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Guest Biggles

HBK vs. Taker, Hell In A Cell - There's so much great about this match. You've got both guys playing their character's superbly and the whole idea of them being put into the cell in the first place and the booking leading into it is great. Shawn plays his role insanely well and Taker looks great throughout. Some of the one off spots, like Michaels taking out a cameraman, or the piledriver on the ringsteps were superb, and all round these two put on something that I still think is the best hell in a cell I've ever seen.

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Sgt. Slaughter vs. The Iron Sheik (6/16/84) - This was a better brawl that anything the WWE has managed to do in the past decade. Intense and emotional, with believable looking work too.


Adrian Adonis & Dick Murdoch vs. The Brisco Brothers (12/28/84) - Two great teams, what else other than an excellent match would one expect. Kind of a 1980's style tag by the numbers, but both teams added a lot to make this a fantastic match.

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Bob Backlund vs. Adrian Adonis (1/18/82) - This is probably the 4th or 5th best match WWE/WWF has ever put on. Just outstanding, slow build, with Backlund working the arm like a king, and Adonis bumping around and selling like some sort of nutty, cuckoo, super king. The match starts picking up once both guys start countering each other's moves, and then it's just a tremendous back and forth match for the last 10-15. Just oustanding.

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Guest Biggles
Bob Backlund vs. Adrian Adonis (1/18/82) - This is probably the 4th or 5th best match WWE/WWF has ever put on. Just outstanding, slow build, with Backlund working the arm like a king, and Adonis bumping around and selling like some sort of nutty, cuckoo, super king. The match starts picking up once both guys start countering each other's moves, and then it's just a tremendous back and forth match for the last 10-15. Just oustanding.


I'm curious, what would you rate as the top 5 matches WWF/E has ever put on?

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In no particular order, Bret-Owen at WMX, Bret-Austin at WMXIII, that Adonis-Backlund match, Bret-Austin from Survivor Series 96, then there's probably a whole bunch that might compete for the last spot.


Oh, I forgot Bret vs. Henning at KOTR 93. That's the 5th.

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Owen/Bulldog vs. Furnas/LaFon (IYH: Final 4) --- This was booked as a throwaway title match. NO ONE thought the challengers were walking out with the belts even w/ the dissention between Owen/Bulldog. However, this turned out to be such a crisp, well-worked match, that it had me wondering how the Furnas/LaFon would bungle it up. They won by DQ but not before fucking up the champs. As an added bonus, Owen throws a hysterical temper tantrum after Davey Boy breaks his Slammy.


Canadian Stampede 10-Man Tag --- One of the VERY few highly pimped matches that I feel doesn't disappoint. I love the non-stop frenetic action as it kinda has a Royal Rumble feel as there's different things going on all the time which makes one want to watch it multiple times.


HHH vs. HBK vs. Benoit (WMXX) --- Sorry for putting the 2nd obvious choice here but what can I say . . . it's the only match of the 2000s that I openly marked out for in front of people (not counting being there live). I'm well aware of how cheorographed it all was, but the execution was incredible and the ending sequence still makes me smile . . . much like the Warrior/Hogan ending sequence 14 years earlier.

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SNME #31, which was also the last SNME that ever aired.


Shawn Michaels faces IC Champ Davey Boy Smith.


I won't spoil the ending and result for those who still haven't seen it, but I'll just say this much. Its one of the most entertaining and well worked "short matches" I have ever seen. Its only 11 minutes long, yet it looked like 30. They told a story most guys today will take 40 minutes to tell. Seriously a classic. ****1/4


As much of an anti-mark I am for Michaels, I totally agree here. I hate star ratings but the Davey Boy's selling was fantastic. After he hurt his back, I'm thinking, "He better finish Michaels off NOW or he's fucked," and sure enough he was.


If that match happened nowadays, the heel woulda bopped the face with a foreign object and put his feel on the ropes for the victory.

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I popped in Mania XX DVD 2 nights ago. I fast forwarded a lot of the main event because I was tired.


Mania XX's main event was horribly built and the "Michaels just gets in the main event" thing was non-logical and bullshit. However, the match was a really good effort, probably the best big-time three-way I've ever seen.


If I have to do stars, I'd give it 4 and 1/2. It gets slow at times, and it hasn't aged perfectly in a year 1/2 (the excitement of Benoit maybe-possibly-FINALLY winning the World Title had a lot to do with it).


But I'll say this, the Pedigree Tease into the Crossface is the greatest counter ever in the history of WWE or WCW. It's absolutely perfect.

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crisp, well-worked match, that it had me wondering how the Furnas/LaFon would bungle it up.


Wha? Furnas and LaFon have only worked Tag Match of the Decade Candidates in both the 80s and 90s, so it's not very shocking they would be in a crisp well worked tag match past their primes or not.

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The WMXX Main is one of the only matches that I can remember where I actually got out of my seat and BEGGED Triple H to tap out. Huge mark out moment.

