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Art Sandusky

Oh man, I'm on drugs right now.

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Guest cosbywasmurdered

True, I was going to fuck his father too but I didn't know which of the guys he was.

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Guest BrokenWings
Agent should send me a salvia divinorum sprout for my birthday.

So he was serious before when he said he grew them? I wasn't positive and didn't want to look stupid.


I want stories of experiences, because I've had thoughts to try recently.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

If I could get it to clone properly, yeah, I would. I tried some, by the way. Highly overrated.


The most intense points involved closed eye visuals and detatchment. Hold your breath long enough and you can get that. I haven't done it in any sort of oral or sublingual method, but that requires an MAOI, and those can be kind of dangerous.


I tried it in blackwax and crystalline form, and wasn't impressed at all. I guess its current legality is a selling point, but I'm not going into business with it, as I don't want people going "Man, this didn't do anything, gimme my money back," because really, it hardly does anything. I've read about people claiming out of body experiences and such, and maybe taken a different way, that's true, but visual checking in and out, amorphous color blobs and photosensitivity, and floaty is really unimpressive. Like doing cheap pot and whippets, the day after drinking, immediately when you wake up. That's what it felt like transcending to from a sober state.

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Guest Skironox
Don't they spray the seeds with all sorts of toxins? One would think.

Some brands do, some don't. Steer clear from Better Homes and Gardens and Martha Stewart brands, and go for Burpee. Still, I won't lie, the seeds taste like ass but if you can quaff Robitussin Max Strength you can handle these.


If you're not a lazy stoner you can do an extraction, it just takes patience and the courage to down a shot of some high grade alcohol.


And for Milky, I'm not selling the Robogels as a better option. Of course eating less pills is a better way, but I've just never seen Dexalone's in my area. If you can't find them, go for the gels, anything but that horrid syrup.




I remember coming to this board on DXM the night of Survivor Series 2003, and making an ass out of myself for about 5 minutes. Then my ass got kicked and I watched Cheech and Chong, viewing the magical symbolism of the plight of good versus evil. Too much free time, but good times nonetheless.

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Oh man, I'm on drugs right now.


Took some acid at around 10-11 this morning. Sat around the house toking until it was time for the rumble. Haven't slept since Friday night, and I haven't eaten since saturday at 8, save for a bag of doritos.


Oddly, I'm not really that hungry, but I'm making some food because I know I need to eat.


I still haven't gotten both feet back on the ground from this acid. In-fucking-tense.

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Guest Vitamin X

Oh man, I'm drunk right now. And on drugs I guess, if marijuana counts.


Fuckin' 12 pack of Miller High Life for $6. Fantastic!

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Oh, man, for once I'm just listening to The Pod.



BTW, for your eddification.





...If it's not my build it's my personality.




Jesus people can be cruel.

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Hey, and if you want to experience actual drunkeness/druginess, not the frat-boy happy-time wussy kind,


Read some Bukowski. He'll scare you out of the shit, or at least warn you.


And if you're getting railed up the ass, you'll be able to call it poetry. It probably is.

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Whenever I come off of some sort of binge, I've started drinking just tons of orange juice. If you've ever seen the movie Stir of Echoes, I'm like that dude. I don't know why it's what I want to do, or why I like doing it, but I do.

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Never tried that, will have to sometime.


I lose a little more respect for alcohol every time I drink it. I downed a bottle of wine last night, about a liter overall, and got nothing more than a slight buzz which barely lasted an hour. Fuckin' ripoff, I could get that by just two good hits of any decent weed.

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By contrast, I'm starting to like alcohol a bit more than I used to. I used to never be able to get drunk. I can now, though it's fairly mild. I think it might have been psychosomatic.

I recently switched from Coronas to Labatt Blue, which I like a lot more, though I prefer hard liquor. Hennessy if I can afford it, but if I want to be cheap I don't really care what it is. Probably Jager... I like the way that tastes.

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It doesn't help me in the drinking game that 1.I'm prone to fuckin' crippling hangovers from any respectable amount of imbibing, and 2.Most alcoholic beverages taste like piss.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

People talk a lot of shit about moonshine, but done properly, there is no drunker.

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Guest Vitamin X

Yeah, it's an odd phenomenon, but it's true. Many people don't get high for a first time or two. Some I guess never allow themselves to be high. It happens if you're a particularly wired guy, as well or in the middle of the day or something when you're wide awake.


I find my high wears off if I get really into a video game, like when I'm playing NFL2k5 online or something.

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I was pretty fucking blitzed the first time. I took a lot of it, like way more than I usually would these days, and ate it instead of smoking it.

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