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I'm dissappointed but I'll say one thing, bitching about it and pouting ain't gonna get anything done.

Send that memo to Kerry please.

OBAMA in '12!


(That's right I'm conceeding '08, Dems need to restructure)

Who do you guys think the GOP nominee will be in 2008? Jeb?


Rudy has a shot.

Personally, I think they will go with another unknown like Bush was.

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I'm dissappointed but I'll say one thing, bitching about it and pouting ain't gonna get anything done.

Send that memo to Kerry please.

OBAMA in '12!


(That's right I'm conceeding '08, Dems need to restructure)

Who do you guys think the GOP nominee will be in 2008? Jeb?

Jeb said he won't run in 2008.


2012, however, is a possibility and Jeb has a MUCH better record than W of winning in a divisive state like Florida.

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Oy. my head hurts. Eventually there's going to be a count, that cuonts everything, absentee, provisional, cast, blah blah blah. I think i'm gonna just ignore all the rhetoric that will come from it, and only look at the numbers.

Commence bitching.

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Guest MikeSC
November 3rd, 2004...


The day Democracy in America died.

Hmm, said the guy whose man he supports is threatening lawsuits and fights to try and turn OH to his camp.



Who do you guys think the GOP nominee will be in 2008? Jeb?

Jeb has said no way he'd run (he'd never win). Giuliani is a good bet.


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I'm dissappointed but I'll say one thing, bitching about it and pouting ain't gonna get anything done.

Send that memo to Kerry please.

OBAMA in '12!


(That's right I'm conceeding '08, Dems need to restructure)

Who do you guys think the GOP nominee will be in 2008? Jeb?

That's what my friend swears, but I cannot believe that it'll happen.


My money is either Guiliani or McCain gets the spot.

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Guest thetrendsetter

I can't understand how any Canadian could not like bush... Our Dollar is rapidly approaching respectable, GASP, even competetive levels with the United States... Bush has been the best thing for our economy in the past 2 decades.

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A centrist like McCain, Rudy, or George Pataki would have a serious shot in 2008...


ESPECIALLY since the extreme left wing of the Dems has made noises about pulling the party further to the left, win or lose in 2004.

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It's a republican controlled government now. All 3 branches controlled by the GOP. I'm completely ashamed of my fellow americans tonight.


Enjoy the next four years of complete and utter hell.

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If this was Howard Dean, we would have won.

If by "we" you mean the Republicans, yes, yes you would have. :)


I'd like to see McCain run. I respect him a lot.

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Guest Loss

Oh, the system worked. The public has spoken. I won't deny that. I'll just admit that I'm disgusted with the populace. I'll tolerate it because I have no choice, but I won't like it.


If we can get through the next four years without overturning Roe v. Wade, getting attacked again, invading another country for false reasons or shipping gay people off to an island, I guess I can deal.

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I'm dissappointed but I'll say one thing, bitching about it and pouting ain't gonna get anything done.

Send that memo to Kerry please.

OBAMA in '12!


(That's right I'm conceeding '08, Dems need to restructure)

Who do you guys think the GOP nominee will be in 2008? Jeb?

That'd figure that the Bush's could do what the Kennedy's couldn't (if only that pesky Sirhan Sirhan wasn't in that California kitchen)

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Guest Brian

You don't move. That's running away from problems. You work to fix them, no matter how big they may be.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I can't understand how any Canadian could not like bush... Our Dollar is rapidly approaching respectable, GASP, even competetive levels with the United States... Bush has been the best thing for our economy in the past 2 decades.

Our improving dollar does dull the pain of seeing the American public lose their minds.

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Who do you guys think the GOP nominee will be in 2008?


McCain or Powell please. :)




By the way, now that Bush clearly won Florida fair and square this time before the new day started, I hope somebody comes with a T-Shirt saying "No Recounts Necessary", I'd certainly buy it.

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Oh, the system worked. The public has spoken. I won't deny that. I'll just admit that I'm disgusted with the populace. I'll tolerate it because I have no choice, but I won't like it.


If we can get through the next four years without overturning Roe v. Wade, getting attacked again, invading another country for false reasons or shipping gay people off to an island, I guess I can deal.

I don't know..there are a few countries who have been looking at us kinda funny lately..



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Oh, the system worked. The public has spoken. I won't deny that. I'll just admit that I'm disgusted with the populace. I'll tolerate it because I have no choice, but I won't like it.


If we can get through the next four years without overturning Roe v. Wade, getting attacked again, invading another country for false reasons or shipping gay people off to an island, I guess I can deal.



I sympathize that you're upset about Bush winning, but please, all of you Democrats who are acting like this: learn to lose GRACEFULLY.


THAT is the way you earn respect from us cold-hearted 'pubs.


Not by whining like children.

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Oh, the system worked. The public has spoken. I won't deny that. I'll just admit that I'm disgusted with the populace. I'll tolerate it because I have no choice, but I won't like it.


If we can get through the next four years without overturning Roe v. Wade, getting attacked again, invading another country for false reasons or shipping gay people off to an island, I guess I can deal.

Overturning Roe Vs. Wade? That'll be a stretch in the next 4 years.



Most of the SC justices that are in danger of retirement or dying are of the conservative-leaning side, either centrists (O'Connor) or further right (Rehnquist).



The only left-leaning justice I could see dying anytime soon is John Paul Stevens just because he's about 85. Even then, he's not as leftist as any of the Clinton appointees.

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Guest Brian

All I know is that this election is going to cause people to get even more radical. The party is going to pull back to center to attract the rural vote, and people are going to splinter off and get even more radical.


There's a strong movement on the West Coast to revive the Panther Party.

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Guest SP-1

Let them have their melodramatic rhetoric.


Just log off and go have some fun with fellow republicans.

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