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Rob Van Dam: One Of A Kind DVD

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

I would like to imagine with a DVD coming out, he'd be getting SOME sort of push.


Even if it's for the U.S Title. Make him the focal face for the U.S Title. 2 Years of being "The Random Tag Teamist" is a slap in the face.


He's the new era of Billy Gunn.

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Guest Ransome
I really wish that RVD's 2001 matches with Austin, Rock, and Angle had been included, but this is stil la must-buy in my book.


I do too, but can see why they didn't bother, given the hassles of blurring the everpresent WWF logo. Probably explains why RVD is getting a DVD ahead of (say) Angle, who had most of his great matches pre-May 2002.


I wonder if RVD will provide any alternate commentaries? He was pretty funny for the Eddie DVD.

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Guest MikeSC
The only one I haven't seen is the flag match against Dreamer @N2R '97. Is that any good? :huh:



Nothing on that show was good.


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The only one I haven't seen is the flag match against Dreamer @N2R '97. Is that any good? :huh:



Nothing on that show was good.


Dreamer did a piledriver on RVD and RVD bounced back in the air about 3-feet off his head.

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There's enough ECW stuff on this DVD(11 I think?), and with two WCW matches that's enough as well. As for his WWE stuff.. I think it's fine what they got on there. MAYBE the Austin match/buildup should of been added... but 16 matches are still going to be fun to watch. That Christian/RVD match in DVD quality is enough for me to buy the DVD alone.


BY ANY CHANCE... Did RVD pick these matches himself?

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And here's the ghey cover:



Note that is the Silvervision cover. I'm sure it will be different. Didn't the UK have a hideous cover for the Cena DVD (even worse than the US Versions)?

Isn't Silvervision generally accurate with their covers? They were dead-on with the Chris Benoit cover.

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Hmm. Marijuana jokes cease to be funny when they're consistently repeated ad-nauseum. Well, how about that....

It's his own fault for not developing a character beyond being a smoker. I was so disappointed in his interviews and commentary on the Rise and Fall of ECW dvd.

RVD's commentary on Eddie's dvd was very funny and entertaining in my honest opinion and the chemistry he had with Fonzie in ECW was priceless.

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RVD vs. Bigelow is incredible. It's a spotfest, but a top of the line spotfest.


One of RVD's top three, and Bigelow's best match IMO.

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ECW Crossing The Line Again - February 1st, 1997

ECW World Tag Team Championship

-- Rob Van Dam & Sabu vs. The Eliminators


Is this the one where RVD refuses to shake the Eliminators hands at the end? Is the only RVD/Sabu vs Eliminators match I've seen.

Wow, you just brought up a memory of an old Sabu / RVD vs. Eliminators match I used to have on tape.


It was when they were first starting out as a team....they were running the "these two guys don't really like each other, but they're teaming up for a common purpose" or some such angle, and they had a match against the Eliminators that aired on the old, OLD ECW TV show (the one that was syndicated to like, the public access channels on the East Coast).


The match ran about 30 minutes or so in length and, literally, had about 84 near falls.


I shit you NOT. There was a ten minute segment there where each team took turns murdering the other side dead, only to have them kick out at the last minute. There were SO MANY near-falls that it actually killed the match for me.


I mean, ECW was what it was, but a guy can only watch someone survive about 19 chair shots. When they kick out AGAIN after the TWENTIETH chair shot, you just sort of lose me.

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The RVD/Sabu v Eliminators matches were terribly overrated by the ECW superfans back in the day. They were decent enough, and by the end of their program they managed to come close to the **** range, but it was really silly reading the likes of Scherer pimping their matches as these all-time classics.

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RVD vs. Axl Rotten


RVD vs. Ballz Mahoney - crappy match

Those matches are actually pretty good. Balls is underated, and Axle's pretty hardcore when he wants to.

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I actually dig Balls, but the match was pretty crap. At that point, Anarchy Rulz '99 was ECW's biggest show ever, in front of their largest crowd to date, and a Van Dam/Mahoney main event? Not good. They could've, actually, thrown Van Dam into the Three-Way Dance for the World title, made it a Four-Way Dance, and that would have given ECW the feud for Taz/RVD so that their N2R '99 match had, you know, a reason to it outside of "oh, Taz and Sabu used to be partners, and RVD and Sabu ARE partners."


I actually dig Balls...

That came out SO wrong...

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Guest MikeSC
The RVD/Sabu v Eliminators matches were terribly overrated by the ECW superfans back in the day. They were decent enough, and by the end of their program they managed to come close to the **** range, but it was really silly reading the likes of Scherer pimping their matches as these all-time classics.

That can be said about A LOT of ECW matches (Lynn/Credible, Lynn/RVD, etc.)


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I've seen some real fun RVD/Balls matches on ECW TV but that had no business being on a PPV.


I recall a match RVD had with Kid Kash once he got back from injury in 2000 that was damn good. Anyone else recall it?

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I've seen some real fun RVD/Balls matches on ECW TV but that had no business being on a PPV.


I recall a match RVD had with Kid Kash once he got back from injury in 2000 that was damn good. Anyone else recall it?

Well, to ECW's credit here, RVD vs. Balls was not the scheduled match. It was supposed to be RVD vs. Johnny Smith, but Smith's flight out of Japan got delayed or something and he couldn't make it.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

Smith WAS on the show.


Paul didn't think Smith was an ideal Main eventer and decided Balls/RVD should close it because he wasn't sure how Awesome would go over. In hindsight, He should have had Lynn be the surprise challenger for RVD which would have been more appros conclusion to the Biggest ECW ppv ever.

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