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Big up to Landon Maddix, the first person EVER to make Toxxic tap out. I haven't read the match yet because i'm at work, but I will.


and then I'll see about getting the title back... ;)

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Guest Suicide King

Wow. That's all I can say. I thought Landon could do it, but thinking it and seeing it are two different things entirely. An excellent, excellent main event, and everyone should give mad props to Landon for beating a seemingly unbeatable champion, and to Toxxic for making the World Title really mean something again.

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yeah, I had the privilege of reading both matches, and I must say, I completely understand Mike's dilemma. Both matches were incredible. Toxxic brought some awesome, innovative spots, and his usual polish and professionalism (for lack of a better term).


Landon, meanwhile, made Toxxic seem like a fucking prick. No, I mean moreso than usual. Great, great psychology on his part.


I totally bought both finishes. I think Landon just brought some extra 'oomph', with a match that was truly the charismatic underdog finally beating the unstoppable champion.


I have to admit I haven't been reading much here lately, but reading those two matches really got me back into things. Big ups to both of you.

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Comments time on the main event I guess...


Slow start up it nice, but it would felt better stretched out a bit more, keeping it all slow, building to the mat work, not as an anti-climax but as a change in tactics that catches also everyone by surprised.


But with this, there's the risk of looking too much like the poorer NJ juniors or just indy monkeys and using mat wrestling to open with because it looks nice without using it to build to anything or go anywhere.


Nice playing off the spot used against Sacred and Toxxic not having the skills to avoid it either...though the wording makes it seem like a bit of a break between that and Maddix putting the facelock on again.


Again flowing the lack of Toxxic's skills with the escape and straight into a Chinlock, but there's not much talk of the damange the facelock is doing, and even from a guy like Maddix, it's not the nicest hold to be in.


And then the counter point, with Toxxic breaking out and just flooring Maddix with a speed move, showing Maddix was trying to hard to be technical without knowing enough about it.


But that flow doesn't carry on as Toxxic starts to out muscle Maddix and beat him down. It's fair enough because Toxxic is stronger, but still, gotta see where it's leading.


(Oh, and who the hell said I was returning anyway Maddix? :P)


Ahh, now I see where it's going. Maybe a little mis placed, but Toxxic is now in a strong dominate champ role, just beating Maddix about as he tries to get away and kick up or speed or out wrestle him. Not something you'd normally see from Toxxic, but so far it's working early on. The enzui-clothesline to Maddix as he tries to scale the buckles is a great spot to show it.


High Angle Backdrop is brought out to early...not really time to be dropping people on their necks yet, but at least it carries on Toxxic's dominate run. Still, makes a nice flow into the Piledriver and Toxxic demanding a win by KO (or rather ref stoppage).


Yes, it does make him seem like a complete heel dick. Trouble is, Toxxic's never struck me as that sort of heel dick or suffering that much from his own ego. But the I have missed a few months of stuff, so maybe it's ok.


But this story, as good as it is, has run straight into another pot hole, that there's been another near fall already and Maddix (for someone much tought then Toxxic) sounds like he's half dead already.


Maddix collapsing before Toxxic can even clothesline is another nice touch that adds to the story and the role of both men. (Had this been Maddix vs Flesher or a heel Williams, it would have been perfect for both men) But again, there's the risk that while it will make for a great comeback, Maddix might seem so bad by the time it happens, it wont be believeable. But again, we'll have to say. Maybe with a little longer run from Maddix at the start, getting a little more in and this would seem all the better paced out.


Again the seeming slow place, with the easy dropkicks to the head and just clubbing away at Maddix, such a great dickish role, but still not feeling it from Toxxic. He's a smart heel and a cocky fast fuck, not a hulking bastard. But at least the story is internally consistant so far.


Maybe a few cocky falls through out this would have helped to push the point home just a little bit more, as it's part of the dickish heel role.


Come back seems a little sudden, but at least it's slowl and Maddix doesn't go into superman mode, rather is weakly struggling. But it seems odd that Toxxic going to speed costs him when he's faster as well as stronger than Maddix, and he used his speed to counter Maddix at the start of the match.


I doubt it would be that easy for Maddix to shake his arm free of a Double Underhook in mid lift like that, not with the state he was in.


But it's a nice build, with the face struggling away and the heel just finally dropping him with a big move and making it all look like it's over. (Which always could make a nice move for a heel finish to a match)


And a small comeback, rather than a huge reversal, with Maddix being cleaver to stop Toxxic and bring everything to a hault to try and recover.


