, why watch Crossfire? It sucks. Sounds to me like Stewart is all "my show is comedy, so I can do whatever the fuck I want, but you have to live up to my standard" crap. If Stewart doesn't like the direction of Crossfire, don't fuckin watch it. Crybaby ass motherfucker! :)

That's almost a parody of most CE posts. Just sprinkle in some Michael Moore Is Fat jokes and it's pretty close.

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Guest Olympic Slam

I'm with Stewart. These shows like Crossfire and Hannity and Colmes are un-freaking-watchable. There's no actual debate just dueling screaming and spinning. Fox News does this on EVERY show too. Since their gimmick is Fair and Balanced, for every issue on every show they have a Democrat robot up against a Republican robot. And nothing is ever accomplished. Its brutal. They just paint their party as Christ figures and the opposing party as the love children of Hitler and Stalin. These scream shows are turning a Diet Coke vs. Diet Pepsi election into good vs. evil. Its such a fucking joke.

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Stewart really deserves more of a mainstream voice in American politics.

I agree with that because I think he has a lot of common sense, but I think he is having too much fun doing what he's doing now to take a more serious turn towards any mainstream avenues.

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Oh, I know. I'd love to see him get onto a major network, though.


I mean, his show is easily better than any late night show on television. He blows Leno and Letterman out of the water.


Although, he can get away with a lot more on Comedy Central than he could on a major network, so maybe that isn't a great idea.


I don't know. I just think more people should be exposed to his show and his humor. He does, in fact, rip on both parties (contrary to some people's opinions) and he does it in a hilarious fashion. He has guests from both sides of the aisle on regularly, and he does treat both sides with respect (with the exception of some good natured roasting).

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Guest MikeSC
Stewart really deserves more of a mainstream voice in American politics.

I agree with that because I think he has a lot of common sense, but I think he is having too much fun doing what he's doing now to take a more serious turn towards any mainstream avenues.

I'll actually go with a Bush line. A plan is more than a list of complaints.


Stewart can feel free to criticize all day long. I have NO reason to believe that he'd be ANY different.


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Stewart really deserves more of a mainstream voice in American politics.

I agree with that because I think he has a lot of common sense, but I think he is having too much fun doing what he's doing now to take a more serious turn towards any mainstream avenues.

I'll actually go with a Bush line. A plan is more than a list of complaints.


Stewart can feel free to criticize all day long. I have NO reason to believe that he'd be ANY different.


That doesn't mean that his criticizing the media for turning into political theater instead of real debate isn't right on point.

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Guest MikeSC
Stewart really deserves more of a mainstream voice in American politics.

I agree with that because I think he has a lot of common sense, but I think he is having too much fun doing what he's doing now to take a more serious turn towards any mainstream avenues.

I'll actually go with a Bush line. A plan is more than a list of complaints.


Stewart can feel free to criticize all day long. I have NO reason to believe that he'd be ANY different.


That doesn't mean that his criticizing the media for turning into political theater instead of real debate isn't right on point.

Yes, but he's very much on the verge of taking himself too seriously and buying his positive press that he'll become more unbearable than O'Reilly.


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Guest GreatOne

Is 'political pundit' like the new post-career occupation of a comic?


Let's see: Franken, Maher, Miller, now Stewart. I would have said you know who but remember, INTENTIONAL comedy.


Christ, next election: 'The most outrageous take on the 2008 presidential election? DAVE CHAPPELLE!!!!!!!!'

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Go there to ifilm they have it posted.



Stewart schooled both those guys. He called Carlson a dick to his face and he took it like a bitch. He even laughed it off like it didn't happen. He went on sombody elses show and told them straight up it sucks. How often do you get to see that. The CNN dolts stepped in it on this one. Its all good though. This is what happens to the news stations now that they all wanna be part of the story rather just report it. Crossfires ad rates just went to shit.


Thanks John. Thank you.

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Guest GreatOne
now that they all wanna be part of the story rather just report it. Crossfires ad rates just went to shit.


Thanks John. Thank you.

Let's remember that Stewart kinda threw himself in that boat too, so he's not exactly innocent of the charges himself.


Christ I'll take Johnny 'Stew Rat' Stewart the last AWA light heavyweight champ at this rate for laughs.

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Guest MikeSC
Stewart schooled both those guys. He called Carlson a dick to his face and he took it like a bitch. He even laughed it off like it didn't happen. He went on sombody elses show and told them straight up it sucks. How often do you get to see that. The CNN dolts stepped in it on this one. Its all good though. This is what happens to the news stations now that they all wanna be part of the story rather just report it. Crossfires ad rates just went to shit.


Thanks John. Thank you.

Way to go, John. You made a dick of yourself on a show that brought you on SOLELY due to you being funny. And, mind you, you were not funny at any point. Wow, you took a guy feeding you lines for you to make jokes and made him look silly by simply being a prick.


Way to go.


John has --- and I hate this phrase --- jumped the shark.


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Guest MikeSC
You mean to say you guys didn't think it was funny? Hmmmm. Wonder why?

I can't stand Tucker Carlson or Paul Begala personally. I just am finding Stewart to be as obnoxious as them.


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