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The RAW Thread for 01-31-05

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Read the first post in the thread, which has all the results (a good idea, IMO).


My thoughts: Lacking a lot on the wrestling side of things. That double DQ seemed just to set up the Benoit/Jericho match, but they could have done a million different things to do it instead and I'm getting sick of seeing a hundred backdrops in a match involving Flair and Orton. HHH/Batista continues to slow burn nicely, though.

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I'm not saying Edge is the greatest or anything, but he's been miles better than his stale babyface routine which flopped horribly. Plus he has this great angle of finally trying to chase down the world title. If it wasn't for the HHH / Batista stuff, I wouldn't have minded seeing Orton / Edge (supposing Edge won the Rumble) for the world title with either Randy beating him to finally shut Edge's trap or Edge winning the world title at WM to make the boyhood dream come true.

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

"The only reason Shelton Benjamin beat me is because he is using my patented Simon System, avaliable everywhere. Thank you!" - Simon Dean.


That's greatness, right there.

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Guest sek69
Okay, so I guess no one wants to make a guess as to why the WWE banner hanging from the rafters was mysteriously moving from side to side.

Getting out of the way of the cage maybe?

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I'm an idiot?


Edge is a Top 10 Worker?


Is he a better worker than:


Shelton Benjamin

Chris Jericho

Rey Mysterio

Eddie Guerrero

Chris Benoit

Randy Orton

Triple H

Shawn Michaels

Paul London

Kurt Angle

Chavo Guerrero



That's just 12 off the top of my head.


Flair, although an old man, can still go.

The Hurricane, when allowed, is eons better.

He is better than Flair, Hurricane, Chavo, Funaki and Trips.




He isn't better than Chavo or The Hurricane.... or Christian for that matter.. better than Flair though..


Trips is a toss up.

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When was the last time Hurricane has had a good match? To say Edge isn't, at this point, better than Hurricane is ignorant. And Christian is a very, very boring wrestler.


I personally don't think Chavo is that great either, but whatever.

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

"I personally don't think Chavo is that great either"


Chavo is great. They need to push him again...as a heel.

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Thoughts on the show:


This was a "bridge the gap" show. Nothing major happened, just little stuff they'll play off of later.


Tag team title match finish was obviously botched. They were focusing on Jericho not being in the corner to tag out to Benoit, and I think later miscommunication was to cause them to lose, but they fucked up and everything went to shit. So they had to reshoot that backstage promo with Chris and Chris that seemed oddly homoerotic.


Maven's new finisher is the Lung Blower. John Walters uses it in ROH. Josh Abercrombie also uses it in IWA-MS, and I'm sure several other indy guys use it. I like the move, and it's really cool when done as a springboard from the second rope.


Hmmm...anyone here think HHH was the guy who had that JBL tape play? That would be SHOCKING~!~!~!


Weird stuff with Orton. And weird they're giving Edge a title shot in Japan. Gotta love Regal/Tajiri winning the tag team titles in Japan (I'm sure they will) and Benoit/Jericho in a submission match. Cool, cool stuff.


Main event was crap. I expected Taker to come through the ring.

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"I personally don't think Chavo is that great either"


Chavo is great. They need to push him again...as a heel.

He's good, but there's something about him that underwelms me. I'm not going to badmouth him, because I like watching him wrestle and all, but I just don't think he's great. He's good, not great. I consider Edge in the same catergory as him. Neither is vastly superior than the other, overall. I do enjoy Edge's matches better though, because he generally gets more time for them.

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I know I'm just getting my hopes up for nothing, but I want Edge to win the title next week. Sadly, the way they booked that in at the last second -- hey, wouldn't it have been nice for Edge to have looked happy? Or been seen thanking Bischoff? Or anything? -- leaves little hope to be found. Alas.


On the other hand, though, a Jericho/Benoit Submissions Match! For a Japanese audience! If there's a way for the WWE to screw this up, I don't want them to figure it out!

