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Report: Pedro Martinez signs with the Mets

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Guest Failed Mascot
I as well am a Red Sox fan(real one) so I hope he does stay in Boston.

All I'm saying is that it won't be this huge loss to lose Pedro. But the midget....the midget might be important.

I don't feel as though my words are really getting through to you completely. I am going to end our part of the conversation in this thread because you have rocks in your head.

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Guest Failed Mascot
Looks like the Sox are focusing on A.J. Burnett now.

I would love to see him in Boston. He'll be over a full year removed from TJ surgery and a cheap option. Lively fastball, nice breakingball and still young. Wouldn't cost as much as Hudson either in the way of prospects. Infact since they need a 1B-man then maybe Doug Mienk will be involved in a deal(although I'd rather him over Millar).


I take it you're listening to WEEI as well. Think Fred Smurlas is bitching during the commercial break about how they should be talking about the Pats?

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He's not such a big loss anymore. Two years ago, maybe, but not now.


And the Mets are becoming the WCW of baseball.

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Guest Smues
And the Mets are becoming the WCW of baseball.

I think that sums it all up. Except for "becoming" I think they've been for awhile. Here's to hoping Pedro is their next Mo Vaugn.

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Apparently Pedro was sick of Boston's brass harping on his sub-par '04 season. What exactly were they SUPPOSED to focus on? And he wanted Schilling money, which just wasn't going to happen.


Looks like the Sox are focusing on A.J. Burnett now.

You're right his season.

I have a friend that's a Twins fan and he's always saying to me "Pedro will probably be gone next year. Whatcha gonna do?"

And I just have to point out that he's steadily declining and I think next season will be a worse season for him than this season.

Course if he were to end up on the Yankees he'd somehow have a better season than he's ever had b/c that's how the universe works.

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I'm not really that broken up over it since I'm not a real fan of the team anyway.

Edited for accuracy

This coming from Mr. I only brought the hat to ride the bandwagon but will return the hat because it's "too big" after the series is over.

I returned the hat cause it was $46. Get it right.


And my friend bought me a Sox hat so now I have one. Yay.

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Guest Failed Mascot

Gammons on ESPNews just now said he believes the Mets deal is basically done because the Mets agreed to also pay for the relocation of his family.


Says he doesn't think the Red Sox are really disappointed because they got sick of giving him his own set of rules where he could come in late and everything.


Did the Mets finish above .500? If so we get their first round draft pick and a sandwhich pick between rounds 1 and 2 once the deal becomes official.

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I'm not really that broken up over it since I'm not a real fan of the team anyway.

Edited for accuracy

This coming from Mr. I only brought the hat to ride the bandwagon but will return the hat because it's "too big" after the series is over.

the "edited for accuracy" joke has got to be getting up there with all the other lame, old, tired jokes that get thrown about this forum...

















Also, like MiB said, I'm not believing anything until I see/hear some official sources

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Dude, Dama, you're on own in this instance. You liked the Pistons for beating the ("cocky") Lakers when all you wanted to see was for the Lakers to lose. I'd call you out on your allegiance to sports teams you proclaim to like as well too. Just stick to your guns and root for the team(s) you genuinely like. It happens to work after a while.


NoCalMike is a (lame) Redskins fan living in NoCal while the bastion's of football excellence in the Raiders and 49ers are just a hop, skip and jump away from him. I'm sure he's got some horror stories.


Lucky bastich tho.

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Guest HungryJack

HAHAHAHHAHA the 49ers and Raiders as "excellence"?


Man, maybe 15 years ago. Stop livin in the PAST, Oldie McOlderson.


That said, the Redskins are horribly brutal too.


THAT said, why anyone would pay that much for Pedro in his current condition is beyond me. Of course it's not official yet, so who knows?



But hey, the Jays got Cory Koskie. Whoo.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

Dama :"I used to look at Boston Box Scores as a kid. so im a real fan".

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

I have a hunch this might fall into the same category as Hudson to the Dodgers. It'll take awhile to be announced, or he'll have a change of heart.


And Jack, the Raiders do have a Commitment to Excellence. it says so in the Black Hole. Of course hiring Norv Turner is like the antithesis of the phrase, but still.

