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Guest Salacious Crumb

Their tag team finisher would be grabbing a random fan out of the crowd and using him like a baseball bat or just beating up fans in general.

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Guest LooneyTune
If that motherfucker Artest woulda tackled me, especially when I didn't even do anything, I would've elbowed him right in his fuckin' brain stem and kneed his damn teeth out.


And what the hell was up with Stephen Jackson? Did that son of a bitch have something to prove or something? Damn!

I thought trying to act "Gangsta" on a message board went out of style in 2001.

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I'm not going to comment or focus on the suspensions. This is the Eastern Conference. With repeat performances like the ones from the Joneses and David Harrison, and more consistent play from Croshere, we'll still be in the playoff mix, even if not in the top two anymore. We'll still have the whole gang back, sans Artest, for the All-Star break.


We will still make the playoffs, and you can all quote me on that.

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Guest Brian

How strong is the NBA player's union in comparison to other sports, and how will penalties be handled as a result?


As for the question earlier, most definately the fan should be able to defend himself if something is thrown at him by a player, especially if it's unexpected and unprovoked. As for Artest's suspension, I can understand though it'll probably be knocked down to 25-30 if the union has any power. And that's probably what he'll get for not having thrown a fist at the fan in the stands. I think the only precedence is to look at what happened in baseball and realize there was absolutely no provocation for Francisco in the Rangers game only has a fifteen game suspension, or a tenth of the season, for a far more violent and intrusive action.


As for O'Neal, he was techically protecting his player from a fan that got involved on his turf. That action of Artest's, from a fan that was obviously trying to start something as he was completely mouthing off and had been tailed by his friend, should not have been considered in his sentence. The guy was getting back up and there was no guarantee he wouldn't have gone right back after Artest. That sentence should definately be reduced.

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If that motherfucker Artest woulda tackled me, especially when I didn't even do anything, I would've elbowed him right in his fuckin' brain stem and kneed his damn teeth out.


And what the hell was up with Stephen Jackson?  Did that son of a bitch have something to prove or something?  Damn!

I thought trying to act "Gangsta" on a message board went out of style in 2001.

I didn't think that defending yourself is "gangsta." The way I've always seen it is if you get attacked, you fight back. People on here are acting like if he came rushing at them they would just cover up. If he came rushing at me he would walk right into a right hand. I'm still waiting for somebody to shut these stupid thugs in all pro sports up.

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If that motherfucker Artest woulda tackled me, especially when I didn't even do anything, I would've elbowed him right in his fuckin' brain stem and kneed his damn teeth out.


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Artest deserved it. This sets the precend: DON'T JUMP INTO THE STANDS TO PUNCH A FAN.

Anyone else wondering whether Banky actually WATCHED what occured?


It's like we have a RTC representative here or something.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

I just found out about this thing 45 minutes ago. DAMN.


I can't really justify either side. So all I will say is this; Artest is insane but so are fans for throwing items at players. neither is Justified.

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Artest deserved it.  This sets the precend: DON'T JUMP INTO THE STANDS TO PUNCH A FAN.

Anyone else wondering whether Banky actually WATCHED what occured?


It's like we have a RTC representative here or something.

I agree with him. They're professional athletes.

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Artest deserved it.  This sets the precend: DON'T JUMP INTO THE STANDS TO PUNCH A FAN.

Anyone else wondering whether Banky actually WATCHED what occured?


It's like we have a RTC representative here or something.

I agree with him. They're professional athletes.

What do you agree with him on?


The fact that he reprimanded Artest for punching a fan, his whole basis of his argument yesterday, when Artest did NOT punch the fan?

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But he ATTACKED him. The fact that he didn't punch that fan doesn't justify anything.


He did punch the fan that was on the court. Granted the fan should never have been on the court, but why did Artest have to punch him? There was NO REASON for that.


So you think he shouldn't be suspended for the whole season?

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Guest MikeSC
Artest deserved it.  This sets the precend: DON'T JUMP INTO THE STANDS TO PUNCH A FAN.

Anyone else wondering whether Banky actually WATCHED what occured?


It's like we have a RTC representative here or something.

I agree with him. They're professional athletes.

What do you agree with him on?


The fact that he reprimanded Artest for punching a fan, his whole basis of his argument yesterday, when Artest did NOT punch the fan?

Artest attacked the fan first and set in motions all of the problems that came from that incident. Due to Artest's actions, his thug teammate Jackson attacked fans. Due to that, fans went onto the court, where Artest sucker punched that tubby guy in a Pistons jersey.


