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WWE's best segment ever

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Guest BDC

I gotta agree with early on and say the ECW reforming from the Invasion era. Just incredible.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

One thing stands out above all...



Austin pillmanizes Pillman.

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Just to bring something a little obscure into the mix, there was a segment in 1984 (on CV's Bloopers, Bleeps, and Bodyslams) where Dick Murdoch and Gene Okerlund were invited guests of Adrian Adonis to tour his old neighborhood, The Bowery. Pretty golden segment where no one recognizes or even heard of Adrian Adonis before until they run into a sickly, old gentleman who went by "Uncle Joe."


Adrian: Looks good for 53.

Okerlund: 53?


Then Uncle Joe and a friend divulged how much they enjoyed the free tickets to seeing Murdoch/Adonis win the tag titles. To which Okerlund sharply quipped,


"You don't pay these gentlemen off . . . moving on."


They then come to a fire hydrant which Adonis revealed doubled as a shower during his childhood.


"Cleanliness is next to Godliness" --- Adrian Adonis


Finally, they come to a "mobile gourmet cart" (hot dog stand) where Okerlund asked what are in the hot dogs. The foreign worker responded, "Uhhh, hot dogs." Good enough for the tag champs. They enjoyed the grub as Gene-O ended the segment w/


"Alright, we've got to be moving along. Adrian, pay the man. I'm not picking up the tab!"

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Guest Tonche
Remember when Booker T started ripping on HBK's music?  "BOOK!  BOOK!  BOOK!  I'm just a Booker T, BOOOO-KER TEEE-EEEEE!  I'm not yo' sucka, SUCK-AAAAAA-AAAAAA!"  The entire group, Nash, Waltman, and Book himself, NONE of them could keep from laughing.  For me, that really makes a segment neat, when it's so funny the performers can't hold their emotions in.

Holy crap that was hilarious.


"Naw man I don't want no papers! I'm here to talk to Mr. Michaels about his music. Shawn, Shawn, Shawn, I'm just a sexy boy, I'm just a boytoy, man, I know I'm sexy, I don't have to put it in my music".




- Jericho's debut

- The fake Jericho title switch... What a moment.

- ECW reforms - "FEEL IT JR".

- Lesnar and Show demolish the ring

- Lesnar's Mexican dancing

- Edge and Christian playing kazoo "Its my time! Its my time! Its my - Ok, that does it, get out".

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Guest Diablo_Dor

I would have to add the I'm not a joke promo by Jericho before Royal Rumble 2002.


Just one of those times when it looked like they might try and get behind the idea of Jericho as a legitimate World Title holder, then they pissed it away with Steph's dog grooming company.


Also the swerve at Survivor Series 1998 I couldn't believe how sucked in to that whole event I became. The way they set it up was one of the most impressive nights in the companies history, even if the wrestling was mediocre to poor the whole night.

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when Angle 'interviewed' Rock (playing old clips of Rock answers) about the running over of austin.


Kurt: what's your opinion of Steve Austin?

Rock: well sure he's a piece of monkeycrap, and a jabroni.


Angle: when you saw what happened to Austin, what did you think?

Rock: The Rock thought 'look at that, he might be hurt...ah well, The Rock has to take a shower now, so he can go eat.'

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I would have to add the I'm not a joke promo by Jericho before Royal Rumble 2002.


Just one of those times when it looked like they might try and get behind the idea of Jericho as a legitimate World Title holder, then they pissed it away with Steph's dog grooming company.


Also the swerve at Survivor Series 1998 I couldn't believe how sucked in to that whole event I became. The way they set it up was one of the most impressive nights in the companies history, even if the wrestling was mediocre to poor the whole night.

Gotta agree here. That show was in my area, and I attended it. I was expecting the usual rock owns his opponent on the mic promo, which was where they were headed unitil BOOM, Jericho just blows the roof off the place. Crowd was dead silent and for a good reason. Great promo.

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The one segment that still sticks out in my mind is when the Rock and Jericho were making fun of Steph, Booker T, Shane and Rhyno. It went for 15 minutes, and I never laugh so hard in my life.




