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5 months ago, he became WWE Champion... and we wanted to kill everyone on the booking committee for making MOTHER FUCKING BRADSHAW WWE Champion...


Fast foward to November... I see he has made fans out of a few of you. I will admit, his promos are pretty damn good. Has he gotten better in the ring? Well.... not really.


So 5 months after he won the WWE title, do you buy into him as a credible champion, and do you find him entertaining?

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He's not credible to me, if only for the fact that he hasn't had major decisive win. And while he might be entertaining, comedy doesn't work in main events. Comedy is fine for midcard acts, which is what JBL would be best at, but for a supposed top guy, it's death.

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Well, I wouldn't be surprised if JBL holds the damn title all the way to WM 21 and face off against John Cena. I'm sure people will be pissed if he wears it all the way to Mania. The revolt would arise again I bet. It's tolerable now to some, but for the road to Mania? It seems Kurt Angle is on jobbing duty and is going to face HBK at WM from the SS stuff I've read. Anyone else thinks JBL would fit Evolution? Maybe they should have made JBL go to raw and put him into Evolution. Bradshaw and HHH in the same group with their heeldom running over the faces? That would be a killswitch.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Not at all, he hasn't beaten anyone during his title reign. Undertaker gave him nothing. I don't like JBL but if they're going to give him the WWE Title they should at least do it right.


The Title's been completely devalued during his reign.

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Cena vs Bradshaw + Orton vs Triple H = Me not buying WrestleMania. In fact, ANYTHING that involves Bradshaw in the main event will not be purchased by me. Just job him at Armageddon and be done with it. Then, maybe, MAYBE he can have a run in the US Title division.


But I did think his interview on last week's SD was GREAT.

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Sometimes I wish I could actually get Smackdown so that I could see what this JBL character is all about - but then I remember it's Justin Bradshaw and I go back to not caring all over again. ;)

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Cena vs Bradshaw + Orton vs Triple H = Me not buying WrestleMania.

Worst. Title. Matches. Ever. for WrestleMania. (if it happens)


Yes, even that dreadful Taker/Sid match would top it(well JBL's title match at least). At least Taker regaining the title had some value back then.

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He's not credible to me, if only for the fact that he hasn't had major decisive win. And while he might be entertaining, comedy doesn't work in main events. Comedy is fine for midcard acts, which is what JBL would be best at, but for a supposed top guy, it's death.

Think about it this way . . . . if the Honky Tonk Man had become WWF Champ back in the late '80's, what would the main event scene be like? Much the same as JBL, Honky was good for an entertaining, albeit comedic match, and never really decisively defeated any opponents. Would HTM's character fit the mold of a WWF Champion? I don't think so . . . . . and it's the same type of deal with JBL.


JBL's matches have largely been entertaining, but not on a "dramatic main event" level, but more on a mid-card/maybe semi-main-event level. I think he'd be a fantastic US champion, especially with the Dallas-esque gimmick and a "Chief of Staff" that's constantly saving his ass. But as a WWE champ, I'm just not buying the credibility. I think he was on to something right before the Great American Bash when he was madder than hell - I think he could've played off of that situation to become a more aggressive champ. But soon afterward, he went back to the same comedic gimmick he still has today.


In his defense, he's really done the most with what he's been given. And let's face it, if you'd been in the business for 10+ years, and the creative team decided to put the title on you (no matter the gimmick), would you say no? I'm honestly OK with JBL as champ from a wrestling perspective - after all, we endured Diesel, Yokozuna, Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, etc. as champ - none of which, IMO, are any better than JBL wrestling-wise. But from a "gimmick" perspective, it's just been an odd fit.


That's my two-cents worth . . . well, more like 40 or 50 cents, I guess LOL

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I think you need to see Hogan title defenses against guys like Savage, Dibase, Paul Orndorff, Perfect and even Bundy before ever saying JBL isn't worst wrestling wise. Look at the big picture of the history of the championship. You think JBL would have been able to have the same kind of match Hogan had with Ultimate Warrior at WrestleMania? I don't even think he's better than Yokozuna to be honest. Yoko at least seemed credible with his size and how he handled himself in the ring. From just a perceptive level he seemed kind of hard to defeat as a champion.

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Guest LooneyTune

Hogan has actually had more than 1 match over *** in his entire career. JBL has had 1 (vs. Eddie Guerrero) since 1996, and I say that because I've never heard of him before then.

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Guest hhheld_down

I like JBL's character alot, I think he protrays it very well but like just about everyone on this board, I do agree its not WWE champion material. As a wrestler he is absolutely horrible, boring as all hell which doesnt make him a must see. Plus I think there is still the factor that it is BRADSHAW for god sakes (a guy who was shot up out of absolutely nowhere for NO reason) and that doesnt help him. Plus, when 4 weeks of RAW gets the ME at a major event like Survivor Series over the WWE championship, it hurts JBL cause noone can take him seriously. Hell the US title gets more actual MEs spots on SD! than the WWE title. I myself havent bought a ppv since JBL was champion and dont plan on it.

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I like Bradshaw's character a lot more than I expected to. But just looking at "WWE Champion: Bradshaw" on paper just doesn't look like it makes any sesne. While I'm all for them putting the title on new people...it's still the guy from the APA.


I think he would work well with a really long US title reign. American Dream blah blah. Would still give him a title, credibility, and promo time.