Artest should be banned for life. If that child can't avoid attacking fans, then he should go flip burgers or whatever menial task a man of his towering intellect is qualified to do.


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But he ATTACKED him. The fact that he didn't punch that fan doesn't justify anything.

At the most, it justifies a 10-game suspension, in the same vein of the Maxwell suspension ten years prior.


He did punch the fan that was on the court. Granted the fan should never have been on the court, but why did Artest have to punch him? There was NO REASON for that.


Why do wrestlers tackle or deck fans who jump the rail?


What would you expect to happen to you if you ran onto a NBA court, a NFL field or a wrestling ring?


So you think he shouldn't be suspended for the whole season?


Absolutely not. If Stern was trying to make the RIGHT point, he would've suspended Jackson longer than Artest, and given a lenient one to O'Neal.

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Due to that, fans went onto the court, where Artest sucker punched that tubby guy in a Pistons jersey.

Didn't you state earlier that the fans on the court deserved the beating?


(TheOriginalOrangeGoblin @ Nov 21 2004, 12:17 AM) (Girl U Want @ Nov 20 2004, 05:50 PM)


O'Neal should get a year too.

For what?!?! The fan was dumb enough to get on the court, he deserves whatever the fuck he gets.


O'Neal should get 2-3 games, MAX.

Agree with that. An idiot goes on the court, they deserve a beating.


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Guest MikeSC
Due to that, fans went onto the court, where Artest sucker punched that tubby guy in a Pistons jersey.

Didn't you state earlier that the fans on the court deserved the beating?


(TheOriginalOrangeGoblin @ Nov 21 2004, 12:17 AM) (Girl U Want @ Nov 20 2004, 05:50 PM)


O'Neal should get a year too.

For what?!?! The fan was dumb enough to get on the court, he deserves whatever the fuck he gets.


O'Neal should get 2-3 games, MAX.

Agree with that. An idiot goes on the court, they deserve a beating.


Yes, they do. However, in the case of THAT fan (I missed the shot the first time through), the fan didn't do anything. His hands weren't even up when thugboy hit the first sucker punch. What O'Neal did was idiotic, but he didn't know what the fan was doing. Artest did.


...Quite frankly, Artest SHOULD be brought up on assault charges...

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

The fan was running on the court, Artest had every reason to assume that fan was charging him.


I'm not saying punching him was right but after what happened in Chicago a couple years ago, Players/Coaches can't be blamed for assuming they are out to attack.


No one wins here, the idiot fans should be charged for stupidity, Artest was wrong to charge after the fan in the stands but was justified to protect himself from the fan on the court.


Basically, this is one complete fucking mess where EVERYONE is at blame.

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Guest MikeSC
The fan was running on the court, Artest had every reason to assume that fan was charging him.

The fan was walking and facing him. His hands weren't up and Artest sucker-punched him. I hate lawsuits --- but I hope the guy sues Artest for every red dime he can and drags the NBA's name through the mud in the process. Artest had zero reason to assume the fan was going to do anything, as he didn't appear to be even contemplating doing anything.

I'm not saying punching him was right but after what happened in Chicago a couple years ago, Players/Coaches can't be blamed for assuming they are out to attack.

You also can't sucker punch when fans are on the court because moronic players have gone into the stands to attack.


No Artest and Jackson in the stands = no fans on the court.

No one wins here, the idiot fans should be charged for stupidity, Artest was wrong to charge after the fan in the stands but was justified to protect himself from the fan on the court.


Basically, this is one complete fucking mess where EVERYONE is at blame.

No. The blame is SOLELY on Artest. He was the one who decided to charge into the stands after being hit with a beer cup (WHILE antagonizing the crowd, to boot). He and Jackson decided to become violent.


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Guest The Shadow Behind You

The fan also had ZERO reason to throw a beer at Artest as well.


The fan there caused the second incident.


The fan in the stand instigated that.


It's no different If I threw a can of beer at you in a bar, you'd have every right to attack me as well.

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At the most, it justifies a 10-game suspension, in the same vein of the Maxwell suspension ten years prior.

What? 10 games? He fuckin attacked a fan, there is NO REASON AT ALL FOR HIM TO DO IT. None at all. He is a professional athlete and someone at that level should never bow to that level.


I don't see where you are getting this 10 game thing. How did Artest even know that it was that fan who threw the cup? Did he see it? No, he was laying down. He might have attacked the wrong guy, which makes it even worse.


Why do wrestlers tackle or deck fans who jump the rail?


What would you expect to happen to you if you ran onto a NBA court, a NFL field or a wrestling ring?

