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Fantastic Four Trailer

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They played the full length trailer before Elektra today.


BTW Elektra was crap. Thanks...

I'm not surprised by your opinion of Elecktra, the previews looked pretty bad (I'll see the movie eventually though, probably on video).


Those clips of Fantastic Four looked, well, fantastic!

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Guest JMA

I really hope that Fantastic Four succeeds at the box office. Marvel needs another good movie franchise besides the Spider-Man and X-Men ones. With actors like Julian McMahon and Michael Chiklis, I think they can pull it off.


Oh, and I found a picture of the Thing (from the movie) that I liked.



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BTW Elektra was crap. Thanks...

You actually spent your hard earned money to see that piece of shit?


Tsk, tsk.


Thanks for taking one for the team though.

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Guest Prodigy

Despite Chiklis being kinda short, and not having the Kirby brow, he looks pretty good as the Thing.


I hope this movie turns out good, and does well at the box office, but I don't have my hopes up. I think it'll be around the same range as the Hulk and Daredevil movies, in terms of box office success, but nowhere near Spider-Man and X-Men.

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BTW Elektra was crap.  Thanks...

You actually spent your hard earned money to see that piece of shit?


Tsk, tsk.


Thanks for taking one for the team though.

I got to see it free at a sneak preview, but it didn't have the Fantastic Four trailer, unfortunately.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

The whole Trailer is officially out.


This looks... fantastic.



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I don't think anything was as bad as the clone saga. :throwup:


About the movie, I just hope the success of the Incredibles doesn't ruin this movie. You just know people not familiar with conic books will start throwing that around. <_<

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That was highly unimpressive.

The flashing words were incredibly stupid.


Other than Doom and Thing, I couldn't have been more underwelhmed by what I just saw.


I got a very "Batman and Robin" feel from that trailer.

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