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Guest Banders Kennany

Coolest TSM poster

What poster do you think is the coolest?  

187 members have voted

  1. 1. What poster do you think is the coolest?

    • Incandenza, for being a top poster in the music folder
    • Banky, for being a legend of a poster with a lot under his belt
    • Corey_Lazarus, for music knowledge and openness
    • Agent of Oblivion, for doing drugs and "viciouisly" moderating
    • IDrinkRatsMilk, for always having a good story to tell.
    • Dr. Tom, for being very smart in world news and sports
    • kkktookmybabyaway, for always having a smart comment
    • Dynamite Kido, who is the unanimous douchebag of the year
    • Banders Kennany, for discussions and being reasonable
    • godthedog, who people seem to like for some reason

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Guest TheLastBoyscout
Banders, the clock is ticking on your year-end TSM awards thread.


If it's not done and up by midnight, 1-1-05, you are BANNED.

NO! You...can't...ban him! The...shock...would be...too...great. Death...would ensue.

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I still miss Banders. But now that we know it's a gimmick, some of the thrill is gone. Now instead of being able to "emjot" his posts for what seemed to be unintentional comedic value, you have to look at them as a sort of art form.

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Considering they're nothing alike, yeah.


I remember Kido mostly for his long running feud with 909.

I don't remember this.


I still miss Banders. But now that we know it's a gimmick, some of the thrill is gone. Now instead of being able to "emjot" his posts for what seemed to be unintentional comedic value, you have to look at them as a sort of art form.

I wish I had the password for the account.

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"I got in a fight and my friends sent me home"


classic Banders!


Brad that was your gimmick? Banders > 90% of the gimmicks this board has seen.

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Considering they're nothing alike, yeah.


I remember Kido mostly for his long running feud with 909.

I don't remember this.


Probably mistook him for Downhome. I hear alot of people did that :ph34r:

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"I got in a fight and my friends sent me home"


classic Banders!


Brad that was your gimmick? Banders > 90% of the gimmicks this board has seen.


Unless "Brad" is subliminal_animal, it wasn't him.

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"I got in a fight and my friends sent me home"


classic Banders!


Brad that was your gimmick? Banders > 90% of the gimmicks this board has seen.

It wasn't me. I wish I had thought of something like that.

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The only time I will definitely buy something is if I like a girl and want to slip the bone in her. A good present with a good efforet usually seals the deal with any girl.


I started howling in laughter and if I had milk, it would have probably sprayed from my nose like a garden hose.


To respond to a PM I just got I'm not a misoginist at all. I have only punched less than 10 women and if I could take it back I would definitely take back around 3.


No but they can see them on the internet. Nanks, I'll admit I haven't put the hurt on you yet, but if you give me reason I will go wild on you without a second chance in the world.

These are some great quotes, and just from the first page of my search!


I'll find more when I get home.

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Considering they're nothing alike, yeah.


I remember Kido mostly for his long running feud with 909.

I don't remember this.

I do, though.... of course, you feuded with a lot of people around that time.


Thankfully, you got better.

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I don't know why I acted like that. Honestly, the time I joined and the months after weren't at a very good point in my life.

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Yeah. I'm sure that has a hell of a lot to do with it.


The more I think about it, Banders might be one of the best posters ever.

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To respond to a PM I just got I'm not a misoginist at all. I have only punched less than 10 women and if I could take it back I would definitely take back around 3.


that may be the funniest thing I've ever read...that gimmick was brilliant!

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Banders couldn't exist now. The people here have become too self-aware. Still, I'll always have my memories:


Just tell your friend to really beef up how manly he is around her. Also if he acts tougher and more threatening around her she will eventually give up the pants in the relationship. My friend Mindy Boluld had this same problem and I gave him the same advice when he came to me. He basically roughed her up a little bit and told her he was bigger and stronger so she needed to back off and give him back his pants. I don't think he should of hit her, but it probably wasn't hard and she probnanly deserved it.

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I believe that sub is WP, but I'll leave that for later.


Oooh, more.


I'm not getting mad at a match you say you want to see. You could want to see the Mark Henry versus Viscera bodyslam challenge again, that's your pregrogative.


Sorry Ravishing, I could suck your balls blue and that wouldn't make me cry with laughter about your lame WWE skits.


Well well well Kido, you were always riding along on the bandwagon of bashing me, trying to make what I say look wrong and being yes man (or should I say YES MAA'M) to Czech Republic and TheBigSwigg, thinking you were the king and whooping my ass and making me look bad. But now it looks like you fucked up you fuckup, and now people are starting to realize you suck. You're not cool, you're not hip and now you're out of your little inner circle, and it's time for me to show you a good time.


Kido, I know this is just the internet, but noiw has come time for me to wipe the ring with you for good. I'm taking the gloves off and am now ready to debate you on anything and make you bleed like a little huoseslut who never had her tampoin changed. Now it's like getting your tits and back slit with a giant ass chainsaw. So fuck off and it's late for me and I'm tired and feeling strange but before I go I want to let you know: go shit yourself.......as you like to say........bitch.

Ok, no more. This shit is just too funny.

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