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Guest Failed Mascot

Its pretty clear that Pedro's best days are far behind him. This really doesn't bother me if/when it becomes official. Gives them more financial wiggle room. I'd much rather a Matt Clement or AJ Burnett, Edgar Renteria, and Jason Varitek then Pedro, Varitek and then trade for Kaz Matsui.


Still, this is basically the first deal to weaken the AL East all together. All the others were making it a much tougher division to play in.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Pedro's departure will hurt the Sox considerably for this year. Regardless of the bullshit Sox fans are saying now, the 1-2 punch of Schilling and Pedro made their team what it was. BUT, it is probably for the best they let him walk with that type of cash. I don't buy David Wells as a #2 pitcher AT ALL. I don't know enough about A.J Burnett to comment on him one way or another. But as it stands right now, Pedro's departure will sting.


Maybe the Sox will make a hard play for Tim Hudson now. But I can't imagine Billy Beane trading him to either the Sox, Yanks, or any AL West teams. That would just be suicide.

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Guest Failed Mascot

Pedro was often killed by the Orioles, Yankees, and Devil Rays. He was good against teams that didn't see him all that often. It really won't sting as much if they can bring in an AJ Burnett, Matt Clement, or Odalis Perez for much less than what Petey would be making.

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Dude, Dama, you're on own in this instance. You liked the Pistons for beating the ("cocky") Lakers when all you wanted to see was for the Lakers to lose. I'd call you out on your allegiance to sports teams you proclaim to like as well too. Just stick to your guns and root for the team(s) you genuinely like. It happens to work after a while.


NoCalMike is a (lame) Redskins fan living in NoCal while the bastion's of football excellence in the Raiders and 49ers are just a hop, skip and jump away from him. I'm sure he's got some horror stories.


Lucky bastich tho.

I really do like the Sox though. I have no idea how it is so hard for you all to understand. If you're all braindead then maybe....but otherwise I have no clue.


Did I root for the Pistons? Yes I did. Am I a diehard fan of the Pistons? No. That's another thing I don't understand. Why is it not ok to root for teams you aren't a fan of. I mean if you're watching a game without one of your favorite teams you're going to have to cheer for somebody! And that's what I did in the NBA finals.


But I am a fan of the Sox. And if you don't believe me then frankly you can go to hell b/c it doesn't stop me from being a fan.

Everyone accuses me of being childish but I've never seen more childish bullshit in my life.

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Pedro's departure will hurt the Sox considerably for this year. Regardless of the bullshit Sox fans are saying now, the 1-2 punch of Schilling and Pedro made their team what it was. BUT, it is probably for the best they let him walk with that type of cash. I don't buy David Wells as a #2 pitcher AT ALL. I don't know enough about A.J Burnett to comment on him one way or another. But as it stands right now, Pedro's departure will sting.


Maybe the Sox will make a hard play for Tim Hudson now. But I can't imagine Billy Beane trading him to either the Sox, Yanks, or any AL West teams. That would just be suicide.

From what I saw, it was mostly Schill getting it done when it counted and Petey basically acting as a more expensive Derek Lowe by having a great start followed by a bad one followed by a decent one, etc.etc.


I won't miss him right now, but I will always remember him in his prime, basically a no-hitter waiting to happen every start.

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See and I'm afraid of the universe pulling another screw job on Boston in that we win yay....we trade one of our great pitchers who's not so hot anymore and what's that? He's suddenly the hottest thing around and winning anothe Cy Young?

I can just feel it getting ready to happen.

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See and I'm afraid of the universe pulling another screw job on Boston in that we win yay....we trade one of our great pitchers who's not so hot anymore and what's that? He's suddenly the hottest thing around and winning anothe Cy Young?

I can just feel it getting ready to happen.

Clemens was a completely different case, because he wasn't motivated after signing his contract, he just got motivated after Danny Duke told him that he wouldn't be getting an extension. Then Clemens, the fat hick, got into tremendous shape. That was his motivation, being told that he wasn't good anymore. Pedro's motivation is gone now that he has his ring. His motivation was winning. Now, he's cashing in.

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I don't like Damaramu using "we" for the Red Sox. I thought only Midwestern people could do that for Midwestern teams without looking foolish.

*thinks of professional sports teams in the midwest*

I don't think I like any of those teams.....

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

You guys are like a cruel gang of 12 year old bullies picking on a little 10 year old. Leave damaramu alone. Or feel my wrath!

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