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Art Sandusky

Improve my mood.

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incidentally, four people vented to me tonight on the internet. one about a girl, one about his roommate possibly having sex in the next room, one about her suicidal boyfriend and her dad being debilitated by cancer, and one about her mentally ill mother calling her a "hateful bitch" to her face.

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Last night, apropos of nothing, I was treated to a discussion of dildos by two drunken Jewish girls who had not ten minutes before been arguing about Israel and whether Arabs are irreconcilably evil, or just evil by default.


It sure improved my mood.

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Sideburnious's link crashed my computer.


I officially saw the world's record for Most Chops During A Wrestling Match get broken last night, with Vordell Walker vs. Dagon Briggs. These guys just beat the shit out of each other's chests and backs for twenty minutes straight. More/harder chops than in a Flair vs. Pillman match. I mean, I've been chopped by Kid Kash a coupla times, but... ow, that shit had to sting, yo.


I apparently have the ability to imbibe an entire bottle of wine without actually getting drunk... either that or watching Passion of the Christ is a real buzzkill.


That's all I got.

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I saw Manabu Nakanishi chop Yuji Nagata once and my god, the shit sounded like a shotgun, and he went down like he was hit by a shotgun. You know it had to be crazy for me to bring it up in this folder. That was like, the best thing to ever happen in wrestling.


I've still never seen Passion o' the Christ. Hard to say whether I'll like it because I love gore, or be bored because it's apparently an hour and a half of whipping. I'm not watching it sober, anyway.

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Nevermind, I take it back, cuz I just watched Kenta Kobashi chop Jun Akiyuma 73 times in a row. Yes, 73, and in the span of less than a minute.

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heh, I got 10 hours sleep last night because my laptop is busted so I had nothing to do.


and I'd be damned if I was going to read anymore of my book or college stuff!

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