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Guest PlatinumBoy

A heel needs to win Jericho's Ladder Match

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Guest PlatinumBoy

Either one of these guys should win. Why? Play up that you get a shot whenever you want. If the WWE was smart (in my opinion of course), either Edge or Christian needs to win. This would open up multiple scenarios.


Just as some examples, Edge wins the contendership and Batista wins the belt. Have a big, huge RAW like the HBK vs Benoit RAW where Batista would defend the belt aganist, say... Orton or Benoit. Batista is taken to the limit but wins, as he celebrates, Edge runs out and says he wants his title shot. Now. He takes out Batista easily and wins the title.


Or Christian wins, and wins a match on RAW to a get a title shot at the July or June PPV later this Summer (which ever is a RAW PPV). He loses clean to Batista. After the bell, he nails him with a few big chair shots, cashes in his "Title shot" and rolls up a KOed Batista and goes nuts celebrating. Hell, you could even have Edge or Christian challenge the champ and just get DQed in the first minute or sign things are going bad by using a blatant low blow or chair shot, continue to beat on the champ, and then once again--take their free title shot then and win easily. You could do this on a PPV, have a long, good match and then after the screw job, the heel wins the belt without looking bad, the face jobs without looking week, and the people get a good match and their moneys worth.


It could be a good "test run" for either guy; it could show how sneaky Christian is and how Edge will do anything to get the belt. Maybe have one of them win it in this style later this year and feud with Batista for a few months and see what happens. I think one of these scenarios, or even something else like this would be good and different from Benoit or Jericho winning and coming out on RAW to get a title shot at the next PPV--that would just be normal and wouldn't accomplish anything special. At the very least, this would be a better way for a heel to get a cheap title win.

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I want Jericho to win and save the shot for next years Wrestlemania 22.

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I hope Shelton Benjamin wins, I think he is main event ready. He is very over, and exciting. If the WWE had any balls they will let Benjamin win.

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If the WWE had balls they would let Christian win.

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Well, Edge most likely won't win, most likely because of the whole Lita incident

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Guest Shadow

That would be the most logical move of all them to do, hold the ticket until the big payday event.


However remember Jericho cashed his "favor" in to save trish which resulted in nothing. It should be noted he was the last one with the favor and had wanted to use it to buy a #30 spot in the rumble and was denied and had the chance to use it for a title shot before WMXX and was forced to cash it in.


I still LOVE my Idea of Edge winning the match and then on the draft night, discover that he's being traded to Smackdown, which would no longer make him RAW superstar...so he runs out and

"cashes" in his ticket because he knows he has 2 hours left to legally use this ticket and Batistia says no problem and bischoff has NO legal recorse but to allow the match.


It main events with the whole background story being Edge potentially taking the World title with him to Raw severely damaging the raw locker room. So you have bischoff sending raw superstars to help batistia but Batistia doesnt want it. Edge has to deal with the raw cheaters AND the sd guys trying to help him out and Edge being Paranoid assumes Smackdown wrestlers are trying to screw him, in turn screws himself and costs himself the win.


What does that set up? Edge to become a insant top name in Smackdown and having a "I hate everyone

type attitude and chase down Cena for the wwe title and he already has a built in hatred for everyone on sd and can continue the "I get screwed" routine.


Anything else would be WWE being lazy and waiting til Mid-summer to have Jericho or Christian cash it in and be a transistion feud til HHH takes the title back from 'Tista.


However, Christian is the "underdog" here considering you got Benoit a former world champ, Jericho a former undisputed champ, Kane a former wwe champ, Edge whose been very visable lately and Benjamin is the reigning IC champion. and giving him the ticket would be great because he could work around it and make it his own SLAMMY AWARD ala Owen.

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If the WWE had balls they would let Christian win.

I really like Christian and I think he could easily be a main eventer...


But I think Shelton can become a really big star.

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Guest Shadow

Shelton would likely get there on his own at this rate; Christian at the moment needs a "excuse" to be there.

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Guest Thrashist

I agree that a heel should win, and while it makes all the sense in the world booking-wise, I think it would be bullshit if Edge were to get the win amidst all of the controversy.


I doubt they'd do it, but Christian would actually benefit from turning this one match into a long successful gimmick. He could go around for months bragging about how he's the number one contender, but he would never have the actual balls to use it and challenge Batista. This would then lead to months of the fans itching for Batista to beat the crap out of Christian. And if they really wanted to make something of it, they could simultaenously create some tension between Christian and Triple H where Christian would rub in Triple H's face that any time he wanted, he could have a shot at the strap.