In wrestling, some fans are just dumb and want to hurt a wrestler because "they want to see how tough the wrestler is" bullshit.


All the fan did was go onto the court and stand there. Artest then charged him and slugged him in the face. Then Jackson, I think it was Jackson, ran over and slugged that fan. Huh? Why? Because Artest attacked him, so they needed more than one of them to beat up a fan? Yeah, that makes sense.


Umm, if I ran on to the court or field, I would like to be tackled or brought down somehow. Not slugged in the face.


Artest has a bad temper and he got what he deserves. I can't stress enough how much this wasn't needed. He got his with a cup, that is it.

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Guest MikeSC
The fan also had ZERO reason to throw a beer at Artest as well.

You're right, he didn't.


Of course, using that as a defense is like trying to defend somebody murdering a person for jaywalking.

The fan there caused the second incident.


The fan in the stand instigated that. 


It's no different If I threw a can of beer at you in a bar, you'd have every right to attack me as well.

Not if I was a pro athlete.


Even worse is that Artest and Jackson mauled INNOCENT people --- as the guy in the blue shirt was the guy who did it and they didn't do shit to him. Fans have as much right on the court as players have in the stands --- namely none.


However, if a player goes into the stands to attack fans --- where the hell are fans supposed to go?


Artest caused the first AND second incident and should be banned for life for doing so.


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Indiana will be fine. Sure their championship hopes for this season are most ilkely sunk, but Artest would have found some other way to screw it up, I guarantee it. This idiot never stops, he's had plenty of chances. It took a plastic cup of drink to blow his stack THIS time, to say nothing of the dozens of other idiotic incidents, you dont think it wouldn't be something else? Its too bad they didnt push the Artest/Peja trade right after the RnB stunt.


When you pin part of your championship hopes on a proven headcase, it's a gamble. Sometimes you do alright (Rodman), sometimes you win (Sheed last season), and sometimes you lose...


Let these undercard (for lack of better term) guys shine these next 25 games (i think they'll do alright, .500 in this stretch), and build the team around Jermaine O'Neal and whichever one of the other guys step up. Do some dealing. In the long run the Pacers are better off without Artest, as unbelievable as it sounds given the numbers Artest was putting up. This aint a shaq n kobe situation, the attitude of the players matters for the team and its play.

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The fan also had ZERO reason to throw a beer at Artest as well.


The fan there caused the second incident.


The fan in the stand instigated that.


It's no different If I threw a can of beer at you in a bar, you'd have every right to attack me as well.

You are right, the fan had no right to throw the beer. But how does that justify Artest to attack him?


Artest said it was self-defense, but it wasn't. Self-defense is when you life is in harm and you need to defend yourself from not being hurt. Getting hit with a plastic cup doesn't put your life in harms way, at all.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

I'm not saying Artest was justified in attacking. not at all, I was simply saying The fan started that incident. What reason did that fan have to throw a beer at Artest? Artest was laying on the bench not even looking or talking to him.


Sure, you could say the fan had a right because Artest ruined the flow of the game but that's not a real case. Throwing a object directly at him is instigation.


Everyone is at blame. Despite what Mikesc wants to say, every action caused the next reaction. Artest did the wrong thing, Im not say he was right too but don't defend the fan in the stands like he was completely innocent. The ones around him, yes but the fan that threw it did instigate it.

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Guest MikeSC
I'm not saying Artest was justified in attacking. not at all, I was simply saying The fan started that incident. What reason did that fan have to throw a beer at Artest? Artest was laying on the bench not even looking or talking to him.

Who says the fan was aiming at Artest? If Ron was where he should have been (namely NOT reclining on the scorer's table), he wouldn't have been touched.

Sure, you could say the fan had a right because Artest ruined the flow of the game but that's not a real case. Throwing a object directly at him is instigation.

The fan should have been tossed out of the game by security. HOWEVER, thugboy decided it'd be wiser to simply assault fans at random.


THEN claim it was self-defense, which is laughable.

Everyone is at blame. Despite what Mikesc wants to say, every action caused the next reaction.  Artest did the wrong thing, Im not say he was right too but don't defend the fan in the stands like he was completely innocent. The ones around him, yes but the fan that threw it did instigate it.

That is some tortured logic.


Using this logic, Rodney King speeding caused him to get the shit kicked out of him by the cops oh so many years ago.


Artest is a hothead and he and Jackson (who should ALSO be banned for life) attacked INNOCENT people.


THEY made it from a cup of beer being thrown into a riot.


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