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WWF files papers against WWF

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The World Wildlife Fund served papers today against World Wrestling Entertainment for the years of usage of the WWF initials, violating an agreement the two sides had made.


This is the extension of the case which led to the wrestling company changing its name. The case, to be heard in British High Court, would assess a monetary damage for WWE's violation of the agreement not to promote using the WWF name outside of North America, from 1994 through 2002, when the company changed its public name. The sides reached that agreement as a settlement, since the Fund claimed ownership of the world wide rights to the WWF initials, and had been using them since 1961.


It will probably be years before this case actually goes to court, if the sides don't settle out of court. The Fund, in previous negotiations to settle the case completely, has asked for tens of millions of dollars, and the wrestling company hasn't even in the ballpark when it comes to a figure they'd agree to.


WWE claims because the organizations are different, there is no marketplace confusion, and thus, no monetary damages.


Credit - WO.com

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Guest LooneyTune

Don't these Panda Fuckers have anything better to do than slap lawsuits on McMahon, like throwing animal blood on people and crapping in the middle of public areas?

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Guest Askewniverse

If the WWFund is so concerned with its initials, why did they sell the WWF.com domain name?

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Vince only rapes blondes.  I thought that was common knowledge.


Big Show as a Panda would be GREAT though.

What if Gene Snitsky changes his focus from baby killer to a more Ted Nugget type of hunter character. The 1st hunt would be to control the panda population at the company costume party......poor Eugene, Big Show, Rosie all had the same panda costume.

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Don't these Panda Fuckers have anything better to do than slap lawsuits on McMahon, like throwing animal blood on people and crapping in the middle of public areas?

They dont fuck the pandas...they make love to the pandas.

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I wish South Park would cover this. Seriously what excatly has Vince done wrong with the initals? He's blurred them all out on the dvd's/vhs's, he doesn't promote the WWF anymore he promotes the WWE. You know if Vince just stayed in the US this wouldn't have happen.

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Considering that this suit pertains to *past* "damage" done to the Fund, it's more like Pandas vs. McMahon Episode I of a prequel trilogy.


Ted Nugget



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Why is everyone jumping on the Pandas...they have had those initials since 1961.....McMahon and his company are the ones who violated the agreement...NOT the World Wildlife Fund...


If I were them I would be fighting as well...

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If the WWFund is so concerned with its initials, why did they sell the WWF.com domain name?

Didn't they sell it to a wrestling thing too?


Anywho, I have to agree with Vince on this. Hell how many here even knew of the pandas before hand? Hell I didn't....and I doubt I'm alone. Sides do the panda people promote in the same manor? If not, how can there be confusion. Don't think I've ever encountered a flyer for the Wild Life Fund, let alone seen a TV commercial.



I think to be a dick Vince should find the most redeck marks possible and use them to prove how no one could confuse the two compnies...


Vince needs a heel tag tem of hippies now....you can steal that one WWE.


Why is everyone jumping on the Pandas...they have had those initials since 1961.....McMahon and his company are the ones who violated the agreement...NOT the World Wildlife Fund...

If I were them I would be fighting as well...


Because its 3 letters. Alone, they're meaningless. Vince made them into something...the pandas didn't. I mean does the KKK have copyrights to "KKK". I mean its not like anyone else wants them, but its the same idea.

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Guest LooneyTune

Who here HONESTLY thinks of the Panda People when someone says "WWF"? I rest my case filled with sexual torture devices.

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Guest LooneyTune

Why don't they sue the other...4,607,438 companies that initials happen to be WWF? I'm pretty sure those letter's aren't very rare. It's not like someone calling themselves QXF.

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Guest shis

Omg, I really getting tired of this. They got the wwe to change their name now they are bragging about something else.


They should be sueing wwf.com!

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Guest LooneyTune

When do we get Mr. T suing Booker T because he owns the rights to the letter "T"?

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Why don't they sue the other...4,607,438 companies that initials happen to be WWF? I'm pretty sure those letter's aren't very rare. It's not like someone calling themselves QXF.

Just like "Spike".

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I'm starting to think the Wildlife Fund has monetary problems and now just sues the WWE everytime they need more money.

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Why are they suing in Britain? Is that where the Panda people have their headquarters? If this case were placed in a US court, Vince would win. Silly pandas.

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WWE should offer to buy the intiials off the charity. If the charity refuse the majority of their membership will protest as the money gained could be used to save animals etc. If they refused it would also expose their complete hypocracy.... Is the fund actually owned by someone? it oviously has to have some sort of figurehead... If possible Vince should just buy the whole thing (but oviously continue the charitable work)

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The last two posts there were absolutely retarded.


1) Had the WWFund been in the US at the time, then the WWE would be *fucked* for the simple and undeniable fact that the WWFund applied for Trademark protection before the WWE.


2)The WWE cannot afford to buy the initials and the WWF would never sell them. Right now the WWE's financial status is based on cutting costs, buying the name would put them in the loss side of an income statement.


3)The WWFund is right here. For one, Vince broke the rules of their agreement. He has to pay the consequences. The WWFund right now, especially in America, doesn't have the distinct brand recognition it should. Go out and ask someone "Do you like the WWF?" and I seriously wonder what they'd say. Obviously they have encountered problems as well or else they wouldn't have filed for the damages the WWE has caused them over the past decade.


4)In todays world, brand equity is very, very important, even for Conservationists such as the WWF. In the grand scheme of things, what the WWF does is so much fucking better than what the WWE does. They are so much more important and good to and for this world. If strong brand image is important for their success (and it is), then the more power to them. The WWE did this to their OWN FANS, so forgive me for not giving a shit if they lose millions of dollars. Poor Vince might have to give up that $4 million+ salary.

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