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Guest MikeSC

No mention of Christian sweating in a chicken suit to try and meet weight for the LH Title?


How about E & C constantly confusing Kid Rock's midget rapper for Mini-Me and an Ewok?


E & C's plan to avoid defending the tag titles, with such golden lines as "Genital warts rule!"


Hell, ANYTHING from E & C from about April through October, 2000.


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Guest MikeSC
"And now, for the benefit of those with flash photography....."


Those segments were gold. Especially them and Kurt dressing up as hicks at Judgement Day 2000. Also good was their Bitchlanta Braves one.

Didn't they have one with the Bills choking?


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"And now, for the benefit of those with flash photography....."


Those segments were gold. Especially them and Kurt dressing up as hicks at Judgement Day 2000. Also good was their Bitchlanta Braves one.

Didn't they have one with the Bills choking?


I'm pretty sure they did. They had some classic comedy segments with the flash photography deal. That was the highlight of Raw for me in that period.

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Guest MikeSC
"And now, for the benefit of those with flash photography....."


Those segments were gold. Especially them and Kurt dressing up as hicks at Judgement Day 2000. Also good was their Bitchlanta Braves one.

Didn't they have one with the Bills choking?


I'm pretty sure they did. They had some classic comedy segments with the flash photography deal. That was the highlight of Raw for me in that period.

RAW was amazing, until Oct. of 2000.


...The conclusion of the who hit Austin angle killed the show...

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"And now, for the benefit of those with flash photography....."


Those segments were gold. Especially them and Kurt dressing up as hicks at Judgement Day 2000. Also good was their Bitchlanta Braves one.

Didn't they have one with the Bills choking?


I'm pretty sure they did. They had some classic comedy segments with the flash photography deal. That was the highlight of Raw for me in that period.

RAW was amazing, until Oct. of 2000.


...The conclusion of the who hit Austin angle killed the show...

For me, it died with the botched ending of the love triangle storyline. The driver angle was dirt on the coffin.

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Guest MikeSC

Although E & C hit a hot streak again from the start of their short program with Benoit & Jericho until they split.


Christian chewing out Hugh Morrus for making fun of his brother's ridiculous name was gold. As was the comment that the tobacco UT spit on William Regal smelled like tea after somebody dumped crap in it was cute.


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Some great stuff here. The Red Rooster/Brooklyn Brawler segment brought up made me laugh because it was pretty funny for the silliness of it all.


Just add some I think should get mentioned...



Bret Hart re-uniting with his family on raw. I mean Owen(R.I.P) trying to cry was hilarious, but it was a great segment. I don't know if anyone remembers Bret's promo on America when he says...."I'm the best, there is, was, and ever will be. You people are tired of me saying this(with a collective YES by the crowd and responds with)Now you know how the rest of the world feels". I mean the whole crowd just shuts up. Funny as hell with Bret Hart acting like a king in his wheelchair. Another incident was with Shawn Michaels in some Canadian city when he was announced as the special ref for the SummerSlam match. He made fun of Canadian soldiers and so on. The way he built up to the announcement was fantastic. He said he went to the boss(looked at Vince) and asked to work SummerSlam, but he didn't want to be in the opening match, the middle of the card, but the MAIN EVENT and Vince decided to make him special referee. Bret came out and roughed up Vince Mcmahon. It's funny how things played out later in the year.



Austin giving Mike Tyson the finger.

Savage attacking Steamboat with the ringbell

The DX re-union with HHH turning on Shawn


Shawn collapsing because of the Owen kick(classic and well done)

Mr. Perfect smashing the wwf title to pieces


Anyone remember the Hart Foundation headquarters? I can't recall it by detail, but it did make me laugh. That's it for now.

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Guest goatfish

I don't know who said it up above, but the Jericho title swerve on Raw was the real last memorable one to me. Just awesome because of the crowd reaction and it wasn't like a Taka-HHH match, the people could actually buy Jericho going over, yet it was completly unexpected. HHH wasn't the super unstoppable force that he became in about a year, and Jericho had legitimate "We need to see this guy win" heat, not the "Where's the run in to make sure HHH keeps the title" uneasy type of heat that Jericho would have now. It's sad to see what has happened to Jericho now, but during that run he was getting face heat that nobody in the WWE currently has.

