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Matches where even though a guy lost...

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What are some matches where even though a guy lost he became more over than he had been previously? So often we see matches that are supposed to do this...take Taker vs. Heidenreich as Survivor Series, for instance. Is Heidenreich more over now? Very arguable. But there are some clear cases. I'll take the easy one and say Steve Austin, after losing to Bret Hart at WM13. You could also make the case for Austin and Survivor Series 1996.


What are some other examples?

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If it wasn't for that loss specific, I don't think Rock would of been in the position he became in for late 1998.



The fans were just dying to fucking cheer this guy, so WWE gives him a little as babyface...then BOOM. Totally heel...and it worked to perfection.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

Sting losing to Flair via draw at clash 1 is a very good example of the loser being more over after the lost then before.


The most famous one after the Austin/Hart match is clearly Mick Foley after HIAC in kotr 1998. That lost catapaulted Foley into the legendary status he enjoys now, some might argue his lost at RR99 even further pushed him to a newer and higher level.

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Cena's match against The Undertaker at Vengeance last year is what put him on the map to super stardom IMO.

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Eddie losing to JBL at GAB. Listen to the ovation the people give Eddie after the match.

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Guest Loss

Diesel came out of Survivor Series '95 looking better than ever after a loss to Bret Hart, despite going over all his opposition cleanly all year long. It's amazing how a great match can do wonders for a guy's career like that. Had Nash won that match, he would not have been anywhere near as over afterwards.


Some of the examples I'm not sure apply here. Rock/HHH from Summerslam '98 obviously does, because had Rock the heel gone over, things would have played out much differently. He had to lose, for the good of his career. Sting/Flair from Clash I was brought up, but Sting didn't lose that match. He took the champ to the limit. That doesn't count. Benoit/Angle is a good example, to a degree. Was Benoit able to maintain the heat he got from that match all through 2003? Or were fans just more aware of his ability to work after getting accustomed to seeing him in so many good matches. Undertaker/Cena I'm not sure helped Cena all that much, just because he could have followed the exact same career path without that match ever happening and been just as over. Savage/Warrior is *definitely* a good example. Eddy fell down the card so much that I don't think the loss to Bradshaw applies to him. Dreamer losing to Raven definitely does.


I'd say Shawn Michaels' loss in the 10-man at SurSer last year was what made people truly take notice of him as a worker again, and it eventually thrusted him back into the main event scene. The Flair/Steamboat feud of '89 made both look great because it was about the belt and the match quality, and Flair needed it after being booked to look ineffective for all of '88. I don't think it was the intended result, but Hogan looked better as a babyface than he ever had after losing to Warrior at Wrestlemania VI. He's oft been accused of sandbagging Warrior in that match, simply because he added the handshake/hug spot at the last minute, and many feel that people felt so sorry for Hogan and wanted him as champ because he was such a great loser.

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I was actually gonna go with Savage/Steamboat...didn't Savage soon become one the hottest faces shortly following this match...the whole Honky Tonk and Harts beat him and Elizabeth down angle?

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Guest Fook

I'll say the HBK/Razor ladder match from WMX. For me at least, it was the first time I considered Michaels as a solid singles threat rather than just a former tag team wrestler.

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I'll say Angle v. Benoit v. Jericho where Angle lost both titles without being pinned (pretty much the same as losing)


The Dudleys losing to the Hardys in double tables.


Jerry Lynn losing to RVD the first couple times.

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Didn't Angle get a standing ovation after he lost the title to Brock during that Iron Man match on Smackdown?

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Undertaker/Cena I'm not sure helped Cena all that much, just because he could have followed the exact same career path without that match ever happening and been just as over.


But it was around that time when the Cena love started developing and the fact he was in a well built match against an established superstar. And he came THIS close to getting a believable win over the Undertaker.


I don't count Backlash because no one really cared about that match except for the arena crowd since it was in Cena's home state.

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Guest JMA

I would say Bret Hart vs. Davey Boy Smith for the Intercontinental Championship at SummerSlam 1992. Both individuals came out of this match looking like a million bucks, but I think Bret actually came out of the match much more over than Davey did. He won the WWF Championship a short time later.

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I might be missing the point, but Edge beating Ortin for the IC at July's PPV is an example. Although, it's pretty obvious he was getting a world title push and they had to get the IC off him.



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The most famous one after the Austin/Hart match is clearly Mick Foley after HIAC in kotr 1998. That lost catapaulted Foley into the legendary status he enjoys now

Here, mate.




Beat me to it.

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I dont agree with the foley/taker example. if you look at the tape, coming in foley had ZERO heat (then again multiple character changes and heek/face switches mighta hurt his credibility) yea after the match some fans chanted foley but it wasnt even that loud. in his next appearnce on tv, his ovation wasnt any louder still mostly quiet. It wasnt until after his breakup with kane that he started to grow on people, due to his goofy personality. IMO it was his goofy side that got him over. WWE just after the fact programmed the fans to think he was a hardcore legend and they bought it.


His goofiness, and subsquent sereis of events with Rock and vince turning his back on him made him sympathetic. he got more over with socko than he ever was putting his body on the line. read his books and tell me your opinion then. He got bigger pops stumlbing around in the ring and wrestling horribly until he pulled out socko, then he ever did before.



Benoit vs Angle Rumble 03 is a good recent example. he received a standing ovation after the match and from then on his popularity and acceptance a main event level guy grew, though WWE missed the boat and had him buried in the midcard until his jump to raw.

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Guest Loss

There's also Hogan's loss to The Rock at Wrestlemania X-8, which revitalized his career for all of a week.

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There's also Hogan's loss to The Rock at Wrestlemania X-8, which revitalized his career for all of a week.

In the same vein, Hogan's loss the Warrior saw Hogan get over more than Warrior, who won the match. Instead of the focus being on Warrior pinning Hogan to win the WWF Title, all the attention was on Hogan being a gracious loser (and his actions after the match weren't entirely scripted, if you know what I mean), and Hogan gained more with the loss and how he handled it, leaving Warrior's big moment in the shadows.

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I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned Austin vs. HHH at NWO '01 (1st ever 3 stages of hell match). Both men went the distance, and the ending clearly showed that the loss didn't affect Austin's popularity or momentum going into Wrestlemania. B-)


I guess another mention goes to the Owen Hart tribute match between Bret and Benoit (Oct. '99 Nitro).

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There's also Hogan's loss to The Rock at Wrestlemania X-8, which revitalized his career for all of a week.

In the same vein, Hogan's loss the Warrior saw Hogan get over more than Warrior, who won the match. Instead of the focus being on Warrior pinning Hogan to win the WWF Title, all the attention was on Hogan being a gracious loser (and his actions after the match weren't entirely scripted, if you know what I mean), and Hogan gained more with the loss and how he handled it, leaving Warrior's big moment in the shadows.

The Hogan revival wasn't due to him losing, it was the crowd in Montreal "going banana" for him.


Shortly thereafter, Hogan came out with the Red/Yellow & Hollywood hybrid outfit which allowed him to do all his poses and "outcool" HHH and squash his face push in one of the most brilliant political moves I've ever seen. Only one that outdoes that is Jericho coming out in Canada and playing face to kill the Nash/HHH feud

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The Hogan revival was more to do with his actions after the pinfall loss than the reaction he got. He was so humble and gracious in the loss, that the biggest, and, more importantly, the final impression, was of Hogan being the gracious loser. Take away the reaction he got, and Hogan's actions after the loss would still have gotten him over more than winning would have.

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