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Generic Post-Raw Thoughts Thread

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Yeah, no thread for this yet, so all-encompassing match thoughts can go in here.


Hassan and Masters are nowhere near TV ready is what I got from their matches. Hassan fucked up an irish whip, nuff said. Masters stood around and then locked in a full nelson, which is the weakest damn thing in the world. Neither guy has any presence - just stand there and then whiff on moves. Hoorah.


Ladder match for no reason! AWESOME! YES! RANDOM!


Anyone else hear Superstar Billy Graham say "wrestlers"? Funny. The wrestlers are superstars, the superstar is a wrestler. A++


Edge got fucking buried. Big move after big move on Bloody McCripple. Weapons shots, low blows, big ass splashes, spears, everything he had. And HBK wins. Pointless. John Walters wasn't the biggest jobber on Raw - that dignity goes to Edge. There were several great chances to end the match positively with a big win for Edge. The splash and the spear were two really good examples of that. HBK doesn't need the win, he is over anyways and established. Edge NEEDS a top tier win. And with an HBK loss, Angle attacking him post match would (A) make Angle more dastardly and heartless, and (B) make HBK more sympathetic. Dumb dumb dumb.


All Raw did was remind me how far below Smackdown it is. Depressing.

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Remember what HBK said when he came back? That he was going to help put over over the younger guys?






Guess they gotta protect HBK for his meaningless match at WM.


Pretty lackluster show, topped off by the awful decision in the ME. Although, Snitsky jobbing clean to Benjamin was nice to see. No Christian tonight was a bit of a disappointment.

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Masters has two good moves, he's the white Ahmed Johnson


HBK didn't need to get that job back. His bladejob was killer though.


HHH interviews bore me to shit, but his interaction with Batista is well played.


Why the fuck is Eric Bischoff back to being a chump around the H's? I thought he stood up to him a couple months ago.


The Superstar Graham cameo was awesome. Randy Orton reading a magazine has hilarious potential. That should be his new gimmick.

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Guest Shadow

The build up to Batistia Vs Triple H doesn't have that WrestleMania main event feel.


It feels more like a build up to No Mercy or a lesser pay per view of that short.


Playboy giving away (though obvious) results of the woman's title match was hilarious and I doubt anyone noticed it until Trish made mention of it.


Batistia, one night into super babyface mode is already playing to the crowd and even has his signature pose now (thumbs down)


I wouldn't be surprised if next week he's in jeans and vest.


Jericho having a pointless match with Maven only to set up the Ladder match challenge pissed me off. Why waste 6 minutes of my life with Maven to set that disapointing announcement. WWE basically admited "okay, we're too lazy to use the last 4 shows and use these six men in something meaningful, so throw them in a wacky six man ladder match".


Spending 1/3 of the showing hyping Hogan's induction and Austin's return and stint on the pit was frustratingly aggravating. Nice to see 3 has been old timers taking up time when they are supposedly building the new generation.


A Few Good Men promo was good but it's already getting overrated around here. Still not up to par with Basic.


Did shawn really have to go over? What was served there? Shawn's heat wont be affected. His postition wont shift. He should've lost and while Edge celebrated...Shawn got up and then Angle sneak attacks him and re-murders him. Shawn got killed for 16 minutes and then jesuses up and wins.


Trish is a fantastic heel. Christy isn't too bad.


Superstar Billy Graham is always a pleasure to see but randy orton isnt.

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Playboy giving away (though obvious) results of the woman's title match was hilarious and I doubt anyone noticed it until Trish made mention of it.

They didn't give it away...(we don't even know if it'll be a title match, or a match at all)


IT said WWE Champion Diva, not Women's champion. Yea, I guess there's a difference because I believe it also said Champion Diva for Torrie Wilson, and maybe even Sable too in that double spread? And neither of them were champion.

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I'm thinking Benoit, Hassan, Edge, Christian, Benjamin as the other dudes in that match. They've established the Chrises and Hassan, blew off Edge/HBK and the Benji/Snitsky stuff, and Christian never has anything anything to do except show up in matches like this. It's a ladder match, may as well be for the IC Title, even though three of the guys are clearly above it.

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Mediocre compared to last week. The whole 'I'm going to beat so-an-so to death' but really do nothing, i.e HHH/Eugene at summerslam and tonights segments really suck. Sure it builds up to when they really go at it but it's not getting any attention. Predictable ending with Angle running in. Obviously they wouldn't leave Angle as the coward.

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Guest Shadow

I think that's fairly obvious.


My question is this...Why would Jericho want five other men? Why not directly challenge a ONE ON ONE match for the title?


My beef with it is this...It's out of nowhere. Jericho hasn't done or mentioned a ladder since the last time he did a ladder match which was last summer with Christian.


how hard was it to just have Edge go nuts for not having a match and because Bischoff is sick of it, gives him a match...with his former partner Christian against Jericho and Benoit...the reasoning being "The best pure wrestlers on the roster"


Edge could add to his "whiny bitch" gimmick that he had to once again "share" the spotlight with christian and was shoved into yet again another tag team match.


But no...Random pointless six man ladder match was smarter. Good job stephanie.

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Guest ManKinnd

My guess is Angle goes over HBK at WM, so HBK stayed strong beating Edge tonight. If HBK wins again at WM, then there's really no excuse.

The HHH/Batista build is decent. HHH should put on his working boots and the match should be good.

Benoit was doing such a good job with Hassan until Hassan took over offense.

Have Jericho cancel the ladder thing and do a 30 minute classic with Benoit, or tag with him against Rey/Eddy. Please.