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Guest The Shadow Behind You
If the person with the JBL tape is anyone OTHER than HHH, It'll all be good.




Make it be Edge.

That would be PERFECT. Since Edge has the easy arguement to say since he beat a former world champion that night(shawn) and lasted 40 minutes and was the last Raw superstar eliminated, that naturally makes him the defacto #1 contender.

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Shelton Benjamin

Chris Jericho

Rey Mysterio

Eddie Guerrero

Chris Benoit

Randy Orton

Triple H

Shawn Michaels

Paul London

Kurt Angle

Chavo Guerrero



Flair, although an old man, can still go.

The Hurricane, when allowed, is eons better.


He's better than Chavo, Funaki, Hurricane, Flair, Orton, and at this point in his career, I would probably say that he is better than Shelton, although I think Shelton will be better than Edge at one point. Chavo was considered the weakest of the Smackdown Six for a reason. Flair's easily the worst of those listed at this point in their careers. Some people will probably say Edge is better than HHH, but they are letting their hatred for him get in the way. He can still go. It is to his credit that the Royal Rumble match was as good as it was, since he ended up carrying practically the entire match.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

what I want to know is this; why did edge suddenly get a title shot and why in Japan of all places?


I would have bet the farm they do Shawn Vs Triple H in japan just to have Edge go even MORE berserk seeing shawn...the man he beat at the rumble and outlast in the rumble get a shot and run down and interfere in the match.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

no that's not the problem, as i said a few posts up, edge is clearly the #1 contender after Batistia.


it's just that edge had arguement to get a single shot once and yet bischoff didn't give it to him and now out of the blue after getting laid out a few minutes prior to the announcement, he got a title shot.


it's not like bischoff went "just so he will shut up; edge will get a one on one title shot next week". he just went "next week triple h defends the title against...edge!".


bischoff's never been about giving the proper guy the break he "deserves" and yet goes and does it here without proper reasoning.


what's weirder is that it's heel/heel in a somewhat new market (they have only just begun to break in the Asian market) and since it's the first ever raw and all there; i find it suspect they went heel/heel.

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Guest Rrrsh

Shelton Benjamin

Chris Jericho

Rey Mysterio

Eddie Guerrero

Chris Benoit

Randy Orton

Triple H

Shawn Michaels

Paul London

Kurt Angle

Chavo Guerrero



Flair, although an old man, can still go.

The Hurricane, when allowed, is eons better.


He's better than Chavo, Funaki, Hurricane, Flair, Orton, and at this point in his career, I would probably say that he is better than Shelton, although I think Shelton will be better than Edge at one point. Chavo was considered the weakest of the Smackdown Six for a reason. Flair's easily the worst of those listed at this point in their careers. Some people will probably say Edge is better than HHH, but they are letting their hatred for him get in the way. He can still go. It is to his credit that the Royal Rumble match was as good as it was, since he ended up carrying practically the entire match.

I give Edge the nod purely because Trips mails in too many matches in. Their pretty close tho.


This Hurricane love is just stupid, by the way. I can see Chavo, but come on.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

The Hurricane love is completely unjustified since he hasn't had a above *** match in his career with the exception of the cw gauntlet match in wcw. He's flat out average. He's the typical guy the 'net loves to get behind. Small yet charismatic so they instantly try to sell him as a really good performer.


Look; he does his job very well. He keeps himself over, doesn't embarass himself or his peers in the ring and brings in good crop of merch sales...but dont put him over Edge.


as for chavo; if his name was Chavo Brown, no one would care about him nor would he have a job.

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Edge pinned Shawn Michaels on PPV and was the runner-up Raw guy.


Plus he's never gotten a one on one shot.


Decent justification.


I'm praying for Hunter to spike him on his head.

Anybody got that animated gif?

