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Guest TheLastBoyscout

Sell me on... Hating JBL

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Guest TheLastBoyscout

I cannot hate JBL. His promos are top notch, his look is great, his size makes him a believable ass-kicker, and even though he doesn't draw... NO ONE does right now. His workrate is good enough to be consistantly good depending on his opponant.


WHY am I supposed to hate him again?

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Guest Korgath
I cannot hate JBL. His promos are top notch, his look is great, his size makes him a believable ass-kicker, and even though he doesn't draw... NO ONE does right now. His workrate is good enough to be consistantly good depending on his opponant.

You mean... Vinny Mac actually made a good call by naming him Champ?

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Guest uyaljg

There is no reason to hate him, on screen.


Although you could hate his off screen anal-raping of jerks/new guys.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

right; because JBL is the only guy to do this.


"Rape" (i.e hazing) has been a custom in the business way back in the days of Thesz.

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I'm with you all the way, sure I boo him just because he's a bad guy, but I enjoy this gimmick more than the APA gimmick. Once he changed hairstyles (and color) he lost his bad ass image. But now he is great. I'm gladthey are giving him a long title reign because he has really built his Upper-class type look.

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Guest TheLastBoyscout

Oh and the match with Angle this week was top-notch, and proves that JBL is a great heel. He could have a match with HHH, and HHH would be the one to get the cheers.

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Guest uyaljg
right; because JBL is the only guy to do this.


"Rape" (i.e hazing) has been a custom in the business way back in the days of Thesz.

Yeah, I love the raping. It gets me hot.

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Oh and the match with Angle this week was top-notch, and proves that JBL is a great heel. He could have a match with HHH, and HHH would be the one to get the cheers.

HHH gets cheers over a lot of people. Hell, he might be getting cheered over Orton at Mania.

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Yeah, but HHH is the biggest face on RAW.


Wait... what? He's a heel?


JBL needs a ridiculously big entourage. Like, they need 5 more people on the squad. He needs a P-Diddy-esque man servant. He needs his own personal chef. He needs a financial consultant on the European and Asian/Foreign markets. He needs a personal photographer. And he needs his own historian.


Man Servant = Julian Deroche (French, cause JBL hates the French, so he enjoys having a french person at his beck-and-call)


Personal Chef = "Michelangelo", the world-famous Italian chef who is keeping JBL on a healthy diet, to make sure the champ eats right.


Financial Consultant on Foreign Markets = Alistair D. Livingsworth III, a British, Tony-Blair-esque figure in JBL's cabinet. He notifies the champ when the market is right.


Personal Photographer = Emileo Frankish, a homosexual photographer, to prove JBL is an equal opportunity employer. Plus, no one makes JBL look more beautiful.


Historian = Peter Jacobs, a lanky 12 year old nerd who documents JBL's title run and daily activites in his parents basement over the internet.

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I been a fan of the JBL character from the start. I always thought it would be a good mid/upper card character. Kind of like Carlito at the moment. Never thought JBL should be in the main event spot.


But, damn, I've eatin' some crow.

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Guest TheLastBoyscout
He was tag team wrestler his entire career and then he gets a major singles push.

So was Bret Hart.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You
He was tag team wrestler his entire career and then he gets a major singles push.

So was Bret Hart.

So was Shawn & Edge.


Also you can put Shelton on the list with Bret, Shawn, Edge pretty soon.


Farooq, Haas and Christian Neidharted/Jannettyed their careers.

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Farooq, Haas and Christian Neidharted/Jannettyed their careers.

That's an incredibly asinine thing to say. Faarooq retired, and then JBL moved up the card. Christian and Haas are still on the shows, with Christian in the upper midcard and Haas being in one of the bigger angles on Smackdown.

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Bradshaw didn't deserve to be WWE Champion at the time he got it. He'll be best remember for being a tag team jobber who was pushed faster to getting the title than Brock Lesnar. And this is a guy who had several horrible gimmicks and had been pushed before as a singles guy that failed miserably.