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Austin giving Mike Tyson the finger.

That right there was the moment WWE exploded into the mainstream. I know they didn't overtake Nitro for a few months, but I can still remember that clip... How many different stations the next day showed the 'wrassler' Stone Cold Steve Austin giving Mike Tyson the bird, then those two coming to blows? TONS.


JR: "Here we go... Tyson and Austin! Tyson and Austin!"


Was it the single greatest WWE moment ever? No, probably not. But it was certainly one of the most important.

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Mr. Perfect smashing the wwf title to pieces


!!! What was this about?

Mr Perfect stole the WWF Title belt, and, on the Brother Love Show, used a hammer to smash it up into pieces. Hogan later took the broken belt in his hands, and began to cry.


Supertar Billy Graham and Bob Backlund did the same angle back when SBG returned to the WWF during his second big stint. Backlund lost a ton of heat with thhe crying, because he came off as so babyish.

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I'd have to go with ECW re-forming. That was just awesome until they joined with WCW, then it sucked. Also the Heyman promo on Vince, that was just Heyman at one of his best times in WWE so far.


I would say the Jericho debute but it got ruined when Rock basically put Jericho in his place after a few minutes.

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Wow! So many great moments.


Anywho here's some of mine:


Jake Roberts setting his cobra on Randy Savage in 1991.


Shawn Michaels superkicking Marty Jannetty through the Barber Shop window in 1992 was great. That was a hell of a moment.


Bob Backlund "snapping" on Raw in 1994.


The Bret Hart/Steve Austin streetfight on Raw in 1997.


Chris Jericho's debut in 1999.


The Chris Jericho championship swerve from 2000.


Any of the Edge/Christian/Foley stuff from 2000.


Any of the Austin/Angle/Vince stuff from 2001.


The ECW re-formation.


Chris Jericho's "I am not a joke" promo on Smackdown before the 2002 Royal Rumble.


The Booker/Goldust stuff in 2002.

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Mr. Perfect smashing the wwf title to pieces


!!! What was this about?

Mr Perfect stole the WWF Title belt, and, on the Brother Love Show, used a hammer to smash it up into pieces. Hogan later took the broken belt in his hands, and began to cry.


Supertar Billy Graham and Bob Backlund did the same angle back when SBG returned to the WWF during his second big stint. Backlund lost a ton of heat with thhe crying, because he came off as so babyish.

Actually, Mr. Perfect stole the belt from ringside when Hogan had a non-title match with "The Genius" Lanny Poffo on Saturday Night's Main Event(now that show had classics). They then proceeded to smash the belt in the interview room. Hogan got a hold of the belt and said "The only thing that will be Perfect, Mr. Perfect is the perfect defeat of you" as Hogan looks down at the broken pieces on the leather held in his hand like a platter. Another folklore about WM 6's main event actually had Mr. Perfect going against Hogan with this being the set up. It was also thought that Perfect would go over Hogan for the strap to retain the Perfect record, but the old school mentality of not wanting a heel go over in the main of Mania prevented it. How different would things have been with that direction? Hogan and Perfect did the blow-off match on the post Mania 6 SNME card on NBC with Perfect getting the secondary title soon after in a tournament.


Speaking of Hogan, how could "They were identical...IDENTICAL" be left out? The twin referee angle was classic. Hogan was actually crying. Another great moment was the time Andre put a beatdown on Hogan that even the locker room came out and got its tail kicked by Andre. Hacksaw Jim Duggan came out with his 2x4 and broke it over Andre's back. His destruction of the British Bulldogs was hilarious. The show faded with Andre holding the belt around his waist or at least attempting to hold it around his waist. Only if Big Show had that kind of aura.

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Guest Loss

ALL the segments the night of Edge's birthday party when E & C were a team were fantastic.


Kurt Angle: "I think Commissioner Foley likes you guys."

Christian: "He also likes Pop Tarts and scratching himself. What do you want me to do about it?"

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