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Everyone Please Assume One Of These Applies To You

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A. Learn to take a joke, you putz.


B. Grow up, you putz.


C. Quit baiting people, you putz.


D. Continue acting like an adult.

Edited by Ace309

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But in all seriousness, just remember this:


We are people who are on the internet, writing stories about big, sweaty guys hitting each other for imaginary fame and gold. In my opinion, perhaps we really should go back to the lighter days of people just posting people in promos without permission needed as long as they don't rape the character completely or something like that. Not enough chaos, too much control.


Of course, I'm old and senile. Take it all with a grain of salt. But I find a distinct lack of fun right now because it just seems too... businessy. -_-

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But in all seriousness, just remember this:


We are people who are on the internet, writing stories about big, sweaty guys hitting each other for imaginary fame and gold. In my opinion, perhaps we really should go back to the lighter days of people just posting people in promos without permission needed as long as they don't rape the character completely or something like that. Not enough chaos, too much control.


Of course, I'm old and senile. Take it all with a grain of salt. But I find a distinct lack of fun right now because it just seems too... businessy. -_-

Even though it may seem ironic that I apply for almost every single one of those- I'd like to say "amen" to the lighter days where promos and fun flowed.

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I'd like to say "amen" to the lighter days where pornos and cum flowed.

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You know there's only a handful of people left that opinions have universal, voice-from-the-heavens value to them. I'm far from one of these people but I think it's time something to an extent of this is said. So try to keep that in mind 'fore you disregard it because of mistakes I've made, stupidity I've exercised, and cheap shots for the sake of cheap shots. I realize, recognize this and that's great. Guilty of one of the three, different issues, or being "perfect" doesn't make any difference here. Nobody is excluded from this because it's not criticism.


There are people here who have been around longer than I have but at the same time I joined when I was twelve. I hardly knew wrestling and never had heard of an e-federation... but I posted a topic more or less asking what this was. Immediately I came off as "slow." Then of course I then joined as "Midjit" then "Midget" and finally ditched him for Insane Luchador. But this isn't an autobiography here. But if somebody came in here now-a-days they would be probably be picked away in a Cutthroat fashion. Whereas back there it was a bit more subtle. Keep that in mind.


It could be argued that the crowd was different, the focus was different, but really this federation has always had competitive, goofy, dicks, apathetic, sympathetic, sincere, smart, stupid, funny, bitter, and sensitive people. Again the federation has always had the competitive edge to it.


But nothing like it has gotten to now. Back in the day there was a real "improv", spur-of-the-moment way in the federation. Feuds weren't planned as much as just sparked then went from there. Not in all cases but a lot of people can agree to that. Things were taken more lightly but at the same time, there was still a serious side to the federation. Threads would be cluttered with great posts that now are seen as "off-topic" and "unwarranted." Shit, we had a whole thread (actually a few as time went by) for sitcoms. So there were threads that were oriented to being goofy about it.


But things were so much lighter, so much more community love if you will. Jokes, for the most part, weren't taken seriously. It was all in good fun. The loose feeling to the federation is what made it have the spark that was so addictive. Because we are a community, we do spend a good amount of time interacting with each other, and like in "real" life there's always going to be people you won't like. That's natural but that doesn't mean it warrants a damper for the rest of us. We really need to consider letting things being lightened up. Not to the point where there's not a feel but honestly- if we stray off topic, does it truly matter?


If you feel like somebody's getting an unfair advantage, shot, being held down, whatever- bring it up with the markers if you have to. Please don't make it public and have the whole federation either getting involved or squirming uncomfortably.


Don't get me wrong, this federation is still fun. But this is all just food-for-thought. Disagree, agree, it's all fine.

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Yeah, 'Drea, lighten up. I mean, who cares if Luchador doesn't have an E? God, some people.




Or is that not what this bump was about?


... oh.


I really wanted that cookie, too... :(

Edited by chirs3

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