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No Christmas Story marathon

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I am not the only one right? I believe the Christmas Story marathon starts on Christmas Eve, but I didn't see anything about it in the program guiide.....AHHHH.

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Guest LooneyTune

I've seen this movie so many times, that each time I watch it the movie seems worse and worse to me. I loved this movie back in the day, but now it's been shown so many times it's lost its value.

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Guest netslob

really. how many frickin' times does this thing need to be played back-to-back? it's alright for what it is, but it's not that great a movie, anway.

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Guest Failed Mascot

My aunt will watch this whole marathon every year. She takes time to sleep like 5hrs, but otherwise she watches the whole fricken thing.

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Thank GOD! I reached my limit on Christmas Story after the first marathon 3 or 4 years ago where we watched that movie 3 times.



Now I'll be able to get ahold of the remote and change it to the Lakers vs. Heat game...

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Guest LooneyTune

By the way, it IS 24 hour marathon on TBS, not just one airing...(shoots Television).


Also I would like to point out that I really fucking hate the younger brother of Ralphie... the person and the character. I don't think I've met anyone in real life that was THAT annoying.

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I bought the book that the movie was based on, In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash, and I have to say that it is incredibly boring, and not nearly as funny as the movie is (and the movie is only based off of the second chapter of the book).


I love the movie, but overexposure is a BAD thing for a seasonal picture.

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I got the DVD.


News Bit:


The house in the movie is located in Cleveland, Ohio and was recently purchased by Brian Jones, owner of Red Ryder Leglamps. He plans to restore it back to 'movie' condition and turn it into a museum.

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I'm suprised on the big networks hasn't bought the rights and limited the airings to once or twice a year. It's a Wonderful Life used to be on non-stop from Thanksgiving to Christmas on cable. Than NBC bought the rights.

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24 hours of "A Christmas Story" is the greatest idea ever, thanks for the reminder.



"What brought you to this lowly stage?"


"It.....it was......soap poisoning."


Mwa hahahaha, hilarious.

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Is NBC still showing "Its a Wonderful Life"?

I've never seen It's a Wonderful Life :huh:


Christmas Story? Meh. It's a good movie, but it's not "I NEED TO WATCH THIS OVER AND OVER AGAIN!" good. I've seen it so many fucking times I can't even stand it anymore. Good for the kids, not so good for people who've had to sit through it dozens of times......

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I used to watch it at least once or twice a Xmas, but I just popped in the DVD yesterday and watched it. I saw a few of the extras, too, and Scott Farkas and the jew kid still look the same -- lol.


And I was thinking about this yesterday while watching the movie. Xmas and our society has changed so much over the years. If they were to do a remake, Ralphie would be writing an essay in school about what he wants for That-Day-On-December-25th, his Red Rider gun (if he was allowed to get one at all) would have that obnoxious orange barrel, and he probably would have used it to shoot Scott Farkas because he was a bully.


And don't even get me started on the stereotyping that took place at the Chinese restaurant...

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Guest LooneyTune

A kid handling a gun in this day? Pfft... Those FCC fucks will be all like "This kid is obviously suffering from mental disabilities... you can't have him use a gun!" "But it's fake." "But you can shoot your eye out with it!"


Tt would be re-written that Ralphie wants something lame like a football or some other time of item you throw in your closet in 5 minutes.

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Guest LooneyTune
Has anyone seen the Christmas Story sequel with Charles Grodin? Now THAT's awful.

I'm kinda blanking on this, but was this about Summer Vacation or something? If so, that was, in nice terms, not so good.

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I saw TNT wasn't showing it this year, and I had my hopes up that this tradition of running it 24 straight hours might finally be done. Damn you, TBS.


It's not that I hate the movie THAT much, but I just really don't think it is THAT great. Every year at my uncle's, they have to have it on ALL day, so I'm sure I'll be seeing it ad nauseum today yet again.

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Guest LooneyTune

I'm going on my 5th because I'm too lazy as well and don't feel like looking for anything else to watch and don't feel like transfering my DVD player from my bedroom to my den.

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I'm surprised nobody mentioned FX showing Jingle All the Way for 24 hours. Haha I watched it this morning and it is so goofy. Sinbad, Phil Hartman and Arnold together in a film equals hilarity.

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Guest LooneyTune

Who the hell thought Jingle All The Way for 24 hours is a good idea? The match not only features the bastard kid that almost single-handedly killed Star Wars (that was helped with by Jar Jar Binks), but the movie that will forever lable Arnold Scwarzenegger as a pussy.

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I'm suprised on the big networks hasn't bought the rights and limited the airings to once or twice a year.


Didn't Turner himself buy the rights a while ago?


Hence why it's on TNT/TBS non-stop?


I really like the movie, but I can't imagine watching ANY film over and over again.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

I'll never understand people's love for this boring movie.

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