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RVD injury update

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RVD Injury Update

Posted By Kurtis Osterlund on 01.13.2005


Yet another WWE knee injury...

Rob Van Dam's knee injuries are a torn MCL and a partially torn ACL. He needs surgery and will be out a few months.


Credit- The Wrestling Observer


Damn, I guess WWE will hold back hs DVD release until he comes back. :(

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Well guys, he made it 3 years and and 5 months before finally going down because of a serious injury! What a trooper! Come back well and God speed, RVD! :headbang:

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Guest LooneyTune

Kind of hard to get injured when you are half-assing it half the time. I hope he's back soon though so he can continue being pushed down the card.

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Guest LooneyTune

Which leg did he break in ECW? Tonight I think he had the huge-ass brace on his left leg, but I only caught quick glimpses.

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Damn, that sucks if he misses WM. Not that he'll get a good match on the card or anything, but still...


I don't think they'll push back the DVD release. It's not like the wrestlers themselves pimp the DVD on TV.

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Damn, that's horrible for him. I wish him luck.


But, it could be a blessing in disguise for his career. The injury will put him out a few months, but when he comes back, the momentum just may catapult him back in the Main Event slot.


When he does return, what would you do with his character? Turn him heel?

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Damn, that's horrible for him. I wish him luck.


But, it could be a blessing in disguise for his career. The injury will put him out a few months, but when he comes back, the momentum just may catapult him back in the Main Event slot.


When he does return, what would you do with his character? Turn him heel?

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Guest LooneyTune

Remember that big return Chris Benoit got when he came back in June 2002? I sure as hell don't, and WWE actually PUSHES Benoit. RVD will be lucky if WWE mentions his name before his return.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

If they're not going to ever push him, a heel turn and a feud with Rey Jr would be nice.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

Well; damn.


What happens to Rey for Mania Does Eddy drop Booker and team with Mysterio against Dudleyz? or perhaps Eddy with the shades of grey against Mysterio?


Or is Mysterio going to be dropped back to the cws?

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Smackdown lacks big stars though. RAW, at that particular time, featured Austin, RVD, Flair, Guerrero, Rock, Brock and many others. Benoit's return was lost in the shuffle because there was no continuation with Austin, due to his departure.


Smackdown currently features (prominently) Angle, JBL, Guerrero, Taker and Show. When RVD comes back, deals could've been made (such as losing Cena and gaining Orton), but they still will lack a strong upper mid-card or main event level face. RVD, with what I will call "comeback momentum," will be TWICE as over with the crowd.


The situations are different.

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Guest LooneyTune

You forced me to bring out the big guns... RVD will never get a serious push in WWE. Why would WWE push someone who has done nothing but badmouth the company in all his interviews? He hardly wrestles a traditional main event style, and is not the safest person to work with.


Strike 1, 2, 3 he's out.

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You forced me to bring out the big guns... RVD will never get a serious push in WWE. Why would WWE push someone who has done nothing but badmouth the company in all his interviews? He hardly wrestles a traditional main event style, and is not the safest person to work with.


Strike 1, 2, 3 he's out.

Damn, more RVD stereotyping B.S.


Pushing RVD, at that time, will be a good business move. Plain and simple. The WWE is known for many things and one of them is recognizing the increased popularity of a wrestler, regardless of negative comments on the WWE and wrestling style. Examples: Goldberg, Bill. Guerrero, Eddie. Flair, Ric. Hogan, Hulk. Austin, Steve.


Ratings may increase. RVD Merchandise numbers will increase.


Will he stick around in the main event slot for a long period of time? Probably not. His pops remain consistent, but who else other than JBL and Taker has maintained the slot throughout the year?


But what will happen is an increased role in the Smackdown title picture for a bit. The crowd reaction will be undeniable.


Jesus man, it's called a "positive outlook."

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Kind of hard to get injured when you are half-assing it half the time. I hope he's back soon though so he can continue being pushed down the card.

Actually, it's easier to get injured when you half-ass it. Laziness leads to injury in any athletic competition

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Guest LooneyTune

I also neglected to mention something:


The guy couldn't cut a good promo to save his life. JBL may suck in the ring, but he's one of the most entertaining characters when it comes to talking. Angle, although goofy, is enjoyable to have cut a promo. Eddie Guerrero can do both. Booker T is a bland wrestler, but also very charismatic.


RVD not only is very unique with his wrestling (a.k.a something Triple H exposed as pathetic offense for a main eventer), but he doesn't have verbal skills to hide his in-ring flaws.

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Guest LooneyTune
Kind of hard to get injured when you are half-assing it half the time. I hope he's back soon though so he can continue being pushed down the card.

