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Guest korndogg123

OK, so I just saw the Mega Powers break up match

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Guest korndogg123

If I had seen the match when I first started watching wrestling as a young mark, I probably would have sided with Hogan cause he was the only name I knew of. But after watching this match and the aftermath, I gotta say just how in the hell was Savage the heel in this?! OK, Elizabeth gets knocked out mid-match, Hogan bails on Savage to carry Liz to the back and sits with her for like five freakin minutes while Savage gets his ass kicked in the ring. Liz finally comes to, Hogan goes back to the ring and rightfully so, Savage smacks him in the face.


First of all, what in the hell was Hogan doing carrying Liz to the back and watching over her when the paramedics were there to do their jobs? OK, I understand they were trying to play an angle where Hogan actually fell in love w/ her, but good grief you've got a match goin on and you left your partner high and dry! Secondly, during that whole backstage segment during the match, my God did Hogan's acting suck! I swear he repeated "please God, let her live" like a thousand times. Sure, he was there for moral support, but what was he gonna do back there besides just that? He's not a doctor, so it's not like he can help revive her.


Bottom line, although the whole Mega Powers break up angle and the match at WM V was gold, to a smart mark standpoint, the wrong man came out of it the face. Jesse Ventura was right on the money w/ his commentary during the match that Savage had every right to be pissed off w/ Hogan for leaving him to get his ass kicked by the Twin Towers although everyone and their hamster knew the Mega Powers would somehow pull off the win.

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Guest LooneyTune

I think the welfare of someone is more important than a match, unless you're cold hearted. Savage should've left too, but he decided to continue fighting and ended up getting his ass kicked for it.

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Guest Frank_Nabbit

Savage actually paused and watched Hogan carry her off if I remember correctly.....wasn't he then hit from behind or something?

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Guest LooneyTune

Didn't Savage get up first? I can't remember. I remember Hogan laying over both of them (ew...) picked up Liz, but Savage just seems to be blocked out of my mind.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Wow, you just completely missed the point of that entire angle.


Liz was injured during the match and Hogan helped her to the back which was the face thing to do. Savage still had a good chance at fending for himself in the setting of a match where Liz was injured and for all he knew needed help immediately. Savage then attacked Hogan due to his insane possesiveness of Liz.

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Guest Loss

I, too, thought Savage was in the right here. That's one of the problems I always had with Hogan growing up. He could do anything he wanted to do and it was acceptable, but when his own tactics were used against him, there were cries and cries of conspiracy and wrongdoing.

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Guest LooneyTune

Savage's whole argument was Hogan had the hots for Elizabeth. Savage always used her as a sheild when he was a heel (hiding behind her to stop a faces momentum or whatever), so it's not surprising he didn't give a damn about her getting hurt.


It was a "OK, he has a point" to Savage but also a "Hogan did the right thing, but also screwed over his partner". It's an even playing ground I think.

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That was the beauty of the Mega Powers spilt. Everyone has/had an opinion of who was right and who was wrong. I'm sure a storyline like this, executed the way it was, touched a nerve on more than a few people. Just an awesome storyline considering it was blantantly obvious that Hogan was walking out of WMV w/ the WWF Title.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
I, too, thought Savage was in the right here. That's one of the problems I always had with Hogan growing up. He could do anything he wanted to do and it was acceptable, but when his own tactics were used against him, there were cries and cries of conspiracy and wrongdoing.

I don't understand this at all. Yeah, leaving Savage by himself was questionable but he still had a chance in a tag match. Liz was hurt and he was trying to help her. When Savage attacked him afterwards it seemed he was completely in the wrong at that point.

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I always saw it like this:


1. Elizabeth is hurt, and Savage has also taken a bad tumble and is also hurt.

2. Elizabeth, not being a wrestler and therefore not used to heing hurt in this manner, needed immediate assistance to the back.

3. Hogan picks up Elizabeth and tries to carry her to the back when he hasn't seen help arrive. This is where Savage sees Hogan carrying Elizabeth to the back and, at this point, he may or may not realize how hurt Elizabeth is.

4. EMTs finally reach ringside, and Hogan helps put Elizabeth onto the gurney.


If Hogan heads back to the ring here and Savage goes ballistic, no problem. BUT!


5. Hogan has to make absolutely sure that Elizabeth is taken back to the medical room and pushes the stretcher back there.


If Hogan comes straight back to the ring here, we can maybe see him as the face in the entire situation. BUT!