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What? No Love for HHH/HBK? I found it to be the most entertaining HIAC that stayed completely in the cage. Sure......it....went.....a.....little.....long


Had the match been cut 10 - 15 minutes and Michaels gone over, I would have enjoyed the match.


To my list I have to add:


Chavo / Mysterio - GAB 04


Benoit / Orton - SS 04


Angle / Michaels | Undertaker / Orton - WM 21


Cena / Layfield - JD 05


Batista / HHH - Vengeance 05


Guerrero / Mysterio | Hogan / Michaels - SS 05


Flair / HHH | Cena / Angle / Michaels - TT 05

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Guest jm29195

Might I recommend these matches from Smackdown in late 2002- I've just been looking through some Eddie stuff, and this period, to me, was one of the highlights of his WWE career....


Rock/Edge vs Eddie/Benoit- August 22nd 02- Eddie and Benoit's SD debut

Eddie Guerrero vs Edge- August 29th 02- The forgotten match from the Eddie/Edge feud- better than their Summerslam match IMO

Edge vs Eddie Guerrero- September 26th 2002- The no DQ match and IMO WWE TV match of the year for 2002

Los Guerreros vs Angle/Benoit- October 17th 2002- Incredibly heated match, Los Guerreros hit their stride as a team

Los Guerreros vs Edge/Mysterio- October 24th 2002- the set-up match for No Mercy- another great match with innovative offence from both teams

Eddie Guerrero vs Kurt Angle- October 31st 2002- Compares very well with their 2004 work

Eddie Guerrero vs Brock Lesnar- November 7th 2002- Again, very interesting to look at when compared to their more high profile 2004 match

Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio- November 14th 2002- The usual greatness from these two

Eddie Guerrero vs Kurt Angle- November 21st 2002- who's going to complain over getting 2 Angle/Eddie matches on free TV in less than a month!?

Los Guerreros vs Benoit/Angle- November 27th 2002- why can't we have wrestling like this now??

Eddie vs Angle vs Benoit vs Edge- December 5th 2002- another awesome match- available as an exra on the Armageddon 2002 DVD

Los Guerreros vs Kidman/Benoit- December 12th 2002- The usual good stuff and Kidman holds up his end of the match

Los Guerreros vs Edge/Kidman- December 26th 2002- Closing the year on a high note- more greatness with WGTT was on the horizon.....


There's also another really great Los Guerreros vs Angle/Benoit match from the Insurextion PPV from October 02, Eddie Guerrero had it all, awesome ringwork and an unparalleled character- I could probably go to any point in his career and get an equally consistent set of matches over an equal period of time -RIP Eddie- you were one of the true greats and will be missed tremendously

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Guest jm29195

I'm still feeling down about Eddie- thought I'd list all his good tv matches from January 03- April 03 on Smackdown mostly- the first quarter of 2003


Eddie vs Kidman- January 2nd, Eddie puts Kidman over like a pro- also the debut of the non-mulleted Eddie

Eddie vs Bull Buchanan- January 9th, Eddie carries Buchanan to his best match ever!

Eddie vs Cena- January 30th, not a great match but significant because I believe it's their first televised meeting..

Los Guerreros vs WGTT- February 6th, the first of many meetings, sets a high standard...

Eddie vs Shelton- February 13th, a short match but they fit a helluva lot in!

Los Guerreros vs WGTT- February 22nd (Velocity)- another good match from these 2 teams...

Eddie vs Nunzio- February 29th- another good little match and the only singles televised match between these 2...

Los Guerreros vs FBI- March 6th- All Los Guerreros stuff is good stuff...

Los Guerreros vs Benoit/Rhyno- March 13th- Rhyno works above his usual level to keep up with the other 3....

Eddie vs Charlie Haas- March 27th- Much more mat based than usual, Eddie shows his verstality by working a Hass-style match

Eddie vs Cena- April 3rd- Post WM19 show, Cena was still trying and it shows!

Los Guerreros/Funaki vs FBI- April 12th (Velocity)- totally forgotten match that's really good and long

Eddie vs Noble- April 17th- I believe this is their only singles tv meeting, just an extended squash but worth a look as a curiosity...

Eddie vs Haas- April 26th (Velocity)- Another great little mat-based match, with Eddie bringing out the best in the under-utilized Haas...

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Guest jm29195

More Eddie Smackdown TV goodness from May-July 2003


Los Guerreros vs Matt Hardy/Shannon Moore- 1st May- a great little sprint from these two teams....

Eddie vs Matt Hardy- 8th May- These 2 had great chemistry and it's a shame they didn't get a more high profile feud.....

Eddie vs Benjamin- 15th May- Eddie puts Benjamin over in a tidy little match...

Eddie/Taijiri vs WGTT- 22nd May- The rematch from Judgment Day and a ton better than the tired ladder match gimmick

Eddie/Taijiri vs WGTT- 29th May- Even better than their previous match!

Eddie/Taijiri vs Piper/O Haire- 26th June- Not a great match but worth a look to see Piper and Guerrero in the same ring in Piper's last WWE match for a while...

