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Gary Floyd

Most Disappointing Movie(s)

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A unofficial sequal to the "Best Ignored Movies" thread, which was the most disappointing (i.e. not worst, but most disappointing) film of the year for you?

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"The Grudge" I remember walking out of the thheatre, thinking "There is NO way this movie was produced by the director of the "Evil Dead" and "Spider Man" movies!"


"Open Water" For all of the hype it got being "Scary as hell", it sure didn't scare me. Just more proof that Rolling Stone sucks ass (They really loved it)

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

I second Van Helsing and Open Water, with an add on of the Resident Evil sequel. Open Water was particularly painful just because I liked the concept, the execution was just mind numbingly dull.

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Shrek 2. I thought it was going to be hilarious and be right up there with Finding Nemo and Toy Story 2 for favourite animated films.


Instead it was mostly uninspired and they didn't even try to be funny

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Shrek 2. I thought it was going to be hilarious and be right up there with Finding Nemo and Toy Story 2 for favourite animated films.


Instead it was mostly uninspired and they didn't even try to be funny

IMO, the problem with Dreamworks animated movies, is that they try too hard to appeal to both audiences, and end up feeling a bit hollow compared to say, a Pixar or Miyazaki film. Granted, I loved Puss in Boots, but he was really thr only good thing about the whole movie.

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Van Helsing was an enjoyable movie, if you like poor acting, lousy plot, horrid CGI...


I saw Harry Potter with the fiancee on Saturday, and I was kinda disappointed, mostly in the story, which really felt like it dragged on and on. I'm starting to think that Rowling is really just a hack writer that got lucky with her first couple of stories (although to be fair, I haven't actually read any of the books, so I can't truly say.). Cinematically, I can't complain. I think that Curazon did a better job with the movie than Columbus did with the first two.

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I only read the first book and loved it. The second one was always checked out at the library so I never got around to reading it and then I decided I didn't want to read the books so the movies wouldn't be spoiled.


Azbakan apparently differs more from the book then the other. They cut out a lot of the Quidditch stuff and just left it to that one scene.


Of course I personally think Azbakan was the best movie of the year

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I enjoyed Van Helsing, but my god the vampires needed to be hurt for going over the top Drama club acting.


Disappointing films? Lemme think


"The Grudge"

"Alien vs Predator" -stupid stupid Anderson

"Spiderman 2"- yeah yeah, two hours of whining



That's all I can think of at the moment.

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Guest Cerebus

I never had high hopes for Alexander so it didn't dissapoint.


After the first scene of Van Helsing, I thought it would be kick ass. So I guess you can file that under dissapointment.

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I had hoped AVP and Van Helsing would have been good, but I figured they'd blow.


Resident Evil: Apocalype, MA? Come on, what were you expecting? :P


I'd say The Grudge as well, because of the faith I had in Raimi, but since it was a remake, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.

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A bunch of people told me to see Napoleon Dynamite because it was hilarious.


It most certainly was not. In fact, I'll say it was downright terrible.

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Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy


If only for the fact that 3/4 of the trailers never showed up on film. Is it true that they're planning a sequel from all the unused footage?


Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines


Great movie, though the ending disappointed me. Would've been a great way to end the trilogy, but now I hear they're making a fourth one featuring Adult John Connor.

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Azbakan apparently differs more from the book then the other. They cut out a lot of the Quidditch stuff and just left it to that one scene.

That was probably a good thing. Quidditch served it's purpose in the first film. If Harry Potter were a TV series or a movie in 2 parts (a la Kill Bill), then I could see showing more of it, but it wasn't and I think they were wise to limit it to what we saw.


I had hoped AVP and Van Helsing would have been good, but I figured they'd blow.

That was pretty much my feeling with AVP. I went in there with lowered expectations and was actually entertained. Which may be why I looked on it so favourably at the time.


Van Helsing though, was another matter. "Entertaining Crap" would appear to be Sommers' forte, and sadly it didn't even reach that level.

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Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy


If only for the fact that 3/4 of the trailers never showed up on film. Is it true that they're planning a sequel from all the unused footage?


I thought Anchorman was really funny but much of the movie was too in-jokey for me. There was enough awesome stuff to redeem it though.


That was probably a good thing. Quidditch served it's purpose in the first film. If Harry Potter were a TV series or a movie in 2 parts (a la Kill Bill), then I could see showing more of it, but it wasn't and I think they were wise to limit it to what we saw.


I thought the Quidditch scene in Azbakan was total bad-ass. That whole movie scared the hell out of me. Apparently in Azbakan they win the Qudditch Cup so some fans were unhappy they left it out. It would've just bogged down the movie though. I was hoping Curon would stay on for Goblet of Fire but he got replaced by Newell.


I could see a lot of people not liking Napleon Dynamite. To me the movie was like an episode of SNL in its presentation. I thought it was really funny though.

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Resident Evil: Apocalype...for a dumbass movie I could almost put up with it, but the longer it ran the stupider it got and got and got...


Anchorman had a boring first half, but then got very funny for me. And gangwars, bridge scene, and Stephen Colbert's (sp) scene stealing was enough for me to like it as a whole.

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'Saw' was dissapointing. It wasn't godawful but it sure wasn't very good.

While I liked "Saw", it's definately one of those love it/hate it movies. Kind of like "Cabin Fever", which I also liked.

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Guest Fook


The Village


With movies like Van Helsing and AVP, I didn't expect them to be any good to begin with, so I wasn't disappointed.

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Wake Up, Ron Burgandy, a movie made of all the unused footage from Anchorman, will be released the same day as Anchorman (Dec. 28th, I think).


Van Helsing is the only movie I've seen in theaters that made me question life. On the ride home, my friends and I were trying to discuss everything wrong with it and I just started screaming in frustration.

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Guest wildpegasus

Was Kill Bill from this year? Probably my most dissapointing movie of all time.

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