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Guest Deadbolt

Rene Dupree

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Guest Deadbolt

So I've been following Dupree's matches lately and I really like them. I think that to me he's one hell of a wrestler and I thought he was gonna get a push sometime in may, but after a short feud with Cena we only see him on Velocity (mostly losing) and occasionally on Smackdown. I'm guessing his de-push had something to do with his reported attitude backstage or whatever.


Anyways, what do you guys think of him? Is he good, average, sucks in your opinion? I can't help but thinking that he might be "the one" or the future of WWE and not Orton or Cena. I think I'd take Dupree over Orton or Cena any time.

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Guest JMA

Since WWE is re-using past gimmicks now, they need to make Dupree a Rick Martel clone (the French nationalist stuff is boring now). He could be "Le Model" Rene Dupree and they could announce him as "now residing in Florida."

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Guest MikeSC
You can't deny the appeal of the French Tickler.

"I'm a french man," etc. Tazz rocks.

It could be worse --- they could dub it the French-Canadian tickler.


Nobody likes the Quebecois. :)


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Guest Coffey
I find him pretty average. To me, he's the prototype of the OVW crop: young, muscular, short hair, tanned, pretty vanilla.

Yup, that's about the extent of it. He has a good "look" but that's all he brings to the table. Same for "The Masterpiece." Same with Randy Orton and John Cena.


He'll wonder around aimlessly for awhile, then they'll probably give him another gimmick makeover.

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I'm not impressed with him. Granted, he's still young and can improve, but I'm just not seeing it. And the French gimmick could have come sooner if they were going to do it. We were pretty much over being mad at them by the time he debuted.

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Guest jumpingbombangel
Since WWE is re-using past gimmicks now, they need to make Dupree a Rick Martel clone (the French nationalist stuff is boring now). He could be "Le Model" Rene Dupree and they could announce him as "now residing in Florida."



I like that idea. :)

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I find his pretty average. To me, he's the prototype of the OVW crop: young, muscular, short hair, tanned, pretty vanilla.

Rene Dupree is the French Chris Masters.

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I think he's ok. Has a ton of potential, IMO. Might be a big star in the future, at least if he's booked right.

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I don't think he has super-duperstar potential. I just don't think American fans will accept a Frenchman who speaks French as a main event guy. Even as a heel. If you look at the heels today, we accept them as being stars. Well, not today per se, but within the last five years. I believe that if he were shoved down our throats, he'd get JBL heat.

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I'm mixed on Dupree. The guys is like 20 years old, extremely young for a WWE wrestler. I think his future is kind of mixed because of the fact he isn't exactly gotten great reviews from everyone else in the locker room...basically being too immature for the position he's in.


I think that he could be big one day, but his own actions will be what brings him down.

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He's young, exactly. Who knows what could happen? He's got a good look, albeit somewhat standard, and he's charismatic enough...no Jericho or Rock, but enough so to get over. He's not PAINFUL to watch in the ring, which usually signifies room for improvement. I say wait and see, and he could be something special.


At this moment in time, though, he's not exactly holding my interest very well. Needs a new gimmick.

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I honestly believe that he will be one of the major players in 5-6 years. He is decent in the ring now but I just have this really strange feeling that he is going to be telling great stories within his matches down the line. He is young so if he can remain healthy he can only improve. Plus, he is pretty good on the mic compared to some of the other guys they've brought up.


And he takes the damndest german suplexes from RVD.


EDIT: Found the .gif!



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I think he's ok. Has a ton of potential, IMO. Might be a big star in the future, at least if he's booked right.

He has potential, that's true. But I have a feeling the fans will never see him as a big star because he has been brought way too fast and he's now a jobber. He needs a gimmick change too, and his charisma needs to be just a bit better.

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I like him. He has excellent facials (insert a Patterson joke here) and is a really good slimy heel. I could see him becoming a solid main eventer just by being more of a jerk who is incidentally French, instead of just being a little bit of a jerk who is FRENCH OMG GAY BOO. I really liked his match with Undertaker a few months back on Smackdown - I think it was the first round of the Number one contenders tournament. Dupree is very good at the fundamentals like selling and facials.

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Charisma's finicky. Look at Rocky Maivia -- from lump of nothing to, well, The Rock. He's at least shown that he's not HORRIBLY inept on the stick, or with the crowd -- so we can at least hope he might improve.

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He has excellent facials (insert a Patterson joke here)

HA! Okay, that might be juvenile, but it's FUNNY.


You guys are right, though. He needs to downplay the ethnicity and just be a heel instead of a French heel.

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Since WWE is re-using past gimmicks now, they need to make Dupree a Rick Martel clone (the French nationalist stuff is boring now). He could be "Le Model" Rene Dupree and they could announce him as "now residing in Florida."

hell, that's how I have him on EWR. A tag team called the Models. I guess I wasn't the only one who thought he fit that mold.

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He dose'nt impress me really all that much . The gimmick just is'nt working for me . His moveset is very generic and his overall ability is at the best average .

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With The French Tickler, Fifi and his age at his side I think he might be the best canditate to become the next youngest world champion in WWE history.....Well at least if something goes wrong with Orton the way it did with Lesnar and they dont want him to be the youngest world champ anymore.

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Just kill Fifi, let him win some matches, let him have a good run with the United States Title where he doesn't lose the belt in a way that makes him look weak, then slowly push him to the Main Event. It can be done with good booking, but don't count on the WWE to be able to do that.

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Kill Fifi are you mad man!?! Fifi is the best dog in the WWE since Matilda...or maybe that dog that The Godwins brought that shit in the ring that time.....

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Guest Phenom

René Duprée is my god. It's how I learned how to make and 'é' on my computer.

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Didn't Cornette tool him up with some sort of pompous rich kid gimmick, who was coincidentally French rather than playing up the fact. I seem to remember him having a butler as well.

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He's better than a slug like Masters, but not at the level of Orton or Cena. He's like a poor man's Christian, ie. Midcarder-for-Life.

You only have to look at Sean O'Haire, Mark Jindrak or Chuck Palumbo to see what kind of future Rene Dupree has.

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Guest reek

He had some great matches with RVD over the Summer and those two and Rey worked a miracle by involving Kenzo Suzuki in entertaining tag matches. I think he has great potential.

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Guest JMA
Since WWE is re-using past gimmicks now, they need to make Dupree a Rick Martel clone (the French nationalist stuff is boring now). He could be "Le Model" Rene Dupree and they could announce him as "now residing in Florida."

hell, that's how I have him on EWR. A tag team called the Models. I guess I wasn't the only one who thought he fit that mold.

Here's a funny story, I actually came up with the JBL gimmick MONTHS before it was introduced. I mentioned having Bradshaw use his real name and even be announced from New York (which confused Anglesault). I got the New York thing because of how Bradshaw was ribbed by Lesnar for being a New Yorker instead of a Texan. But to be fair, other people had ideas similar to this as well.


As for Dupree, he's a huge Rick Martel mark (he's mentioned this in several interviews) and could easily do this gimmick. I actually suspect WWE will go through with the change soon.

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

He's hilarious. One of the most entertaining guys on Smackdown.

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