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Guest Trivia247

Brock Calls Vince

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Lesnar doesn't draw like Hogan use to...


I don't see why everyone thinks he'll save the company.. He won't do much for business at all.

Hogan doesn't draw like Hogan used to.


And thanks for trolling. Have a nice day.

Right... saying Brock won't draw is "Trolling".


I don't think he will draw, and we'll see if I'm right when he returns.


I mean.. if I'm not a Troll by then and can still work the TV set.

He'll improve the product greatly. That's enough.

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Then why don't you tell us why he won't draw.

Oh, is that what Trolling is? Okay, sorry... I never understood that term.


I don't think Brock will draw because, well Jesus himself couldn't draw these days. (pun intended)


I don't think Brock was around for a long enough time, or even built up enough, for him to still be an appealing name for the average viewer. So they'd basically have to start from scratch.


WWE creative team starting from scratch, even if they don't hold a grudge against Lesnar, isn't a good thing. Despite his obvious talent, I don't think they could turn him into a draw... not in the short term anyways..


So I don't think Vince trying to teach him a lesson hurts business, as it probably won't pick up with or with out Brock there. He'll most likely just become another name like JBL, Benoit, HHH etc.. While they aren't bad for business, they don't draw.


Edit: It would improve the product, yes. But it probably won't attract casual fans,so won't effect business. Utalizing the CWs, and getting rid of the worthless hosses and women would improve the product, but not business.

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Brock was pushed like crazy for 2 years, as pretty much one of the top guys in the company. He's over enough with the average fan that his return will mean something. He'll also have the notoriety of 'selling out'.


And I think it will attract the casual fans, because Lesnar leaving for the NFL got a ton of press, but that was mostly because they kept pushing this silly $45m figure that was supposedly walking away from.

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You're crazy (twizted, not HTQ). Brock would instantly be the hottest heel in the company when/if he came back. At least in the short run, he'd be a draw, provided they don't have him on job duty. He'd be fresh, he'd already be a recognized character, and he'd already have a history. There'd be absolutely no reason to start from scratch.

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At this point, I could careless if Brock could draw and the business stayed in it's current condition. I want to be entertained and Brock always did that for me. I have no stock in the company and as long as it doesn't go out of business, I, myself, want to be entertained.


I shouldn't compare the two, but Bret Hart's return at Survivor Series '96 didn't turn the business around but I was happy as Hell as a fan to see him return.


Same with Brock now.

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Guest Catcher8C

There are two sides to this, and both of them are legit. The truth is, Brock was not a draw whatsoever from his 2002 debut through his departure. On the other hand, he created big publicity for himself with the football stint. No one can accurately predict wether the pub will outweigh his previous effect on the product. People might care, but will they care enough to tune in if he returns?



If I had my way, he would return at RR (not as an entrant) with the final four in the ring. (Cena, Orton, and two others) He would destroy them all and declare himself the winner. Orton would be declared the winner, and a heel turned Cena would demand to be traded from SD to Raw so he could kick Ortons ass. However, they end up getting traded for each other. Meanwhile, Big Show has been using the F-5 all through RR and delcaring it as his move. Lesnar (heel) goes after face Show and fight for #1 contendership at No Way Out. Lesnar gets himself DQ'ed and Show goes on to face JBL at No Way Out. He loses due to interference by Lesnar. This sets up for WM through Summerslam nicely in my opinion.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

Big Difference.


Bret "left" because of contract dispute and to get a deserved rest; Brock walked out on the company.


I think Brock's return would be GREAT for the company and I'm sorry but the back need to shut up and stop being babies. If they want to feed their kids; they let Lesnar get the push. I'm not saying Lesnar would be a Hogan like draw but either would anyone else in the business today.


Lesnar returning not only creates an *INSANT* mega heel of amazing proportions but brings back a talented main event heel who can work a match unlike JBL and Edge.


Brock Lesnar *has* to return on Raw. I'm sorry, Lesnar on Raw is just rehashed angles. To compenstate, send HBK and Jericho over to Smackdown. Lesnar/Benoit is *THE* angle to go with.


Not Orton/Brock or Batistia/Brock...but BENOIT/BROCK.


Vince can bury him in the back and bury him down the line after he gets the intial profit from his return.


For those who think Lesnar should be "humbled" and "given his just due" are Idiots.