Trish/Christy will be good if they fight naked. Good build anyway, for a women's match.

I like the idea of Orton/Undertaker because I don't actually know who will win.


That's all I can really think of for now.

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Have Jericho cancel the ladder thing and do a 30 minute classic with Benoit, or tag with him against Rey/Eddy. Please.


The promo he cuts when he cancels the match would be classic.

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So what kind of card for WM do we have?



Taker vs Orton

Angle vs HBK



Batista vs HHH

Benoit vs Jericho vs Shelton vs Edge vs Christian vs Hassan

Trish vs Christy

Kane vs Snitsky vs Matt Hardy if the rumors are true

Raw Tag Team Title Match: possible Heat match



JBL vs Cena

Eddy vs Mysterio

London vs Chavo

Smackdown Tag Title Match: Also possible heat match


As for another Smackdown match? Eh, I'd have JBL cost Cena the U.S. title to Jordan and have him face Booker here, but this isn't the place for fantasy booking.

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Ookay, it seems the wwe is pulling matches out of its ass for Mania now. I was giving them chances unlike the rest of the net with the crappy build up, but it really does suck. Orton reading a magazine and leaving it on a desk? HBK pretty much having Edge as a JTTS? Jericho talking about a ladder match with 5 men and leaving fans wondering what the hell he is talking about. This is lame for a road to Mania build. Hogan and Piper's Pit had better promotion that basically 90 percent of the damn card.

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Guest Evolution
Benoit vs Jericho vs Shelton vs Edge vs Christian vs Hassan

Good lord, I hope not.

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Benoit vs Jericho vs  Shelton vs Edge vs Christian vs Hassan

Good lord, I hope not.

He's not my ideal guy, but I can't see them putting anyone else in it. The only other mid-carder who could fill the spot is Maven, and considering how they've had Hassan confront Benoit and Jericho, well its seems they're going with him.

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Guest Shadow

Jericho: You know, The ladder match? forget it! Not going to happen, because quite frankly, Im a egomaniac. I want my own match. Me Vs Myself.


Bischoff: I cant do that Mr. Benoit.


Jericho: My name's chris jericho you son of a bitch


Bischoff: Oh really? better cancel that check.


Jericho: How about me and Benoit in a match?


Bischoff: How about you referee Maria against Stacy Kiebler and Michelle in a jello pool match


Jericho: GO DADDY! Sign me up.




Thats next week's show.

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Guest hhheld_down

meh im not suprised by the ladder match really, if its building towards something at backlash then i guess its a worth while cause. Edge, Beniot, Jericho, Hassan should all be in it since they have all made reference to wanting the world title and all have interaction with one another. if they put it for the IC title then it really is just throwing a bunch of wrestlers together. i dont think its that big of deal.

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Everyone has pretty much said what I'd have to say, but I thought I'd add: Jesus CHRIST, how fucked up was the ending to the Benoit / Hassan match?


You have to figure the real ending was for Benoit to get clocked by the ringbell, but Hassan fucked even THAT up. Kudos to Benoit for kicking out of it, because it would have been even more of a fucking joke if he jobbed to it. And of course, JR, ever the company man, tried to sell it as Benoit headbutting the bell when it was blatantly apparent (as even Lawler mentioned) that he had not.


Sweet Jesus, none of us are exactly against them trying to push new workers / stars, but can they at least push the ones who are, you know, READY for this shit? Who don't botch moves or seriously injure their opponents?

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Guest Thrashist

While there is certainly quality talent on the roster that can easily be misused in booking, I don't understand how the fuck the writers couldn't think of anything for CHRIS JERICHO of all people. The man has more charisma than half of the roster combined.


The way they have used him since WMX8 is absolutely criminal, with the exception of feuds for the last two Manias (which also shows his ability to sell an epic WM feud when needed).


More than anything, making this an open challenge kills any heat this match would have had on a feud basis, because it doesn't originate from any sort of grudge or motivation. They could have easily had six guys cross each other's paths and then form the match, but no. Laziest booking ever. My only hope is they pair up Raw guys Jericho, Edge and Christian with Smackdown guys Eddie, Rey, and someone else.


Now I took Benoit out of that equation because I wasn't sure his neck could handle a ladder match, but I realize the same would apply for Edge. I really really hope neither are involved here, because I'd rather their careers last for as long as possible rather than risking a shortening of it due to some meaningless throwaway clusterfuck.

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Sweet Jesus, none of us are exactly against them trying to push new workers / stars, but can they at least push the ones who are, you know, READY for this shit?  Who don't botch moves or seriously injure their opponents?

Here's your answer.


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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

Chris Masters was in red, tonight.


Last week black, this week red. Look how versatile he is.

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I wouldn't be too quick to dump on Hassan.


He's wrestled pretty well so far, and one bad night doesn't ruin all of that.

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I wouldn't be too quick to dump on Hassan.


He's wrestled pretty well so far, and one bad night doesn't ruin all of that.

He fucked up an _IRISH WHIP_.

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Guest Rrrsh

He hasn't be OK. He has been plain and boring. He hasn't had one good or exciting match yet.


When Jericho and Benoit can't carry you to a good match, you are screwed.

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My only hope is they pair up Raw guys Jericho, Edge and Christian with Smackdown guys Eddie, Rey, and someone else.

Who do you have in mind? Only ones I can think of are Haas (Cause they haven't had him do anything except team with Holly) or Booker (if just based on the Raw-Smackdown showdown at the Rumble).

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