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Shanghai Kid

Angle/HBK Feud

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That promo a second ago on Raw was pretty much money. The whole 1996 connection seems a little far fetched, but I'm glad their building it up as both wrestlers wanting to see who is better instead of just something stupid from the Royal Rumble.

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That promo a second ago on Raw was pretty much money. The whole 1996 connection seems a little far fetched, but I'm glad their building it up as both wrestlers wanting to see who is better instead of just something stupid from the Royal Rumble.

I'm saying, that 1996 thing was really out there.

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No it isn't, if you suspend disbelief for a bit and immerse yourself in kayfabe. This is really old school.


I mean, "step up to the big leagues?" This is awesome.

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Guest Shadow

It's not too bad of a reasoning, far fetched. It's one of those "make the match, then make the reasoning" designs and it's somewhat different then the normal stuff.


Yes; it has the usual "I want to prove im better then you" but they drew the 1996 thing with angle with the gold medal and shawn with the wwf title. Both the KINGS of wrestling at one point.

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So far, the build up has been awesome. Oh, and Angle's promo owned all. Other than Christy vs. Trish(what did Trish do to deserve this?), Mania's shaping up to look pretty sweet

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I'd like to see what Kurt's going to do on Smackdown-


"I'll do everything you did in your entire career in a span of four weeks."



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I'd like to see what Kurt's going to do on Smackdown-


"I'll do everything you did in your entire career in a span of four weeks."



He needs to stop going over jobbers and put himself over more deserving people.

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Guest Shadow

He already did the Grand Slam+2(WWE Title, IC, European, WWE Tag, United States, Hardcore)


hasn't won the royal rumble...but he won the KOTR. that evens it out though.


Already wrestled a Ironman match...as well as HIAC, Ladder...


already main evented Mania...


Im not sure what else there is to do...

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He already did the Grand Slam+2(WWE Title, IC, European, WWE Tag, United States, Hardcore)


hasn't won the royal rumble...but he won the KOTR. that evens it out though.


Already wrestled a Ironman match...as well as HIAC, Ladder...


already main evented Mania...


Im not sure what else there is to do...

Throw Marty Jannety through plate glass window?.

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I'm looking forward to this match, but it woulda been great if it happened 9 years ago.

As far as I'm concerned, this match could not have happened at a better time. Both guys may be right at the edge of thier careers all going downhill from a physical standpoint, but 9 years ago Angle would not have been game for creating a classic, and neither would Shawn in the prime of his political career.


Michaels has shown, at least to me, that he can still bring emotion and raw performance to a match and carry the ball (ex: Survivor Series 2003, Summerslam 2002, Taboo Tuesday 2004). Angle has not shown to me even in recent light that he is done doing the same. His pairings with proven performers is well documented as well ( Summerslam 2001, Royal Rumble 2003, vs Eddie on smackdown in 2004 [ 2 out of 3 falls ]).


Michaels has been put over strong, IMO, to lose. There is an old school feel to this build which I don't think has been capitalized upon since Rock/Brock in 2002. This is both guy's chance to leave it all in the ring and keep everyone glued to them and thier performances up until thier impending retirement I envision happening at the latest in the next 2 years. They know that.


This can still and will be excellent. The here and now is not as bad as you make it seem.

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Guest Frank_Nabbit
I'm looking forward to this match, but it woulda been great if it happened 9 years ago.

Angle being green as grass and Shawn refusing to lose to anyone clean or otherwise?

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He already did the Grand Slam+2(WWE Title, IC, European, WWE Tag, United States, Hardcore)


hasn't won the royal rumble...but he won the KOTR. that evens it out though.


Already wrestled a Ironman match...as well as HIAC, Ladder...


already main evented Mania...


Im not sure what else there is to do...

Throw Marty Jannety through plate glass windown.

Become a born again Christian...and let the whole world know about it?

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I'm looking forward to this match, but it woulda been great if it happened 9 years ago.

Angle being green as grass and Shawn refusing to lose to anyone clean or otherwise?

You're thinking more of the Michaels in '97. Angle, as green as he was, is still a natural in this game. The potential of this match is making me cream my pants tho.

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Screw over a famous Canadian wrestler?

Angle puts Benoit in the Crossface and-





This match is going to pwn, believe it. Does anyone happen to know if/where one can find a clip of tonight's promo? I wasn't able to catch the show.

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Angle, for the first time in his career, managed to deliver a good, serious promo. The writing of the promo sucked, sadly, but his delivery was good. Michaels can't cut a serious promo to save his life, though. This is a rather silly feud, and I'm sure the match will be full of well-timed spots and sequences and nothing-much-else.

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Guest Brian

I didn't want to come in sounding like a pessimist, but I'm really not expecting much more from the match than what Rudo said.

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Guest Rrrsh

Ah, doubters of HBK.


He comes through in the clutch, he always does. Also, Angle did an awesome job vs Cena. This will be a very good match.