Austin did the *SAME* thing and for more selfish reasons, Lesnar left to pursue a unrealized dream. Austin left because he didn't like his character's direction (which is funny, since when he returned...he quickly went back to the stale 1999 character).


Vince had *no* problem putting Austin right back on top of the company and giving him a mega program upon his return with The Rock and then when Austin had to retire; he was the #1 face still.


What's the difference here? Austin left him in a time of need and he was welcomed back with open arms because Vince knew Austin's return would draw interest and a profit.



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Big Difference.


Bret "left" because of contract dispute and to get a deserved rest; Brock walked out on the company.


I think Brock's return would be GREAT for the company and I'm sorry but the back need to shut up and stop being babies.  If they want to feed their kids; they let Lesnar get the push. I'm not saying Lesnar would be a Hogan like draw but either would anyone else in the business today.


Lesnar returning not only creates an *INSANT* mega heel of amazing proportions but brings back a talented main event heel who can work a match unlike JBL and Edge.


Brock Lesnar *has* to return on Raw. I'm sorry, Lesnar on Raw is just rehashed angles. To compenstate, send HBK and Jericho over to Smackdown. Lesnar/Benoit is *THE* angle to go with.


Not Orton/Brock or Batistia/Brock...but BENOIT/BROCK.


Vince can bury him in the back and bury him down the line after he gets the intial profit from his return.


For those who think Lesnar should be "humbled" and "given his just due" are Idiots.


Austin did the *SAME* thing and for more selfish reasons, Lesnar left to pursue a unrealized dream. Austin left because he didn't like his character's direction (which is funny, since when he returned...he quickly went back to the stale 1999 character).


Vince had *no* problem putting Austin right back on top of the company and giving him a mega program upon his return with The Rock and then when Austin had to retire; he was the #1 face still.


What's the difference here? Austin left him in a time of need and he was welcomed back with open arms because Vince knew Austin's return would draw interest and a profit.



Only difference is.. Austin was a proven draw, Lesnar is not.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You
There are two sides to this, and both of them are legit. The truth is, Brock was not a draw whatsoever from his 2002 debut through his departure. On the other hand, he created big publicity for himself with the football stint. No one can accurately predict wether the pub will outweigh his previous effect on the product. People might care, but will they care enough to tune in if he returns?



If I had my way, he would return at RR (not as an entrant) with the final four in the ring. (Cena, Orton, and two others) He would destroy them all and declare himself the winner. Orton would be declared the winner, and a heel turned Cena would demand to be traded from SD to Raw so he could kick Ortons ass. However, they end up getting traded for each other. Meanwhile, Big Show has been using the F-5 all through RR and delcaring it as his move. Lesnar (heel) goes after face Show and fight for #1 contendership at No Way Out. Lesnar gets himself DQ'ed and Show goes on to face JBL at No Way Out. He loses due to interference by Lesnar. This sets up for WM through Summerslam nicely in my opinion.



God no. That's the *most* counter productive thing possible...after Angle/Lesnar.


Benoit/Lesnar. There's NO arguement against it. The Best worker is Benoit; who'll mask Lesnar's rust.


The angle would basically be Brock returning as if he did nothing wrong...then out comes Benoit. Mr. "THIS IS MY PASSION!".


Simple and Classic storyline of the Deterimed vet who would die for the business against the cocky arrogant but talented young kid who doesn't realize the measure of damage he caused by walking out. Brock never pinned or made Benoit tap however, Benoit made Lesnar Tap.


Return Brock @ The rumble with a Huge Heel promo in the middle of the show (Another part of the angle; He doesn't care that he's interupting the show.)...He'll get a HUGE medley of heat after the "HOLY SHIT HE'S BACK!" pop when he hammers down the "I left" aspect of his character, Benoit in warrior gear (Lesnar would be in the Black slacks and button shirt gear) does the whole "You are a disgrace to this business, to the sport and art of Wrestling" spiel, leading to a physical slugfest.


Benoit in the rumble is Pulled out by Lesnar.


Lesnar/Benoit. WMXXI in LA. (Perfect site, considering it's a media market; they'll play up on the Brock leaving and returning aspect).


It's not hard to book and it's RIGHT ON THE FUCKING table for Vince to see.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You
Brock's quest for the Undisputed Title was a major factor in SummerSlam 2002 getting the buy rate it did. He drew for sure.