I can see why some of you may like his gimmick, but it takes more than image and mic skills to be a great champion.


If anything, he's being treated worse than Chris Jericho because as far as I know, the only person he's pinned on TV (correct me if I'm wrong) since he's been champ for the past 5 and a half months was Booker T.


The sad part is many of you are probably only praising Bradshaw now just because he's been champ for so long and have been brainwashed by WWE into liking him since he's been getting so much focus. But then again, many of us despise HHH so its a case of pick your poison. Go for HHH because he's obviously the better man or go for JBL because he's something new, a breath of fresh air so to speak.


He was tag team wrestler his entire career and then he gets a major singles push. 



So was Bret Hart.


Difference is Bret Hart won the Intercontinental Title and had a great run with it for almost a year before he moved into the world title and he, you know, put on good / great matches.


Bradshaw becomes WWE Champion three months after losing a Fatal 4 Way match for the tag titles at WM XX, what does that tell you?

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Guest The Shadow Behind You


Farooq, Haas and Christian Neidharted/Jannettyed their careers.

That's an incredibly asinine thing to say. Faarooq retired, and then JBL moved up the card. Christian and Haas are still on the shows, with Christian in the upper midcard and Haas being in one of the bigger angles on Smackdown.

Yes Farrooq retired. I'll conceed that he didn't Jannetty or Neidhart his career.


but the real Neidharted/Janettyed comment meant They became less successful then their partners who went onto larger success


Jannetty floundered around for about 2-3 years being used majorily in 1993 for the most part and then wasn't used much.


Kinda like Christian in 2003 and then he disappered to the low mid card/tag team.


Haas is in the same pattern as Christian and Jannetty where he got a decent singles push initally and is back in tag team mode.

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If anything, he's being treated worse than Chris Jericho because as far as I know, the only person he's pinned on TV (correct me if I'm wrong) since he's been champ for the past 5 and a half months was Booker T.

Who I believe, unless I'm mistaken is the only man to pin Bradshaw since he's been champion, so that could negate his pin on Booker if you choose to look at it that way.

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He was tag team wrestler his entire career and then he gets a major singles push.

So was Bret Hart.

So was Shawn & Edge.


Also you can put Shelton on the list with Bret, Shawn, Edge pretty soon.


Farooq, Haas and Christian Neidharted/Jannettyed their careers.

The difference is those were all young guys who were hyped up as being such great wrestlers all the time by announcers. You knew one day they would go off and have singles success.


Bradshaw is pretty much a lifetime tag team wrestler except for a couple of crappy singles runs sprinkled here and there.

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There's no reason to hate Bradshaw, because you shouldn't be watching his matches (if you are of sound mind). His promos are great and his antics are goofy, so it translates well to Velocity/Experience highlights (all of the promo, ten percent of the match).

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JBL had a great singles run before, as European champion.

Are you talking about when he was on RAW with the long hair, and changed to the Cowboy boots and short black tights, and fought the nWo for a while with Austin?


That was shit.

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JBL had a great singles run before, as European champion


which lasted 8 days.

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Guest uyaljg
JBL had a great singles run before, as European champion


which lasted 8 days.

Eight days of singles GOLD.

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You know what, I've been somewhat of a fan of his sence the start. Every promo he cuts, his reactions, his new Cabinet Faction, his charater has all been 100% gold. And I've actually enjoyed some of his PPV matches with Eddie, Taker, Booker and recently angle. I think hes a much better wrestler than people would like to admit. Some people just forget that not everyone could be a clone of Benoit, Jericho or London. I think the WWE struck a gold mine with the JBL charater and made it work. hes actually one of guys I look forward in seeing on SmackDown!. I love the JBL Charater and hes actually been a better Champion than some give him credit for.


And about the whole argument of "Being pushed to fast", "he came out of a jobber tag team just months ago" and "there are more deserving Champions", I don't give a shit, it happened and the end results has been great.

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