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Trish as a heel, is it working for you?

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Evil Trish. I just can't get into this...the whole smug attitude and prissy laughing deal after everything she says just seems to come off more as awful acting rather than being a great heel.


I think if they tone her down and just keep her promos and backstage bits overly simple she could make a decient heel. But right now I just cringe everytime she starts talking, it's just not that convincing.

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Guest Thrashist

She is excellent. At least in the context of the women's division, which has improved so so much since its creation in recent years in the wrestling department, but lacking considerably in the character department. Basically, it's easier to put out a hot looking female babyface out there with no personality, but the female heel should have that personality to back it up. Molly can only do so much, and there's not much to Jazz, so Trish is injecting some much-needed help here. Unfortunately, it looks like she's the only area of interest in the entire women's division, when a year ago to me it was looking the exact opposite.

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I love her as a heel. Yes, she does rip off Nicole Sullivan, but who cares? No one watches MadTV, and that's a pretty dated character anyways. I love the little things she does in the ring especially. Molly is pretty good at yelling at the crowd, but Trish amplifies it.


As for her overacting, it's welcomed, in my opinion. When you have so many girls who rely on the "sexy vixen" persona as a heel character, it's great to see a girl who goes so over the top to get people to hate her. Frankly, she has to, because of her good looks and how she's been promoted in the past (hottest girl in the company).

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Guest Paulster

I think she is great as a heel in the current form. She's got the entire 'love to hate' type persona going on very well, and the over-the-top uber-ditz is just played so well by her.

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The problem with Trish as a heel is that the faces in the women's division are beyond weak. Victoria, Nidia, and Lita? Two have no personality, and the other is a complete moron, and when Trish sounds off her, she's the one who sounds reasonable.

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Molly is consistant enough with her character, regarding how she acts, speaks, carries herself, ect.


The writers aren't though. You're right: Molly shouldn't have been aligned with Trish. Really, none of the heel girls should be aligned with Trish unless a group is formed. Which shouldn't happen. Ever.

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I've said this a lot before, Trish is probably the best on Raw in delivering Gerwirtz's corny, sexual innuendo laced dialogue. She is one of the few that can say the lines, and not sound completely moronic.

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Somebody could hit Trish in the back of the head and she could become Antonia.


"I have a cat named 'Cece'."

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*Molly enters the womens locker room to find Gail Kim laid out on the floor*

Molly: Gail, Gail! Gail, are you alright? Did someone jump you?

*Gail nods*

Molly: Who?

*Gail shrugs*

Molly: Was it a man?

*Gail nods*

Molly: Then, what did he look like?

Gail: We-ell... He loooooka lika man.

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Guest Rrrsh
I just prefer Molly straightforwardness for her heel character.

Molly is such a bland charicter. At least Trish is different.






Plus Trish needs to be stupidly over-the-top at something (Like Steph) because she is hot and males like hot woman.

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Plus Trish needs to be stupidly over-the-top at something (Like Steoh) because she is hot and males liek hot woman.


What the hell does that even mean?


The only time a female character isn't bland is when the focus is on them. Molly wasn't always generic heel #293. During her last run, she was bad ass, bullying around Gail, plotting to take out Trish....

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Guest Rrrsh

Those are just little instances. In general, her charicter always has been bland and boring.

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Guest Loss

I'm appalled that anyone would think Trish is a heel. She's trying to save wrestling, all the while watching Lita and making sure she's okay. She told her she needed to watch the cookies and cakes AS A FRIEND and got beaten up for it. But because Trish is Trish, she'll probably give Lita more helpful advice in the future since she's above holding grudges. We can all only wish we were like Trish.

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Really, Lita IS looking a little bit "jolly" lately. Trish really needs to get her into a good aerobics program or something.

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Plus Trish needs to be stupidly over-the-top at something (Like Steoh) because she is hot and males liek hot woman.


What the hell does that even mean?

Where did this quote come from?


As for Trish I think she is really good in the cocky heel role. But, like others have said, it just puts the rest of the WWE's womens division to shame becuase they all seem totally useless in comparison.

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I'm appalled that anyone would think Trish is a heel. She's trying to save wrestling, all the while watching Lita and making sure she's okay. She told her she needed to watch the cookies and cakes AS A FRIEND and got beaten up for it. But because Trish is Trish, she'll probably give Lita more helpful advice in the future since she's above holding grudges. We can all only wish we were like Trish.


Least someone gets the importance of Trish on RAW. She is the only true face on the roster with all the helpful advice she gives out.


Heel? Pfft, no idea where you get such things.

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Guest theanswer1824

i don't know about you, but i really love her 'slut' character.


ever since they did the swerve at wrestlemania, her and christian has been entertaining, imo.


her current slut character doesn't beat her slut run when she went against the dudleys with t&a. trish's promos on those tables wearing that skimpy outfit were awesome.


aight, i'm starting to feel like the lawler now. i'll stop here.

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*Molly enters the womens locker room to find Gail Kim laid out on the floor*

Molly: Gail, Gail!  Gail, are you alright?  Did someone jump you?

*Gail nods*

Molly: Who?

*Gail shrugs*

Molly: Was it a man?

*Gail nods*

Molly: Then, what did he look like?

Gail: We-ell... He loooooka lika man.

On that note..


*Jazz weeps on the couch of her dressing room*

*a door opens*

A-Train: Girl, why you cryin'?

Jazz: My mother is dead. And who the hell are you?

A-Train: What the hell you speak? I'm yo' mama!


*That's My White Mama will be back after these messages*

A-Train: Don't make me break my foot off in yo' ass!

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i don't know about you, but i really love her 'slut' character.


ever since they did the swerve at wrestlemania, her and christian has been entertaining, imo.

I don't think that was much of a swerve. If you're on this board, and you didn't see it coming a mile away, you might as well give up now.


That being said, yes, this character makes her hotter.

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The first and foremost reason this angle isn't working is because Trish is retired to talk and entertain the fans by speaking. That alone ruins it. Now as far as Trish, she is just overacting to the point of absurdity.

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Guest LooneyTune

Trish is hot, and thats good enough for me to watch...and she doesn't completely suck as a wrestler (although WWE womens wrestling sucks overall though).


I also just realized she stole the hurricanrana in the corner spot from Madusa/Alundra Blayze after skimming through an old WWF tape.

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I enjoy her to some extent in the role. She's definitely way better than she was when she started the gimmick in April. *Still remembers that horrible Highlight Reel she was on.*

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