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Guest CronoT

United Church of Christ commercial

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Guest CronoT

The United Church of Christ, a group of inter-connected churches started running a commercial this weekend, dealing with the supposed mass discrimination of gays, lesbians, and minority groups in most national and regional denominations.


The ad can be viewed here.


The controversy being created by this ad is so high, ABC, NBC, and CBS refused to air it. They did, however, agree to air a less controversial ad. How do you think this will work out?

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Guest CronoT
I don't see anything wrong with it.


Um.. what IS wrong with it?

Bible-Thumping Pentencostal Fire & Brimstone Preacher: Gheys r cauz teh apokolips!!!!

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That's honestly the best ad promoting religious participation that I've seen. Those mushy Latter-Day Saints ads are nice, but they almost exist in a fantasy world while this directly addresses reality. And while I'm not going to become a follower anytime soon, it certainly gives me confidence that there are people out there who see religion as a good thing if you don't give into the discrimination and anger it inspires in many people.


Although I can see how it basically makes accusations of other churches (some of which would probably proudly agree to those accusations), I feel the ad is more inclusive than exclusive and I think it's a shame that Big Media* doesn't want to touch it.


* Big Media is a trademark of KKKatchphrases Incorporated.

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Guest CronoT
Yeah...that commercial is fine. They're saying they _DON'T_ discriminate. Isn't that good?

What is pissing off most people, is that it makes it sound like most churches take gays and minorities and then shit in their Cheerios.

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Guest CronoT
Gays don't eat Cheerios. They eat something fruity like Coco Puffs or Frosted Flakes. You know Tony the Tiger is a homo.

Thanks for adding your patented brand of spam to this thread, Rant. :bonk:

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But it's a general claim. It's not directed toward any particular church or faith. Quite frankly, I have no idea who it is directed towards as I am not entirely familiar with which Church (a)discriminates and/or (b)has a reputation for discrimination. It was two guys/bouncers and a velvet rope, picking and choosing who to let in. It espouses the greatest virtue of Jesus Christ, and does it in a way that doesn't make me feel preached to or forced on.

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What is wrong with the ad, all it is saying is that everyone is welcome there, and that "other" establishments might not be so welcoming. It's basically the truth isn't it?

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I think the fact is that the churches that do promote the exclusive teachings have a much larger attention hold of the public spotlight and are certainly seeing a resurgance with the latest power grab by red state America.


Basically, to the networks, the Falwell crew has much sharper teeth, so coming up with an excuse for these guys and bullshitting through the minor negative press is much preferable to getting on the bad side of the other faction, which is much more heavy with activists and present on the national radar.


Looking into this group, they seem a little wacky but they don't seem to stand for much other than liberal political beliefs, with not as much said about any kind of spiritual belief. As such, I really can't approve of them any more than I do the other side, as they also are attempting a unity of religious values and the voting booth, even if they are left values instead of right values.

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2 offices down from mine is an economist who belongs to the UCC (in fact, he's in seminary. The UCC wasn't really trying to hardnose other churches, it seems in what I've gathered talking with him. They're just trying to protect/project their own image



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Guest Cerebus

I think its a wonderful ad actually. I can see in our ultra-PC world that it wouldn't go over with some people, but I found it quite good.


Yeah the "bouncers" turned away the gay couple, but they also did it to a young hispanic guy, a black mother & daughter, and a handicapped person. The point is, I think, that in the past, and even currently, some churches are more interested in keeping their congregation "pure" instead of accepting everybody like Jesus would have. In our congregation we have recovering alcoholics, a woman who had been put in jail for grand larsony, and a lesbian couple. And we're TRADIONALIST CATHOLICS.

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Guest BDC
I think its a wonderful ad actually. I can see in our ultra-PC world that it wouldn't go over with some people, but I found it quite good.


Yeah the "bouncers" turned away the gay couple, but they also did it to a young hispanic guy, a black mother & daughter, and a handicapped person. The point is, I think, that in the past, and even currently, some churches are more interested in keeping their congregation "pure" instead of accepting everybody like Jesus would have. In our congregation we have recovering alcoholics, a woman who had been put in jail for grand larsony, and a lesbian couple. And we're TRADIONALIST CATHOLICS.

Which, believe it or not, is the way it should be.

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In our congregation we have ... a lesbian couple.

Man, the better half and I will be inviting at least one gay couple to our wedding, and I can't wait for the fallout that will ensue. Our families are so ... "open-minded" about these sort of things. I'm already looking forward to the confrontations...

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In our congregation we have ... a lesbian couple.

Man, the better half and I will be inviting at least one gay couple to our wedding, and I can't wait for the fallout that will ensue. Our families are so ... "open-minded" about these sort of things. I'm already looking forward to the confrontations...

I thought you were just as "open minded"...


I've never heard of discrimination against minorities, but I live in Toronto so that's why, but I am sure that homosexuals would not be welcome in most if not all churches that I am familiar with. Then again, they're mostly Mennonite and BIC so they tend to be very old fashioned.

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In our congregation we have ... a lesbian couple.

Man, the better half and I will be inviting at least one gay couple to our wedding, and I can't wait for the fallout that will ensue. Our families are so ... "open-minded" about these sort of things. I'm already looking forward to the confrontations...

I was afraid of the same thing at my wedding -- my wife's cousin and a friend of hers are gay, and I invited a lesbian co-worker who's a friend of mine -- but nothing happened, even though both our fathers are from the old school about homosexuality. Weddings seem to have a way of making people light-hearted about things they wouldn't be normally.

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In our congregation we have ... a lesbian couple.

Man, the better half and I will be inviting at least one gay couple to our wedding, and I can't wait for the fallout that will ensue. Our families are so ... "open-minded" about these sort of things. I'm already looking forward to the confrontations...

Man, I just love family memebers that think they are "open-minded" about things like that, but really aren't at all. It provides good laughter at holidays.

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Guest Cerebus
In our congregation we have ... a lesbian couple.

Man, the better half and I will be inviting at least one gay couple to our wedding, and I can't wait for the fallout that will ensue. Our families are so ... "open-minded" about these sort of things. I'm already looking forward to the confrontations...

Don't lie to me, you'll be engaged for another 10 years.

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I saw this on Hardball last week. They had a representative of that church and a South Baptist minister on to "discuss" it.


Memo to the Southern Baptists: you guys DO try to keep gays out of your church. No sense being crybabies about it when someone points it out.

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Guest Catcher8C

I think it's ironic that NBC, ABC, and CBS have all declined to show this ad partly because it shows two men holding hands while attempting to enter a church; I mean, each of these networks have in the past and continue to use gays to make money at every turn.

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Who is pressuring the networks to ban this commercial?



Any religion who accepts gays shouldn't have a problem with it, since it doesn't mention specific churches banning gays, it just says 'you'll be accepted here.'


Any religion who rejects gays: you made your own bed. Lie in it.

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See OTHER Churches should put out ads that have someone reading a book, and on one page it sez "God sez go left" and then that person puts the book down and goes right, and the end of the commercial has a graphic that sez "we don't pervert the word of the almighty, queerlovers.".

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Gays don't eat Cheerios.  They eat something fruity like Coco Puffs or Frosted Flakes.    You know Tony the Tiger is a homo.



*throws away boxes of Cocoa Puffs and Frosted Flakes*



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