Toxxic seems to take while to get back to his feet as the DDT is the only real damage he's taken. He could be suffereing from the Facelock work, but that was played off as having little effect.


Interesting little spot, but again it starts to look bad as Toxxic speed works against him again, going for the Role Reversal, when Maddix is just standing dazed in the middle of the ring. It's sort of odd, Maddix, not a great technical wizard, not a power house and not even as good a flier as Toxxic as suddenly been the bane of all of Toxxic's flying ablities.


Still, it creates enough pause to make it believable for Maddix to hit a desperation superkick. Calling it as a firm kick out was needed as well, because it gives more room for a tention building and even Toxxic isn't weak enough to go down to a DDT and a Superkick like that.


And again, the beaten down Maddix is out pacing Toxxic and making any speed tactics work against him. Ok, it is being built as part of the story of the match, but it needs to be put over a bit more.


Toxxic counters again and again it's in the dominate champion roll, just slapping Maddix around. But Maddix is trying to take it to Toxxic with his speed, but it doesn't feel like he's the lesser fly trying to get luck and take the faster dominate man down as he can.


Also, the idea of the mat wrestling from the start has been often, when it's something Maddix could have returned to, to give himsel more rest and to chain it into a comeback that Toxxic wouldnt see coming, like going for the LON, and just hitting a backbreaker.


But anyway, the work on the outside again the dominate champ and heel work as from the rest of the match.


Another mini come back that gets cut off nicely, but more and more it's seeming like it will be very hard for Maddix to win at all.


And then the pothole opens under it all, Maddix kicking out at two after having his ass handed to him again and having been falling to close falls almost from the start of the match.


And finally, suddenly, Toxxic's speed starts to work for him, as he's able to connect with three fists drops in a row. Would have been something very wrong if Maddix had moved in the middle of that.


But at least Toxxic's every action and hit carries on the same role for him, so at lests one of the threads of the match as run un broken.


And after the three fist drops, Maddix can suddenly catch Toxxic with a school boy. Would work for the gloating mega heel, but that's not Toxxic, and has much as the match as been looking that way, it hasn't gone that way. Toxxic has been working as a dominate champ and heel yes, but not a gloating mega one.


If Toxxic has Maddix in a Full Nelso, going to be very hard for Maddix to push Toxxic off and fowards from that. Again with the comeback, fall just about right, but again the come back lacks being based on something maybe.


But there's little need for Toxxic to be in desperation yet, Maddix hasn't mounted a massive come back. As for using the low blow...it would have been better if Toxxic was a cheater and it was a taste of his own medience payback.


And now some moment builds, something to get behind Maddix's come back and give him speed to start pulling things off in his beaten state.


Toxxic showing he hasn't take enough to go now and makes a nice heel cut off, but then the weaker and beaten Maddix starts to out fight him, when the whole match as been Toxxic being dominating over Maddix and Maddix making little comebacks where he can. Not the best flow.


And then after Toxxic in a dominate power role throught out the whole match, he can't overpower Maddix in the end? But it makes a big tease near fall anyway.


I can't see Maddix being in that much of a state to drag Toxxic from the corner like that with such a poor leverage hold. Bit of a superman.


Mmmmmm. Good enough match. A few interesting threads going through it, put some where misplaced, others missed used and I dont think they tied up together in the end. Even through the end was a good oh shock face comeback return.


So there you go, there's my comments.

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OK, here we go. Probably won't be as long as Dace's or as good. And bear in mind that I'm going to be biased.



First off, I LIKE the fact that Landon has Toxxic telling the rest of the Revolution to stay back. I don't know what 'spitting guts' is, but I'm sure it's unpleasant.


And into the vaguely mat-wrestling start, just like my match actually. I can see that Landon might have the upper hand there but then Toxxic takes over when it comes to a brawl (again, it goes with the character as Toxxic is SHIT at mat wrestling, but I have been building him up into a more than capable brawler against people his own size).


The point it falls apart for me is the high-angle backdrop really. For one thing, it's a pretty damaging move that appears nowhere in my movelist (as indeed is the piledriver that follows it), and have NEVER had Toxxic do it. I'm aware that it's sometimes a good idea to have people do things that aren't in their movelist, but when Toxxic is working the head like he always does I'd have thought he'd have enough moves to do it the regular way. The thing that REALLY grates though, is the claim that Maddix is KO'd, as from here on you seem to be writing Toxxic as a prick heel. Toxxic is NOT a prick heel - if he sees a cover he'll go for it, and he would have covered Maddix with both legs hooked the moment he thought he could get a win. Likewise, the battering in the ropes is a little too Flesher for Toxxic, because the only time I've tied someone up in the ropes is to set them up for the In-Flight Meal in a no-DQ situation.