6. Hogan insists on staying in the first aid room for over five minutes to make absolutely sure Elizabeth wakes up and doesn't leave her side.

7. Hogan finally returns to the ring after Liz asks where Randy is, and Hogan gets this "Oh shit" look on his face.


Simply put, while Hogan did the right thing by making sure Elizabeth was given medical attention, he should have gotten back to the ring much sooner than he did. And all Savage has to go by before he gets to the first aid room is "That son of a bitch has the woman I love in his arms."


Final verdict: Savage might have overreacted, but if Hogan would have remembered he had a job to do, maybe it doesn't happen in the first place.


I've been looking for an excuse to analyze this situation like this for a long time.

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Guest Loss
I, too, thought Savage was in the right here. That's one of the problems I always had with Hogan growing up. He could do anything he wanted to do and it was acceptable, but when his own tactics were used against him, there were cries and cries of conspiracy and wrongdoing.

I don't understand this at all. Yeah, leaving Savage by himself was questionable but he still had a chance in a tag match. Liz was hurt and he was trying to help her. When Savage attacked him afterwards it seemed he was completely in the wrong at that point.

Hogan had been slyly coming on to Liz for months and hogging Savage's glory, despite Savage being the champ. He even came to Liz's rescue a few weeks before this when Akeem and Bossman tried to put their hands on her. He was growing sick of Hogan, but was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. When he saw Savage carrying Liz away from the ring, basically abandoning him in a tag match so he could play the hero to feed his own ego, Savage understandably got upset, especially since there were already other people attending to Elizabeth and they were in the middle of a match. That was his breaking point.


The Megapowers were together for a year and during that time, Hogan was constantly hogging Savage's glory and getting a little too close to Elizabeth for comfort. Eventually, he had enough. If Hogan was so concerned about Elizabeth, he should have tagged himself in and fought the match himself so Savage could carry her to the back. Liz was his woman, not Hulk's.

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Hogan should've been the heel in the majority of his feuds during the '80s and early '90s.

I thought that he could've made a tremendous heel turn after Warrior beat him for the title. That would've been a great feud.

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Guest korndogg123
The Megapowers were together for a year and during that time, Hogan was constantly hogging Savage's glory

I never understood some of the booking with Hogan. How the hell is he supposed to be the face at RR 92?


The same situation in early '92. Hogan and Justice become tight beginning at Summerslam '91. Then at the Rumble the shit hits the fan when Hogan claims if Justice wanted to eliminated him from the rumble he should have faced him like a man. Justice goes apeshit when Hogan's named #1 contender for WM8 then apologizes. Tag match is signed for SNME. Pre-match interview Justice is talking, Sean Mooney completely cuts him and goes to the glory hog Hogan. Hogan goes off on a rant, Justice walks out and Hogan thinks he's just going to the ring. Another match I just recently dl'd by the way, and totally forgot what happened pre-match since I hadn't seen this since '92. Once again a time when I cheered for Hogan as a young mark in a place where he should have been the heel. But of course, nobody will boo Hogan at that time cause he's the big hero. What I don't remember is how the matches got switched to Hogan vs. Justice and Savage getting the title shot cause in the post-match interview w/ Hogan and Beefcake, Hogan says he's dedicating the title match to Brutus.

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well the fans at rumble 92 DID boo hogan so......




clearly in the storyline savage was always a bit crazy. he was insanely possesive of liz during his inital heel run, but was not above using her as a shield or distraction. but by 89 he was in love with here and obviously angry at hogan for in his mind tyring to take his woman and his spotlight. svage was getting increasingly paranoid and he finally snapped on SNME. for the hext two years, savage basically was playing a paranoid heel (not unlike steve austin in 01) but he never did stopping loving liz, as we saw at wm 7



man savage sure did have a very intersting ongoing storyline throughout his wwf career

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God this is easily one of my favorite storylines in WWF/E history! I was inly a little kid when it happened but I can still remember it so clearly...and its my second oldest remaining memory of a WWF/E storyline... The first being Hogan vs Andre the part where Andre beat Hogan for the belt and tried to sell it to Ted DiBiase & when Savage won the title at WM 4 espically.

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Guest Astro

Hogan on PWI Magizine cover: "I LOVE ELIZABETH!! (like a sister)....


Hogan did defend Liz's honor vs Bad News Brown after Savage wouldn't.

(BNB had implied sexual favors were done to Pres. Tunney by Liz to protect Savage from him, or something along that line.)

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