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Gary Floyd

Arrested Development Season 2

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Missed it Sunday, but I was able to download it today. Fucking beautiful. The Charlie Brown gag was gold, and seeing Ice and Barry again was excellent.






"Hey, where the fuck are my hard-boiled eggs?!"

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Any episode with Barry in it is awesome. 'And I just found the will, too'


I also loved the return of the Aztec Tomb and Lindsay's 'SLUT' shirt, as well as the cartoon of George Sr. being dipped into the Cornballer and the loophole in the Mexican prison system.


Buster dancing behind Gob was great, too. There's too much stuff to list and I'm probably forgetting a bunch of shit I thought was great when I saw it.

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George Sr. teaching his kids a lesson about leaving notes feat. the severed arm man was a big highlight of season one for me.



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Guest El Satanico
Simply fantastic. Gob is one letter away from "god", which he happens to be.

Try that one again.

Are you calling him on the spelling of his name? If so, he's correct in spelling it Gob.

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Simply fantastic. Gob is one letter away from "god", which he happens to be.

Try that one again.

Are you calling him on the spelling of his name? If so, he's correct in spelling it Gob.

Try that one again.


EDIT: Actually, I'm incorrect. When he said "one letter away," I thought he meant that "B" was one letter away from "D."



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This is already, IMO one of the truly great comedies on TV of all time, no hyperbole. I have not disliked an episode yet. And for every time I crack up, (maybe once every 90 seconds?) I chuckle at least twice. It's amazing the way they can pack in great lines and also keep a cohesive and interesting storyline going. I REALLY hope this show doesn't get cancelled, but I think it'll get support, because a first-year Emmy comedy winner from FOX has got to please them.

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Simply fantastic. Gob is one letter away from "god", which he happens to be.

Try that one again.

Are you calling him on the spelling of his name? If so, he's correct in spelling it Gob.

Try that one again.


EDIT: Actually, I'm incorrect. When he said "one letter away," I thought he meant that "B" was one letter away from "D."



I didn't mean literally one letter. I meant it in the...philosophical sense.


I noticed watching the Blind Lawyer arc that Maggie has a Cornballer in her kitchen when Tobias breaks in. There are a load of hidden jokes. Let's keep the thread going until Sunday by pointing them out. Downhome can probably provide screens if necessary.

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When George Sr. is imagining what a kid that he and Kitty would have would look like, the picture is provided by 'Mommy, What Will I Look Like?', which was one of Lindsay's failed companies.


I know TV Tome will usually list all of the inside jokes in most episodes.

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Guest El Satanico

I'd say the fact that it's still on the air, shows that they have Fox's backing. The fact that it gives Fox an Emmy presense, can only help to ensure that Fox will treat it well.

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"They're balls."


Holy shit. Every single episode keeps getting better!


"The Final Countdown" ringtone!

"Moderate to high treason."

"I've seen those before."

The cut-offs return!


And they brought back the "I'll just hide behind that chair" prosecutor!


Man, people are missing out something fierce.

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Quotes from tvtome-


Michael: Oscar, please. You can't go. You got to stay, ok? This is the nicest she's (Lucille) been since she found out that Rosa could breast-feed Buster.

Oscar: God willing, he'll fail boot camp.

Michael: Well, why wouldn't he? He already failed day camp.


Michael: Why'd you have to come back here in the first place?

George Sr.: Oh, no reason. Your mother happens to be just shtupping my brother, that's all.


Barry: Well, if he's got a shot with her, just give me a little tap on the fanny.

Michael: It's not going to happen.


Barry: Can I have a moment alone with my client, please? (to Michael) Did you follow any of that?


George Sr.: Hey, by the way, I broke this thing. What the hell is it, anyway?

Michael: That's a breast pump, dad.

George Sr.: Oh, well, I did not use it for that.

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Guest PlatinumBoy
Seriously, Barry is the best character on television.

That's the great thing about this show--you could make a "This character is the best on television" argument for so many of them. I loved how the gay guy in the military was the same one who worked for Barry and sued him as well. Awesome episode--this and "Amigos" are the best two of the season so far I think.

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Classic David Cross moment: I'm on TV....


I also mark for Steve Holt's 'STEVE HOLT!' nickname.


Also for the return of the line about smoking marijuana 'like a cigarette.'

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Guest Thrashist

I used to work most Sunday nights so aside from a couple episodes last year, I've only started to get into the show for the second season so far, and it is simply AWESOME. Please tell me that the first season was as good as this, because I plan on picking up Season One's DVD the very second finals are over.


I've never seen a show that has so many characters that are so memorable, so many little details that reward the attentive viewer yet still remain entirely accessible to the casual viewer. Of the main cast, there's not a single person that is out of place and who I feel doesn't have a crucial part of the story.


It's funny, in the midst of all of the outlandish characters and over-the-top storylines, one of my more favorite running gags on the show is the relationship between Michael and Ann. Michael is the straight man to the ENTIRE family, yet to her only he is so hilariously obnoxious. The best was last week when he invited her to the wake and was like "OH HEY ANN I DIDN'T KNOW IF YOU GOT MY MESSAGE!!!111" and she was like "It wasn't a message. We talked." Hahahaha.


This week's episode ruled, but last week's was just amazing.

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Holy God, tonight's episode is f'n awesome so far.


"Well that's the worst thing I've ever heard."

"And I had to drive, she had a little buzz on."

"No, that's it."


And Buster getting $100 in quarters!


LMAO @ the cutoffs after the towel fell off of Tobias.


"*BEEP* you Tom!"


The entire speech in the office.


The duet!


Gob is quickly becoming the greatest character ever on TV.

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"Maybe I'll put it in her brownie"


"I got blown so I can't sleep"


"If I don't fire them, then how do I teach a lesson to the others?"

"There are no others, you fired them all."


"I came in last night and there was a colored man in my kitchen."

"Color, what color?"



"That's my wife and my nephew...we have an open relationship!"


This episode is running on all cylinders.

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On the next Arrested Development...


The Blue Man Group finally calls Tobias, offering him a life changing opportunity...unfortunately he can't hear the phone, so his life stays the same.


That was one of the greatest episodes of any show, ever.




I was literally in TEARS from laughing so hard.

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Someone at DVDTalk mentioned this, and I thought I'd post it here. Ever since they mentioned it, I'll never be able to think of this the same.




I'll always think of it more like this, with the "Christmas Time is Here" music and everything.



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Is there any question now that this show is the best written, acted show on network right now.


Please tell me it's doing better in the ratings.

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You're a fucking moron if you think so.


I was skeptical on whether AD was as good as everyone said- and let me tell you...


Season 2 rules and I'm about to watch my Season 1 DVD

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