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Should I feel ashmed for downloading the new Fall Out Boy single?


cuz I do.

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Should I feel ashmed for downloading the new Fall Out Boy single?


cuz I do.

If it makes you feel better, I recently bought "Texas Chainsaw Massacre: the Beginning"


Not music related, but still...

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Should I feel ashmed for downloading the new Fall Out Boy single?


cuz I do.

If it makes you feel better, I recently bought "Texas Chainsaw Massacre: the Beginning"


Not music related, but still...



I bought WrestleMania:The Album for $4 from Best Buy last year after Christmas.




It's worth it to hear Bret Hart croke out a heartfelt ballad and Macho Man's rant on "Speaking From The Heart"

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Should I feel ashmed for downloading the new Fall Out Boy single?


cuz I do.

If it makes you feel better, I recently bought "Texas Chainsaw Massacre: the Beginning"


Not music related, but still...



I bought WrestleMania:The Album for $4 from Best Buy last year after Christmas.




It's worth it to hear Bret Hart croke out a heartfelt ballad and Macho Man's rant on "Speaking From The Heart"

I saw that at a used CD Store last year. I almost bought it, but changed my mind and bought Depeche Modes Songs of Faith and Devotion instead.


I really hope that the new LCD Soundsystem is good. Their debut bored me, and the one they did for Itunes was good, but overrated.

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A new NIN album already? It hasn't been five years!


Nine Inch Nails has set "Year Zero" as the title of its new album, which is due out in April and follows up 2005's "With Teeth". "It could be about the end of the world," the band's mastermind Trent Reznor wrote on the official NIN fan club web site The Spiral.


In a recent interview with England's Kerrang! magazine, Reznor described the upcoming album's as "a collage of sound type of thing, not heavy in a metal guitar kind of way." He added, "With this record I feel a lot less concerned about what people think about it — especially the dying record industry. I couldn't care less about that right now." Reznor also revealed that the new effort is a concept album and "part of a bigger picture of a number of things I'm working on. Essentially I wrote the soundtrack to a movie that doesn't exist."


Reznor said that most of the album was recorded "in hotel rooms around the world on laptops," with very few musicians beside himself and "maybe some surprise vocalists that pop up here and there."


When asked why the new record took less than two years to arrive when the last one took six, Reznor said, "I'm probably as surprised as some fans are (laughs). But really it's just a matter of discipline. When I was on the last tour, to keep myself busy I was just really hunkered down and was working on music the whole time, so this kept me in a creative mode and when I finished the tour I felt like I wasn't tired and wanted to keep at it."


Nine Inch Nails will release a DVD called "Beside You In Time" on February 27. The disc documents the band's tour in support of "With Teeth".

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Guest Legalise Drugs and Murder
Well, Cornell probably should have packed it in after Superunknown, ultimately. I wonder what Kim Thayil is up to these days?


He played a small role on SunnO)) & Boris' Altar.

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After one listen I like the new Shins album, Wincing The Night Away. Not quite the wonderful weirdness of Oh, Inverted World!, and not as good overall as Chutes Too Narrow, but it's definitely an enjoyable album.

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That reminds me, is the new Sun0)))/Boris split any good? It got a lot of mixed reactions, and I really love Boris.

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Guest Legalise Drugs and Murder

Perhaps this is overboard, but I personally enjoyed it more than both Peeping Tom and Return to Cookie Mountain.


"SunnO))/Boris split" is kind of a misnomer. It's really more of a who's who of doom collaboration. Dylan Carlson is listen in the personnel, but that may be in spirit more than direct involvement, since he's not listed in any of the individual tracks. The guitar work on "The Sinking Belle" is straight out of Earth's minimalistic strumming like on Hex: Or Printing in the Infernal Method. The opener, "Etna," is more or less what one would expect from O'Malley, only the drumming from Boris takes a lead role in the song, which is pretty fuckin' awesome and creative. Doom metal with percussive fronting. They get experimental with a bowed cymbal and upright acoustic bass mutated to hell, vocodered droning, spaced-out tonal singularities then brought about in repetition like with side B of Boris' Amplifier Worship.


Don't go in with a mindset like it's Absolutego or any previous SunnO)) release, really. It's much more diverse than that.

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Stars' "Celebration Guns" is probably my favorite bit out of the Broken Social Scene spinoff groups, despite it being totally overblown and preachy. What's wrong with me.


"Your Ex-Lover is Dead" is awesome.

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Speaking of Canada, I saw the Dears last night. Good show, but I'm only mentioning it here because it was the first show I'd ever been to where a member of the band—in this case, the singer—used a keytar on stage. Sure, it was only for a brief section of one song, but I was stoked nonetheless.

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Have you seen them live? Good show, as I said, though nothing extraordinary. Louder than I expected, though not the loudest band I've ever seen.


Also, there's this: Murray Lightburn is short. Though I don't think about it much, really, I assume all guys in bands, whom I had previously only seen in pictures, are as tall as me, if not taller. (I'm 6'0".) I'm always surprised when I learn, firsthand, otherwise. I guess I think these bands I like are larger than life. It's silly, I know, but there you go.

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I saw them at the Gorge in Washington almost two years ago. Pretty good show, the singer really gives alot of effort. I agree with the louder-than-expected observation.

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