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Just John

Most Shameless Shilling in Wrestling

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Tonight's "Bod" segment with Jerry Lawler prompted me to think of this. What are the most shameless promotions of products in wrestling?


To get the ball rolling, I'll throw out HHH making a promo comparing Goldberg to YJ Stinger.

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Bam Bam Bigelow pushing around those carts full of Surge bottles.


Chucky showing up to promote his new movie and Rick Steiner idiotically talking to him.


God, the XFL ones were endless:


Poor Jericho having to wear a He Hate Me jersey.


Heyman wearing the XFL hat.


During one brawl I distinctly remember seeing XFL on one of the semi-trucks in the back.


Off-topic, but still pitiful: JR nearly begging fans to watch the XFL.

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Guest LooneyTune

I can think of something better...


The Jarretts and Panda Enrgy begging people to come to TNA shows for free.

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I remember a shill for Dude, where's my car? on a Smackdown in 2000, I think Tazz,Edge and Christian were involved.

That was funny though, especially Tazz trying to hook Ashton (was it?) up with a car from Joey Numbers.

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Guest LooneyTune
The Karate Fighters tournament

Thank You for scheduling my nightmares for the rest of the week.

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I liked how every couple of weeks they'd sneak in a quick mention of the Brisco Brothers Body Shop, Kane having a sign on his back during an interview was far better than spending about 20 minutes of a show promoting stuff like Rollerball.


Edit: The Highlander: Endgame plug was ok.

Edited by deancoles411

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Guest LooneyTune

What exactly WAS the plot of Rollerball? I watched it on USA Network last week during an insomnia episode and STILL don't know, although I noticed a lot of Paul Heyman.

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Guest Loss

I remember Tony Schiavone telling me that the foam from Mug root bear would go *straight* to my brain on the minute every minute for about two years.


I also remember Dok Hendrix and Todd Pettengill stuffing their faces with Burger King food between matches on Action Zone once in '95.

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"I'm gonna break his neck, I'm gonna rip off his head, I'm gonna drink his blood. And to wash down that blood, I'm gonna drink an ice cold Buzz beer!'




J/K, anyone remember that from an episode of Drew Carey with Triple H?


I'd say the Karate Fighters. Pathetic.

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What annoyed me was when would be a backstage segment involving WWF/E video games, I remember in 2000 D'Lo Brown playing Smackdown 1 backstage, Kurt Angle showing up with advice for D'Lo only to be interrupted by Sgt. Slaughter who had a message for D'Lo, an annoyed Angle then challenged Slaughter to a match.


Edit: How many times did the Friendly Tap get shown? That place must have been on TV at least 5 times.

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Bam Bam Bigelow pushing around those carts full of Surge bottles.


Chucky showing up to promote his new movie and Rick Steiner idiotically talking to him.


God, the XFL ones were endless:


Poor Jericho having to wear a He Hate Me jersey.


Heyman wearing the XFL hat.


During one brawl I distinctly remember seeing XFL on one of the semi-trucks in the back.


Off-topic, but still pitiful: JR nearly begging fans to watch the XFL.

God, I remember at the time that any Kane or Big Show match had JR yapping, "That was like an XFL fair catch!"

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The Premiere of Adventures of Robin Hood

The Premier of Assault on Devil's Island wasn't much better either, I feel sorry for the people who watched that just to see a quick Sting/Hogan contract signing.

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Guest LooneyTune

XFL this, XFL that...WWE in 2001 was nothing BUT XFL comments, even during the Alliance angle.

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The Premiere of Adventures of Robin Hood

The Premier of Assault on Devil's Island wasn't much better either, I feel sorry for the people who watched that just to see a quick Sting/Hogan contract signing.

On the bright side, Shannon Tweed was in it.

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I remember one on Heat a few years back when they'd host it from the WWF NY resturant.


William Regal was there and told Michael Cole that he as wearing tennis shoes and Cole said "Hey, these aren't tennis shoes, these are the NEW Adidas SL, they're hot!"

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#1 Chucky comes out and Rick Steiner and the announcers act like he's real

#2 XFL

#3 Karate Fighters Tournament


#5 Robin Hood Premiere on TNT

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