Eddie/Taijiri vs WGTT- 3rd July- The last match in their feud and it's another good'un- features Eddie's aborted heel turn....

Eddie vs Ultimo Dragon- 10th July- Really short but you can't go wrong with these two....

Eddie vs Rhyno- July 24th- IMO Rhyno's best match post-neck surgery- also has a greta Eddie promo on the same programe

Eddie vs Taijiri- July 31st- Continuing the build for Summerslam, a good match that's given a reasonable length of time....

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Guest jm29195

The best of Eddie's TV Smackdown stuff from August- October 2003: -



Eddie vs Benoit- August 7th- a decent match between the two, designed to build for Sumerslam- segues into Benoit/Taijiri vs Eddie/Rhyno which is also decent...

Eddie did commentary for Taijiri/Rhyno from the August 14th Smackdown, along with Benoit, and totally overshadowed the match...

Eddie/Rhyno vs Benoit/Taijiri- August 21st- shorter than their previous match but still filled with smooth action...

Eddie vsCena- August 29th- the best ungimmicked match that these guys had, also notable for the great reaction Eddie gets from his hometown crowd at the opening of the show....

Eddie vs Cena- September 11th- the car-ring streetfight- a great match full of innovative offense and the best match these two had...

Los Guerreros vs WGTT- September 18th- The Guerreros win the titles back in a mtach where they manage to injure Benjamin and concuss Haas with a spiked doubleteam backdrop, still a good match until the botched finish though....

Eddie vs Matt Hardy- October 2nd- A great example of Eddie's cheating tactics...

Eddie vs Rhyno- October 16th- Interesting to compare to their match earlier in the year with the face/heel roles now reversed....

Eddie cuts the best promo of his career up to this point on the October 30th Smackdown

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Still can't bring myself to watch Eddie right now, but because Bret's DVD's out, here's a few matches he missed-


Bret vs Dynamite (CHV The British Bulldogs)- I wouldn't say the match is an alltime classic, but considering the period of the time (mid 80s WWF) it was a greta quick paced match between two guys who knew each other so well already.


Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels (Ladder Match from Smack em Whack em)- Sorry Shawn you didn't invent this match, surprised Bret didn't put this on there to rub it in, much slower and not nearly as spot heavy as ladder matches we've come to know today, but that makes it unique, with the drama built into the climb instead of who can jump off the ladder and do the craziest spot.


The Harts vs The Steiners (Wrestlefest 1994)- Bret must've forgotten about this one, 25 minutes of 4 men who know there's no angles, no storylines to deal with just go out and try and one-up the other, shame there was no rematch, imagine if THIS had been the match at Rumble 94 where Owen turned on Bret (Although that match against the Quebequers is quite nice in its own right).

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Guest Boobie

Ric Flair v.s. Mr. Perfect WWE Retirement Match


Money Inc. v.s. Hulk Hogan & Brutis Beefcake


Jerry Lawler v.s. Bret Hart


Big Boss Man v.s. Undertaker HIAC

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My personal favorite match?


Shit. I don't know. I've been so out of the loop with wrestling as of late.


The one that really sticks out in my mind is the HBK vs. Taker HIAC.

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Guest Flockmember37

Alright here is a real match for you guys:


Public Enemy vs. The Nasty Boys

Double Dog Collar Match

Bash at the Beach 96'


No one seems to give these guys credit. This match was so brutal. There was even top rope spots where someone landed on the table and it didn't break, it bounced and made the loudest sound I've heard on ppv.


I thought someone was dead after that.

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The WMXX Main is one of the only matches that I can remember where I actually got out of my seat and BEGGED Triple H to tap out. Huge mark out moment.




So does that mean the match was well built afterall?

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The WMXX Main is one of the only matches that I can remember where I actually got out of my seat and BEGGED Triple H to tap out. Huge mark out moment.



So does that mean the match was well built afterall?


Not necessarily, but maybe it does mean that the actual match itself was compelling and engrossing enough to warrant such a reaction.

BTW, it had the same effect on me.

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The WMXX Main is one of the only matches that I can remember where I actually got out of my seat and BEGGED Triple H to tap out. Huge mark out moment.



So does that mean the match was well built afterall?


Not necessarily, but maybe it does mean that the actual match itself was compelling and engrossing enough to warrant such a reaction.

BTW, it had the same effect on me.



I don't disagree. That was a great finish.

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I really liked Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio vs. the World's Greatest Tag Team from Vengeance '03. The crowd was into the match at a level I haven't seen in quite a while. Great effort from all four guys and they were able to bust out some impressive spots.

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Yes, that was a very good match, one of the better 'E matches of 2003. Indeed, it may well have been as good as the No Mercy tag match of the previous year. What is most incredible is they only get 12 or 13 minutes, too. With 20 - 25, I have no doubt they would have had a match VERY close to MOTY status (it is anyway, but even closer).


Has anyone watched the SD rematch, recently? I loved that at the time, but don't remember it as well as the Vengeance match. In fact, the 7 minute (or so) match they had before Mania was pretty rockin' too.

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