I'd agree with Dace on a point; Landon is nearly dead far too early for someone with Vitality 6. Describing Toxxic's offensive gameplan as 'slow and methodical' is interesting when you've already described him as a spot-monkey (he is a spot-monkey, I agree totally). I don't see how Maddix wasn't disqualified with the low-blow (unless it's argued that Toxxic landed on it rather than Maddix doing it - but I don't see that arguement anywhere), and that must be a HELL of a DDT for Toxxic to stay down as long as Maddix after the beating he's taken.


The ring-out segment gets a bit more back on track as Toxxic WOULD use the barricade to his advantage. I'm curious however how maddix goes from being dropkicked in the head into it, and then exchanging right hands with Toxx on an equal basis. The series of fistdrops is Toxxic using his speed properly to gain an advantage, the slapping across the face... not so much. He'd be more likely to drop Landon on his head again :P The full nelson I'm confused by, I'm assuming you meant a 3/4 headlock to set up the Intoxxication - if that is what you meant then I like the counter being quickly followed up by a flying forearm, it gives a good feel of landon trying to fight his way back into the match and not let Toxxic recover.


As for the low blow - no quibbles there, as I had Landon do a very similar thing. He cheats, it's what he does. The Caffeine Bomb counter - another good spot which would have worked well as a match ending I feel, although would be perhaps a little too 'desperation'. Finally I have to agree with Dace. St2 Landon hauling Toxxic into the middle of the ring from a Dragon Clutch is... unlikely, epecially considering the battering he's taken.


Overall, I'd have to agree with others who have posted here and say it's a good match. I'd also say that landon nearly died too early to come back into it. But my main problem is that you weren't wrestling Toxxic for a large part of it, but a far more prickish egotistical heel. This may be my problem for not getting my character clear enough, and if I'd had the net it's something I certainly would have taken up after the tag match on Lockdown (Toxxic would NEVER have allowed Sacred and Davis to come between him and Landon in case it made him look weak).


I suppose the best way I can think of to describe Toxxic is NOT a prickish heel, or a cowardly heel - he's a face that went the wrong way, something which I felt gave a very interesting dimension to our match as it pitted the cheating babyface against the rule-abiding heel. Toxxic won't back down even in the face of insane odds (that's the inferiority complex there), he won't give up easily and he will never EVER cheat. He's a heel because he doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks, and the fans are at the top of that list.


Nonetheless, congratulations. At the end of the day the man whose opinion counted was Mike, and you convinced him. I still feel vaguely proud that I managed to give him such a hard decision even though I was working from your moveset when you were a heel (that was all I had on my computer, and couldn't get online to get your updated stats until I'd finished the match and didn't have any more time to write). I've got to consider where I go from here now whilst enjoying the xmas break.

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Yeah, when I actually came up with the plan, I was going to PM you about it and run it by you...the whole idea of Toxxic wanting to end it quickly, decisively and brutally after being shown up on Lockdown. (And the KO bit, which I stole from one of Liger's Super J '94 matches.) But, with your 'net problems, I took the risk of writing the match that way. Which somehow worked.


To be honest, I would have preffered the match to be about 4k more, in between the facelocks and the high angle backdrop...but by then I was already running low on time, so I cut a bit of that short with the plan of coming back to it if I had time. Of course, I didn't...hence Maddix being nearly dead 4 minutes in. But then again, a lot of that was also me trying not to make the high angle backdrop look weak.


And yeah, should have been 3/4 facelock rather than full nelson.

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Lyger was a guy not to steal from for Toxxic really. Whe Lyger's heel he's a grummy dick that slaps around all the young Juniors because "I'm Jyushin Lyger biatch~!" *Palm Strike~!*

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No, THIS is what you get for posting as soon as you get up.


*gives Dace a HUGE sloppy wet kiss*



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No, THIS is what you get for posting as soon as you get up.


*gives Dace a HUGE sloppy wet kiss*



*brings teh JEALOUSY~! and GORES Toxxic out of his boots, then does a frog splash for good measure*


This is what you get when I read the thread at 1:57am Christmas morning on caffeine, biatch~!



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