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The Czech Republic

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Is it okay to say "we"?  

83 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it okay to say "we"?

    • Yes
    • No

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I say "we" when I talk about UNC, because as a student and member of the university, I feel like we is appropriate.


As for other sports - I dunno, I say it sometimes. I try not to.


I voted yes.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent



Are you on the team? Say "the patroits fucking took it to you." Don't say "We fucking took it to you". The person who generally says "we" is the fat ass who stained his couch with his greasy hands from eating too many Doritos.

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Guest Rrrsh



And fans who say no are usually very bitter people who's problems are far more worse than saying we to their sporst teams.

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For the record, I feel fine referring to the Cubs with "we." Maybe the rest of the Chicago teams too. But I'd feel weird using it for other teams I may like, such as the Red Sox. We didn't win the World Series, but I was glad they did.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

We constitutes that you are a part of the team. You can say "we" when discussing the Patriots or Cubs viewership, just not the team.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
And fans who say no are usually very bitter people who's problems are far more worse than saying we to their sporst teams.

and whats my problem? what am I bitter about?

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Guest Salacious Crumb

It's only ok in high school and college when you're going to that school.

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Guest Rrrsh
And fans who say no are usually very bitter people who's problems are far more worse than saying we to their sporst teams.

and whats my problem? what am I bitter about?

I was just making a very general commnet, much like you and you Doritos thing.

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I just say "Cubs won" or "Pats won" or "Noles lost".

Does 'we' slip out? Sure does, it happens when you buy so much of the teamwear. It's like making an investment.

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I just say "Cubs won" or "Pats won" or "Noles lost".

Does 'we' slip out? Sure does, it happens when you buy so much of the teamwear. It's like making an investment.


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Guest TheLastBoyscout
Unless you are on the team or part of the organization..no.

In the era of Free Agency and constant coaching changes the only constant for a franchise is the loyal fanbase.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I feel that certain cities are special and can get away with it. i.e. Chicago, Green Bay, New York, et al.

You're an idiot.

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I think it's fine. If you're paying money to go to the games, buying their jerseys, hats, posters, etc. You can say it, it's not really that big of a deal.

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Guest The Gecko

I only dislike it when fairweather fans say it. Like here in Michigan when people who hated the Pistons when they sucked ass, and now that they won the NBA title they're all like "We're NBA Champs!" That just irritates me. I myself always refer to them as the Pistons. But with Michigan and the Red Wings I tend to use 'we' just because I've been a fan for a long time. Thats when I'm okay with it.

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I definitely try to avoid it.


It's OK if you're a member of the school, or if you gambled on the team, but just as a fan, not really.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I think it's fine. If you're paying money to go to the games, buying their jerseys, hats, posters, etc. You can say it, it's not really that big of a deal.

Its anot a big deal, not even thread-worthy, but its still idiotic.

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Its really ashame Mark Patrick lost his radio show on Fox Sports Radio in the mornings.


He used to go by the rule that the only sports fans who can say WE are Packer fans in the actual city of Green Bay, graduates from a school, or people that own stock in teams that have stock.


Otherwise, he'd break their balls if they said we (sound of a rack of billiards balls being broken).

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