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Guest Hass of Pain
Edge is a really poor worker who is doing a generic "psycho/angry" gimmick.  His fans/supporters are as equally embarassing as his 7-minute resthold sequences.  Edge was the first man eliminated from the Elimination Chamber because he was the least interesting/most boring wrestler in there.  Aside from tag team matches and being carried by superior workers, Edge is awful  Not even Shawn, IMO, could get anything decent out of him last night, although Shawn moved slowly, as well.


That's my opinion about Edge.

Your an Idoit.


Edge is a top 10 worker in the WWE, easy. His charicter right now is the most intersting heel charicter on RAW, without a doubt. His match last night was an opener and was not suppose to overshadow HHH/Orton, the 3 way or the Royal Rumble.

People who call other people idiots for not agreeing with their opinions really get under my skin, and until you learn to spell basic words I suggest you focus on yourself instead of ripping into other people.


I wouldn't even call Edge a top 15 worker in WWE, and in terms of every facet of his game Christian is the far superior heel at this point.


Anyway, Raw thoughts:


When Bradshaw is the best thing on a Raw show, you know it was a pretty forgettable Monday. After listening to a two minute HHH promo immediately followed by a two minute Bradshaw promo, it became obvious to me that Bradshaw is hands down the more entertaining heel currently. The cross promotional stuff was really the only thing I'm even going to remember about this Raw once a few days pass.


I'm all for good matches between good wrestlers, but there has to come a saturation point where you just can't take seeing the same six or seven guys mixed and matched in long *** tag matches week after week after week. There was nothing wrong with Orton/Michaels vs Flair/HHH per say, but the dead horse has been beaten for so many months now that I just don't have any desire to see it for the millionth time.


Edge was just unwatchable and I still can't fathom what people see in him. Gene Skitsky has a better heel character and better delivery of his lines than Edge right now. His stuff with Michaels just isn't clicking and I really don't think the win last night at the Rumble gave him any kind of a boost at all, even if it would have been cleaner I don't think it would have helped. He's forced, he screams his lines with totally fake emotion and 80's style heel mannerisms and he's giving Booker T a run for his money for the most overrated worked in the company in my opinion. I thought Edge was really good around the time he was a top face on Smackdown and had the tools to be a main eventer, but he's really lost them along the way.


It's really ridiculous that Christian was one of the standout performers from Raw at the Rumble last night, is the only heel on either brand (including Batista) to have any merchandise on the top ten best sellers list (#3 in the entire company with his Captain Charisma t-shirt only behind Cena) and has been nothing short of flawless lately yet they can't even find a meaningful spot on Raw for his each week.


It wasn't a bad show per say, it was just one of those shows that I'm going to read a recap for in two months and have no recollection of ever even seeing.

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave
as for chavo; if his name was Chavo Brown, no one would care about him nor would he have a job.

Yeah, that's great...


He's still an awesome talent.

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I think them booking HHH/Edge is a way of putting Hunter over a heel for 3 reasons:


- Further turn Edge crazy after someone costs him the title

- Shows HHH can beat heels (Batista is technically one)

- Giving the Japanese fans a World Title match and adding further prestige to the "World Title", without ruining a potential big time Face Vs. HHH match for February. Japan will always sell out.

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Guest Rrrsh
Edge is a really poor worker who is doing a generic "psycho/angry" gimmick.  His fans/supporters are as equally embarassing as his 7-minute resthold sequences.  Edge was the first man eliminated from the Elimination Chamber because he was the least interesting/most boring wrestler in there.  Aside from tag team matches and being carried by superior workers, Edge is awful  Not even Shawn, IMO, could get anything decent out of him last night, although Shawn moved slowly, as well.


That's my opinion about Edge.

Your an Idoit.


Edge is a top 10 worker in the WWE, easy. His charicter right now is the most intersting heel charicter on RAW, without a doubt. His match last night was an opener and was not suppose to overshadow HHH/Orton, the 3 way or the Royal Rumble.

People who call other people idiots for not agreeing with their opinions really get under my skin,

I said that because he is making stupid comments to try and over-emphasize his point.



And your name is spelled wrong, smart guy, so you can bite me.

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