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Michaels and Angle are perfect for each other, no doubt. And I am sure many, if not most, people will be raving about the match afterwards. Michaels and Angle both work a formulaic, spot-heavy, style with little substance and no depth. Michaels will do his kip up, Angle will do his run-up-the-ropes b2b, they will continue to no sell, the crowd will pop for all the high spots like they are supposed to.


The match will start out with both men looking at each other and JR talking about how it is a dream match and Taz agreeing. They will work some shitty, cliched wrestling spots and Angle will get the better of it. Michaels will act like its nothing, then punch Angle and they'll go to the outside. A few low-key spots right away, say Angle whipping HBK into the guardrail and Angle is back inside, then attacks Michaels as he enters the ring. Angle continues to work on Michaels' back, stomping at it, backdrops, limited stuff. Michaels will sell it for the time, and then ignore it on the transition spot which could be Angle running into the turnbuckle, missing a clothesline, or Michaels hitting a flying elbow and then a kip up. 5-7 minutes will have passed. Michaels gets in control, does a backdrop, atomic drop, limited stuff. They'll go back to the outside, there will be a table spot that puts Angle back in control. Maybe a B2B on the floor. 10 minute mark here. Michaels juices, maybe we'll get a catapult-to-the-post spot with a mid-air gig.


Back in the ring for a heat spot. Chinlock, maybe a bodylock/rear naked choke. 11 or 12 minutes gone by. Crowd starts to rally behind Michaels, he gets to his feet, breaks the hold, runs against the ropes and will either get tossed for another B2B or will hit a forearm and kip up again. Either way, a superkick spot at about 15 minutes. Kickout by Angle. HBK goes for an elbow drop, Angle gets up and throws him off the top. Another near fall. Angle tries for an Angleslam, HBK gets out and tries a superkick, Angle catches and puts on an anklelock (or an Angleslam). Another heat spot. Crowd is going crazy. Shawn makes it to the ropes, but Angle drags him back to the middle of the ring. The blood dripping from Shawns face gives more dramatic effect. He makes it the ropes and angle holds on till the ref breaks. 18 minute mark.


Angle beats on Shawn, hits up the german suplexes, Shawn rolls through for a near fall. Angle continues to beat on Shawn. Angle gets fed up and brings a chair in to the ring. He argues with the ref and throws him down, or the ref gets bumped somehow. Michaels recovers enough for a superkick, kicks the chair into Angles face, Kurt juices. Ref is not there for the count. Shawn goes up for an elbow, hits, the ref slowly counts another near fall. The crowd is boiling. HBK sets up for SCM, tunes the band, etc. Angle catches, Angle slam, Michaels reverses, SCM. 1,2,3. 20-25 minutes. Crowd pops, everyone sez ****1/2. Rudo cries.

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Guest Rrrsh

I know your trying to be funny, Rudo. But a match to that affect would be miles better than the overrated peice of shit that the Main Event will turn out to be because Batista looks cool in a suit and people wish they were him so they mark out for his 3 moves.


And all the other crappy Main Events that HHH has been in.


And all the over stupidly basic forumla the Main Event has been since Austin got hurt in 98.


So, just becuase you don't "dig" Angle and Shawn spot heavy style, doesn't mean it won't be a good match. Because it will be. Cuz Shawn and Angle are both great workers.

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I never said it would be a bad match. It will be a very enjoyable, "fun" match, that could get up to **** depending on ones perspective. In reality, to a critical eye, it will be ***1/2 tops. However, to a fanboy it will get anywhere between ****-*****, and cause tons of debate. It will be well laid out and it will be well executed, which will make for a hot crowd reaction as they build the spots. The drama will come from blood and bumping, rather than an emotional story being told. It will be the perfect WWE Sports Entertainment match, and Meltzer will argue it as a MOTYC under that condition and Bryan Alvarez will act indignant and mock anyone who says otherwise.


The match will be the equivalent of a Jerry Bruckheimer flick. HBK will be Bruce Willis and Angle will be Will Smith. Lot's of explosions, little exposition. Nothing changed, no impact - emotional or otherwise. I was serious with my outline of the match, it will be very similar to what I wrote, if not to the letter. The problem with working a formula is that it tends to get predictable. With two devout formula workers like Michaels and Angle, you get a very predictable match.

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Guest Rrrsh

The question remains tho. Why is bumping and spot-building topping at ***1/2, but story telling 5 stars?


This isnt a poem or a novel, this is a physical contact entertanment outlet. Blood and an ass kicking is fine.

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Wrestling is many things. When you limit it to just physical form, then you are limiting the potential quality of the match. All the truly great matches have that storytelling. Storytelling requires extra effort of the wrestlers, as does long-term selling and strong psychology; while bump and spot building is actually pretty easy because you follow a certain formula. It takes physical effort, and to really work the crowd up beyond what they were at the start does get points, which is why it gets up to a certain level. But why should something easy get rewarded with *****'s?

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