Some Might argue that Shawn's first match in five years certaintly helped there.

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Brock's quest for the Undisputed Title was a major factor in SummerSlam 2002 getting the buy rate it did. He drew for sure.

Some Might argue that Shawn's first match in five years certaintly helped there.

It might have helped, but the main focus of the hype was on Brock v Rock, and you had those tremendous video packages of both guys training for the match, leading into the PPV.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You
Brock's quest for the Undisputed Title was a major factor in SummerSlam 2002 getting the buy rate it did. He drew for sure.

Some Might argue that Shawn's first match in five years certaintly helped there.

It might have helped, but the main focus of the hype was on Brock v Rock, and you had those tremendous video packages of both guys training for the match, leading into the PPV.

How did the Brock main evented PPV's do without a HBK return or a Rock match do?


Not very well; better then they are now but that's not saying much.


Why are we argueing about buy rate and "draw" capabilities anyways?


Lesnar's return if done right is a GOOD thing.


If he returns and gets jobbed out to "pay his dues" or is inserted back with Angle or Cena or TBS or 'Taker...it's a failure.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You
It's not hard to book and it's RIGHT ON THE FUCKING table for Vince to see.

Until Steph or Triple H swips it off the table.

I'll never understand HHH and his wanna be Hogan politics.


Usually Hogan's politics worked for the good of the company or made sense


Just one example


Butch Reed No Shows. Steamboat has to lay down the title on his way out.


Hogan to Vince: Why don't ya put the title on HTM?

Vince: Are you Sure?

Hogan: Trust me.

Vince: All righty.


Vince made nearly more money off HTM then he did with Hogan.


Brock Lesnar walks through the door

Triple H to Stephanie to Vince: Bury him. Job him out and have him jerk against Hurricane.

Vince: Brilliant!


WWE Goes further down the toilet after Orton Vs Triple H IV tanks below 90,000 buys.

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I agree with Rudo, who said he should be on RAW. HHH is the only major heel on the show, and Brock/HHH, Brock/Batista, Brock/Benoit, Brock/HBK, Brock/Edge, Brock/Jericho and Brock/Orton all have the potential to draw, and they're all fresh matches.


On Smackdown, his only options are to rehash feuds with Eddy, Angle, Taker, Show and Cena.

I can see that point, but if Brock were to return, he would need to go to Smackdown just to help even out the rosters. They could help by having Benoit (or somebody from Raw) demand to be traded to Smackdown in exchange so that they can "teach that traitor a lesson". After feuding with the established stars out to get him, Brock could deal with some lower card guys who can say that they hate Brock for going right back in the main event and not having the love of wrestling that they do.


I mean, they wouldn't do anything like that, but it would help out Smackdown a lot to have Brock back. A lot more than it would benefit Raw.

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Guest Fook_Theta

Some Might argue that Shawn's first match in five years certaintly helped there.

It might have helped, but the main focus of the hype was on Brock v Rock, and you had those tremendous video packages of both guys training for the match, leading into the PPV.

Shawn Michaels coming back after a few years off, got less press from what you're saying, than Brock vs Rock? Vince doesn't care about money to some extent, and neither should the "IWC" when a top wrestler walks away without solid logic.


I'll repeat, if we take the article at face value, Brock still hasn't understood his place in the organization or wrestling as a whole. If he wants a short schedule, I do believe there are Japanese wrestling organizations that do not work their guys as hard as the WWE road schedule. This also doesn't take into the account of veterans of the business not having as free of contracts as Brock is suggesting he gets.


Top story right before he left was news that he apparently bought or chartered out a private plane for big money. He is not that fucking important. He is not that big a draw currently. He could have been, but he fucked that up when he walked away without good reasoning by Vince's nor empiricalists logic. The only reason people like him is because he does have a unique look, he is someone that could help revitalise both the wrestling and money draw aspects of WWE entertainment. No one has been made to look strong except maybe Big Dave in the last year.


I can somewhat understand wanting something 'newish' back, but Lesnar is not it with his current mindset as the article frames it.

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Even though people have already said this, but this is crap. PWTorch makes their news up half of the time.


I can't think of the last time any of their rumors were true.

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Brock's punishment will be losing a big fued to either Orton or Batista. That's it.