But world champ with Virgil 2.0 just isn't working for me. I just hate the idea that the guy's good enough to be champ, but can't win a match on his own. That's why HHH was so good in 99-00. He didn't need run ins for EVERY defense.

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They needed sometime to play a role that I honestly don't think anyone could do. I've heard loyalty means nothing in wrestling, so if he wasn't given the title for sticking with the company, he certainly wasn't given the title for being a great in ring performer... or was he? The WWE Main Event style works well with brawlers, which JBL is through and through. I've enjoyed his matches, promos, alignment with Orlando Jordan, and sneaky, cheap ways of winning every match. I can honestly say that he's made Smackdown! more interesting to watch, at least for me.

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I think you need to see Hogan title defenses against guys like Savage, Dibase, Paul Orndorff, Perfect and even Bundy before ever saying JBL isn't worst wrestling wise. Look at the big picture of the history of the championship. You think JBL would have been able to have the same kind of match Hogan had with Ultimate Warrior at WrestleMania? I don't even think he's better than Yokozuna to be honest. Yoko at least seemed credible with his size and how he handled himself in the ring. From just a perceptive level he seemed kind of hard to defeat as a champion.

I have seen all of those Hogan title defenses, multiple times over, and they are outstanding matches, no doubt. I'm just saying that from a "Big Man" perspective as it relates to the WWF/E title, I personally don't think that JBL is all that different (better OR worse) than any of the larger champs.


I don't think his matches have been atrociously bad, and given the right opponent (such as Eddie Guerrero), they're actually fairly decent. Not saying it's right for him to have a long and storied title reign . . . just saying that, as "Hoss Champs" go, I don't think he's all that bad. To me, it's the comedic gimmick that's the problem, thus making him an iffy champion at best.


And in no way am I comparing the greatness of his matches to past champs like Hogan and Warrior, none of JBL's matches have even come close. But as a hoss goes, JBL isn't all that bad - what can I say, I guess he's grown on me . . . I was pretty pissed when he first won the title, and I still have mixed emotions about it, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. I know that makes no sense, but that's how I feel about it.


It's my own damned opinion, I know . . . . go ahead and flame me :-)

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I wouldn't mind having the lug as Champion so much, not that I'd ever be happy with it, if he won a big match clean once in a while. Most of the problems with him as champion stem from the fact that his matches are always overbooked to the hilt, and never have a clean or decisive finish. People don't pay $34.95 for screwjobs in World Title matches.

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I'm past being angry about JBL as champ and am just trying to make the most out of it while he holds the belt. He's had some good matches and some great interviews, so it hasn't been all that bad. I'm looking forward for after he loses the title because then I think JBL will become really valuable to Smackdown. He won't be the champion anymore, but since he had a long reign he'll be all the more credible and his future feuds will be all that much better for it.

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They got Bradshaw over. Enough said.



I enjoy his promos and he has stepped it up in the ring, all while bringing publicity to himself and the WWE. You guys just need to stop looking at it as BRADSHAW, APA Jobber Guy. If you look at it as just JBL, he is very entertaining.

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They got Bradshaw over.

Buy rates with him in the main event say otherwise.

He isn't drawing noticebly worse than HHH is. I believe Taboo Tuesday got a lower buyrate than No Mercy, did it not?

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They got Bradshaw over.

Buy rates with him in the main event say otherwise.

He isn't drawing noticebly worse than HHH is. I believe Taboo Tuesday got a lower buyrate than No Mercy, did it not?

No Mercy got a 0.03 bigger buy rate: 0.44 versus 0.475.


To be fair to JBL, nobody is over right now. Buy rates are down, house show attendance is terrible. Business is down across the board. The money situation is so bad that management are offering advances on pay.

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Guest Trivia247

Credibility doesn't come from doing limo rides to the ring, different Theme music or have underlings or basically insulting anyone that doesn't believe how you believe, and some of those that do. the Dallas gone Wallstreet gimmick isn't credibility.


Credibility is the performance through skill that tells the story in the ring. Sure anyone can talk a big game on the mic, but someone who can perform as a main eventer?

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I can see why some people might like Bradshaw's gimmick, but I'll never see him as the WWE Champion. Ever.

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I could see myself warming up to the gimmick if it had been played for midcard comedy from the start. It never needed a world title involved. If they wanted him to carry the belt for this long they needed to accentuate the serious side of the character, they can't have it both ways and book him as a main-eventer and a comedy act at the same time, AS A HEEL, there's just too much working against the character in that scenario, first and foremost the talent level of the player.

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Guest JMA

It's weird, months before Bradshaw became "JBL" I suggested a gimmick similar to it (even announcing him from New York). It would be kind of hypocritical for me to say I didn't like the gimmick. The problem is that they went too far--MUCH too far. JBL wasn't built up as a heel enough before he won the title; he was simply pushed into the main event scene. Fans have to get to know a character before they can develop an emotional connection with them, whether they cheer or boo the character. JBL should've lost clean to Eddie at Judgment Day in a close match, thus showing that JBL is a "new man" and a threat to every champion on Smackdown. From there he should've gone on to feud with Cena and eventually won the US title from him. Instead, JBL getting fired from CNBC threw a wrench into those plans.


Do I find JBL to be a credible WWE Champion? No, I don't. I would find him to be a credible upper-midcard heel, but not a main eventer. In my view, putting the WWE title on him was a huge mistake and devalued the title. Guerrero should've had a much longer run with the belt and lost it to someone who was over as a main eventer.

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