Actually, it's easier to get injured when you half-ass it. Laziness leads to injury in any athletic competition

Really? Any time I've ever gotten hurt in physical performances (a.k.a Sports) is when I'm pushing myself harder.

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Kind of hard to get injured when you are half-assing it half the time. I hope he's back soon though so he can continue being pushed down the card.

Actually, it's easier to get injured when you half-ass it. Laziness leads to injury in any athletic competition

Really? Any time I've ever gotten hurt in physical performances (a.k.a Sports) is when I'm pushing myself harder.

We're talking about pro-wrestling.


They don't let RVD do the moves he used to do. He's forced to work the WWE style, which in your eyes makes his matches look boring.


Don't blame him, blame the company for consistantly misusing him.

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I also neglected to mention something:


The guy couldn't cut a good promo to save his life. JBL may suck in the ring, but he's one of the most entertaining characters when it comes to talking. Angle, although goofy, is enjoyable to have cut a promo. Eddie Guerrero can do both. Booker T is a bland wrestler, but also very charismatic

Watch his ECW interviews.


He can definitely cut a decent promo -- but it's impossible for him to do so if WWE insists on keeping him in the same "laid back, chilled, stoner" role.


I get the feeling from reading your posts in this thread that you have seen practically none of Van Dam's ECW work.

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Guest JMA

Hopefully Rob comes back soon and actually gets a meaningful push this time. With him on the shelf, that's just one more reason not to watch Smackdown.

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Guest LooneyTune

I won't lie, I haven't seen much of RVD in ECW, mainly because I'm too cheap to buy tapes and didn't really follow anything outside of WWF and WCW until ECW closed. I'm going by his WWE work, and I doubt WWE would let him have creative control when only very few people have it.

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Kind of hard to get injured when you are half-assing it half the time. I hope he's back soon though so he can continue being pushed down the card.

That's probably why he's gone un-injured for so long throughout his tenure in WWE, or at least a contributing factor.


I won't even notice he's gone.

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I won't lie, I haven't seen much of RVD in ECW, mainly because I'm too cheap to buy tapes and didn't really follow anything outside of WWF and WCW until ECW closed.

Here's what happened, to get you caught up:


A. WWE signed Rob based on his work in ECW

B. They cut his balls off

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Guest Fook_Theta

They should keep him off till two-three months before the ECW PPV, and have him feud with Rey Rey. Even if the feud isn't stellar because of bad booking/creative, they'll atleast have the ability at the ECW PPV to go balls out. More of a chance to go balls out.

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This might not make any real sense, but I think RVD is the most LIKED guy on SMDN. Right now Cena might get more of a reaction, but put the two in a feud and I assure you the crowd would gravitate toward Van Dam and chant RVD.


I too thought that the RVD/Rey teaming would be a foreshadowing to an RVD heel turn. People don't understand what made RVD such a big star in ECW to begin with. Sure, some of it was his awesome moves in the ring, but he never got totally over until he developed his ultra cocky Randy Moss/Terrell Owens showboat persona. He brought that vibe like no one else in wrestling. Sure he was also a laid back stoner, but that was never a MAJOR part of his ECW character (it was just something silly to put on shirts and do a wink wink type deal). It's like in the WWE they have made him totally a laid back stoner but cut out the ultra cocky big time athlete aspect. I suppose it is in fear the crowd wouldn't like him as much, but if anything it would make him more popular!


The injury is at a decent time. He'll likely get the "Big star returning" type pop and push when he returns. Hell, Bob Holly got that much.

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Guest M. Harry Smilac
still waiting for someone to pipe in with another insane installment of "RVD was worse in ECW; WWE fixed a lot" LOL.

Nah, the person who use to always do that has since been banned.


Damn there's go the only reason I watch smackdown, or the only portion I should say.

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when has getting pops meant shit anyway? according to you smarks (sorry Dark age! ;) ) the guys who get the biggest pops still don't help draw any more than guys like HHH and JBL...if RVD were the top guy on Smackdown I would stop watching the WWE entirely...I find him rather boring...

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Cocky RVD would be the best WWE heel for Smackdown. The kind of guy who just taunts his opponent most of the match but when he needs to turn it on, he can turn it on.


Granted, for the Smackdown show he'd have to trim it down but it is still an excellent character. Hell, Austin and Rock both got over mainly by being cocky jerks who could turn it on in an instant.


I don't blame RVD for not caring anymore and seeing the WWE as nothing but a paycheck. The one time they let him main event, he was the one the crowd wanted and they cut him off at the knees. Just like any job, when you know you will never advance then why care anymore?

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