I personally don't care about paying your dues and all that shit. It's utter nonsense. Why the fuck should anyone have to be humiliated just to gain the "recognition" of some fucktards in the back? I'm seriously waiting for a story where someone smacks Holly, Calloway or JBL upside the head backstage for being such twats.


Brock is still in his twenties. Vince is smiling not only because he can punish Brock, but because he can use him as he originally intended. Brock'll be wearing the world title sooner than later.

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Wade Keller was that guy in high school who said he knew for a fact which people he'd never even met were sleeping together.

For some reason, I laughed my ass off at this.

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I think HHH will have Brock run in when it's time for him to drop the title, so the focus can be on "Brock Lesnar returned! (and cost HHH the title) than "X beat HHH". Well, that's what _I'd_ do, if I were HHH.


Lesnars return will get a huge pop, just in the "OMG Lesnar returned, and I am seeing it live!" vein. However, once that intial pop dies down, people will remember and the boos will start up. It would probably be best to make him the ultimate outsider/tweener. That way you can maximize fan interest, where people tune in to see what Brock does. Vince will probably have the GM's ban Lesnar from ringside and Brock keeps running in on matches "wanting back in". Here's a lil poll...


How should Brock come back:


a) A run-in on a WWE/World Title match, costing champion X the title or wrestler X the match.


b) A general run in, squashing everyone in the ring.


c) "Is that, is that BROCK LESNAR in the audience?! What is HE doing here?"


d) Lights Out. Lights On. F-5.


e) Random people are found laid out backstage, sez a victim, "It was... LESNAR!" *music* Lesnar comes out cuts a promo (or, end show... Lesnar starts off the next show with a promo)


f) Other (insert your scenario here)

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Guest LooneyTune
Brock's quest for the Undisputed Title was a major factor in SummerSlam 2002 getting the buy rate it did. He drew for sure.

Some Might argue that Shawn's first match in five years certaintly helped there.



No one can draw dick now, and sure as hell someone who couldn't draw in the first place (Brock) won't help. He made his bed and now he can lie in it. Because he doesn't know how to handle money means McMahon should sign him back and push him until he walks out again? I love the logic I see from some people.


London > Lesnar by the way. Whoever the fuck thinks Lesnar is a better wrestler obviously doesn't know shit.

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I agree with Rudo, who said he should be on RAW. HHH is the only major heel on the show, and Brock/HHH, Brock/Batista, Brock/Benoit, Brock/HBK, Brock/Edge, Brock/Jericho and Brock/Orton all have the potential to draw, and they're all fresh matches.


On Smackdown, his only options are to rehash feuds with Eddy, Angle, Taker, Show and Cena.


I must admit. Brock is not my favourite wrestler, but he is a good mat wrestler, has a cool moveset (F-5, SSP, Brock Lock and more importantly the sick double pinning ganzo bomb) and can cut decent promos.


Him being on SD though would add nothing. Just the thought of him and Benoit is crazy, plus imagine the hype of Brock-HHH, it could easily start off by HHH sarcastically saying "Fanastic, the guy who ran out on this show 2 odd years since he was afraid of facing me is finally back, im so scarred! Yeah right, the guys a snotty nose sell-out punk kid".


Imagine him and Orton or Batista or Jericho or Edge, alot better than Angle or Eddie or TBS or UT. Also, Kane was left off that list. We may even get Foley-Brock!


I would send HBK to SD, whose character is stale now that the HHH feud is finally over with, and somebody else too, such as Foley, Eugene (Eric: I finally got rid of him) or even a resigned Goldberg. SD has less in the way of 'talent pool'.

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I'm torn on this one. On one hand I do see the point of making him pay some dues (which he never paid to begin with I might add). But on the other I can see how jobbing him to everyone under the sun is counterproductive to the idea of him drawing money. Why bring him back if you're gonna job him out? Seems kinda stupid really. Just don't hire him again, that'll teach him a lesson and you save your money. Heh.

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The Lesnar push was one of the most schizophrenic pushes of all time. He was this monster heel and the youngest WWE champion ever (at the time)...BUT he lost matches by DQ to the Hardyz, had to have his manager help him cheat to win King of the Ring, the title, and Hell in a Cell, lost his first title to a crappy transition champion, had a pointless and shitty face run after Wrestlemania...they had NO CLUE how to book this guy, and there's little chance that'll change if he comes back.

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