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New John Cena United States Championship

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Um...um...its white gold!

























*runs away

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Belts should put a wrestler over. A wrestler should not have to put over a title. Just like the Smoking Skull title and the Brahma Bull title.......they were fucking terrible just like this one.

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Remember Bradshaw's customised Hardcore Title?


Now that was ugly.

Did it have horns?

I remember no horns. I think it the buckle was supposed to look like the Texas flag.


(Note: You can't type "hardcore" into Google and expect the right results.)

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Man,  championship belt with spinners on it.


As if thre wasn't enough things for people to laugh at in wrestling.


Then again, in a weird way it works since all  the belts on Smackdown (except the WWE belt) are ten kinds of fugly.

What's wrong with the Cruiserweight and Tag Titles?

The SD tag belts just look so indy fed to me, maybe its all the blue on them. I also hate how the jacked the look of the old WWF tag belts to make fans think that the SD belts share the WWF World Tag Team line when they don't.


The Cruiser belt is just the WCW model with a WWE logo slapped on it, and too just smacks of something you see defended in a high school gym.


I like championship belts that look like they mean something rather than looking like something you get for sending away cereal box tops.

The Cruiserweight strap only looks like WCW's old belt in shape . . . it's totally redesigned from the old one, it's one of my favorite belts, actually

I remember at Backlash 02, it still had the WCW logo on it.


I'm sure they've redesigned it since then, but I'm not sure.

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I am watching Armageddon now... how come barely anybody has mentioned that the title fucking spins? What the hell?!?! The title belt is not a custom rim for your car.... And for those that have no idea what I'm talking about, the center plate actually spins around in a circle

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I mentioned it spun when I said it needed to be more like a Sprewell instead of a turntable. Right now it's like a record, not a wheel. Were it some kind of six-pointed thing spinning within the background circle, then it'd be perfect.

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yeah, he'd probably rename it the France Heavyweight title, which, let's face it, would give him a good amount of heat in this day in age of jingoism.

In keeping w/ the Lance Storm theme, Dupree could name himself the French Undisputed Championship King. Maybe move Rosey over to SD and the 2 of them could feud. Oh, the comedy. Or something.

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Guest M. Harry Smilac

It's too bad Hassan can't win it and cover up the American flag stuff with a turban or towel.

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The unintentional comedy in that match--from the huge thug in clown pants to the b+w to the lame-ass-Austin-ish-tough-guy-wannabe Cena with his "Ruck Fules" shirt and spinny belt--was almost off the charts.


When's his metal album come out? ;)

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Guest I *Heart* Jeff Weaver
A reminder about the previous ugly piece of crap:


But did we really have to go all the way to the other side of the fugly spectrum? Was there no happy medium? Going from 'what the hell is that?' to 'what the fuck is that?' does not constitute a positive design change.

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A reminder about the previous ugly piece of crap:


For some reason, I actually like this title belt.


I know I'm in the minorty there, but I do like it.


I think the reason it gets a bad rap like it does is because people like the WCW US Title belt.

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Guest I *Heart* Jeff Weaver
A reminder about the previous ugly piece of crap:


For some reason, I actually like this title belt.


I know I'm in the minorty there, but I do like it.


I think the reason it gets a bad rap like it does is because people like the WCW US Title belt.

I think it gets a bad rap because it's the light heavyweight belt with a red white and blue sticker on it.

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A reminder about the previous ugly piece of crap:


For some reason, I actually like this title belt.


I know I'm in the minorty there, but I do like it.


I think the reason it gets a bad rap like it does is because people like the WCW US Title belt.

I think it gets a bad rap because it's the light heavyweight belt with a red white and blue sticker on it.

Well, I liked the design of the Light Heavyweight title as well.

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Guest LooneyTune

I also am in the minority of liking the design. Of course, I like lots of bad things, like hosses and squash matches.

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A reminder about the previous ugly piece of crap:


For some reason, I actually like this title belt.


I know I'm in the minorty there, but I do like it.


I think the reason it gets a bad rap like it does is because people like the WCW US Title belt.

Well if you compare it with the new one of course the American flag sticker belt looks a million times better.


This belt looks like it has a hubcap on it.

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A reminder about the previous ugly piece of crap:


For some reason, I actually like this title belt.


I know I'm in the minorty there, but I do like it.


I think the reason it gets a bad rap like it does is because people like the WCW US Title belt.

Well if you compare it with the new one of course the American flag sticker belt looks a million times better.


This belt looks like it has a hubcap on it.


Maybe so, but Cena's looks more prestigious, granted it could have been gold instead of silver, but I just like the design better (a lot of people hate the turntable feature) and as you can in the background, the flag design looks a million times better on this one than the ugly half assed design of it on the old WWE version.

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It looks to much like a cheap boxing belt. I hate to say it, but I prefer the first WWE US Belt better.

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I loved the Original WWE US title design. But to make EVERYONE happy, maybe the WWE should of done this......



For a slightly better look at it. (No offense Taker)


none taken, I was just to lazy to find a bigger pic.


What I was saying is, the WWE should of done what they did with the WCW World title, keep the original design, but replace the "WCW" logo with the "WWE" logo.

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