It would rule if after months of shit-talking between Batista and Christian and subtle tension between Christian and Triple H, there was a match between Triple H and Batista where Batista was totally screwed out of the title. Then soon after, Christian decides to challenge Triple H for the champ with Batista's consent (as a face-turning move), and (I'm getting way ahead of myself) wins it with Batista's assistance against outside interference.


Yeah, I should stop dreaming.

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You know what? I was just thinking about this, and I wouldn't mind anyone winning, with maybe the exception of Kane.

Definitly. I'm leaning towards Christian after reading everyone else's booking ideas, but that's a dream that won't happen. If only Hardy were in there like most assumed he would have been instead of Kane.

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Guest Rrrsh

I think it would be smart for Christain to win and use this like Test used the immunity. Make it instantly what you think of whne you think of his charicter. He can get a couple more guys to be in his posse, and all he has to say is "I got a shot at the champ whenever I want". This has the potential to elevate someone charicter greatly.

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So, I'm curious. The winner of the match can save their title shot for next year's mania. I doubt they'd plan this far ahead, but wouldn't that really effect the outcome of the Royal Rumble?

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Guest Thrashist
So, I'm curious. The winner of the match can save their title shot for next year's mania. I doubt they'd plan this far ahead, but wouldn't that really effect the outcome of the Royal Rumble?

Not really, they would then make it a three-way like last year or like they threatened to do with JBL vs Cena vs Batista..


But honestly, I don't see the title shot not taking more than a month.

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So, I'm curious. The winner of the match can save their title shot for next year's mania. I doubt they'd plan this far ahead, but wouldn't that really effect the outcome of the Royal Rumble?

Not really, they would then make it a three-way like last year or like they threatened to do with JBL vs Cena vs Batista..


But honestly, I don't see the title shot not taking more than a month.

OR if the winner of the Royal Rumble is from Smackdown then this way the Raw main event would be already be set.

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I like Thrashist's Chrisitan idea and I absolutely love Shadow's Edge idea. There's a case for every guy to win I suppose although I'm ruling out Kane & Shelton. Shelton may get decent reaction's and be good in the ring but he has nowhere near the character-depth to be a main-eventer.

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Latest WWE poll:


Who do you think will win the Ladder Match at WrestleMania 21?


Christian 5.47 %

Edge 5.42 %

Jericho 12.40 %

Benoit 13.85 %

Kane 58.20 %

Benjamin 4.64 %


Total Votes: 536923

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If a heel was smart, they'd wait until there was a challenger already announced for the PPV, and then say they'd take their title shot... immediately after the main event match.


If Edge or Christian won, it would be a great way to give them a quick one month reign with lots of heat for a rematch, and no loss of heat on Batista, or else it could be a good way to put Batista over absolutely huge by beating two men in one night.

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I think the gimmick fits Christian's character perfectly..


To brag about his number one contendership for a month or two, taking his shot directly after Batista defends, and still losing, that is.

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There are a lot of good ideas getting thrown around on here. You guys are doing a better job of getting me excited for this match than WWE is.


Anyway, I was intially inclined to pull for Jericho. Do you realize he hasn't won at WM since pulling curtain-jerking duty at 17?

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Guest Loss

Jericho's career is winding down anyway, so there's no point in putting him over here.


I talked to Meltzer last night on WOL about the possibility of Christian being with Edge at all times and wrestling, but also doing a lot of talking for him and that sort of thing. You're basically putting them in the top heel position, and I think that would be something truly fresh they could pull off.


2005 should really be the year they're both pushed hard, Edge more than Christian, but Christian constantly in the middle of Edge's feuds.

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Yeah, I was also thinking "Nah, doesn't sound gay". Like, seriously, you need to gay-it-up at least 50 more "you go girl"s before you can pass for the stereo-typical, over-the-top, diva gay guy. C'mon, live the gimmick. Don't break gayfabe. :)

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Guest Loss

So, I should have said the following?


"Honey, I was watching some Mid South last night and GIRRRRL, it was divine! You should have seen the way that Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert was used. O-KAY? I was telling my stylist that Christian could be used in the same way. Mmm-hmm. So, I was just wondering if you two handsome menz could tell me if you agree or disagree. Can you blame a girl for askin'? If you could tell me your opinion, that would be fabulous! "

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Needs more lisp and a "FAAAAABULUTH" but other than that, it qualifies for queer.


Oh, and, um. They should have two guys capture the briefcase at the same time and then challenge each other at Backlash as to delay the title match and feud for Batista.

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