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from newsarama.com


Announced at today’s “Beyond the DC Universe” panel at WizardWorld LA was the next addition to DC’s very successful “Absolute” line this fall: Absolute Watchmen. The new edition of the classic Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons story is currently being adapted to the larger, “Absolute” format and recolored by original colorist John Higgins. The edition is being produced with the blessing of Alan Moore.


The edition will run 464 pages (and will also double as a blunt object if need be), and will be a complete reprinting not of the original series as published by DC, but of the Graphitti edition, a collection published by Graphitti in the late ‘80s that included 48 pages of extra material.


Speaking of the artist, we spoke with Gibbons briefly about the forthcoming collection. As many already confess to be, Gibbons is also a fan of the publisher’s “Absolute” format, and was thrilled when he learned that DC wanted top present Watchmen in this manner.


“As an artist, I love the Absolute books,” Gibbons said. “The pages have much more impact at the large size and the production values are first rate. In fact, many of the foreign editions of Watchmen were done at this larger, album size, so I have a really good idea of how it will look already.


“The Absolute volume also gives us the chance to digitally remaster the coloring and correct a few mistakes that have always bugged us. We're not going to redraw or change the look of the book in any way; we'll just bring it closer to what we had in mind all those years ago.


”The coloring is being exactly reproduced from the regular edition, then original colorist John Higgins is tweaking the digital files before sending them to me for final approval. Back in the day, John lived a few miles away from me and would bring color guides over to discuss with me. Today, he lives a few miles from DC and is in close contact with them on technical matters, whilst thanks to the wonders of technology; I get daily pages for approval.


”Everything is looking really good, crisper and more vibrant than ever and it's great to be working with John again.”


Gibbons won’t be adding any new material for the upcoming edition, but he will be designing the package, giving it an authentic feel. “The material that has only so far appeared in the Graphitti hardcover edition will include many sketches, designs, the original pitch, script pages and an ‘outro’ by Alan and I. Most of the readers won't have seen this before.”


As the 2004 Bookscan numbers attested (and agreed with years before), despite closing in on twenty years old, the collected edition of the 12-issue series continues to be a best seller for DC, and to the continual surprise of Gibbons. “All we ever set out to do was a comic book we'd like to read,” the artist said. “It's gratifying to see that others continue to do so.


“I think it's become one of those books that are recommended reading for people just getting in to comics. The fact that it's self-contained is a bonus, since no previous knowledge of continuity is required and it has a clear resolution.”


And of course, as part of that, Watchmen, to this day, continues generating revenue for its creators. Or, as Gibbons puts it: “It keeps selling, so we keep getting checks!”


For the foreseeable future, Absolute Watchmen will be Gibbons’ only involvement with the property, as he has nothing to do with the currently in-production film based on the comic.


“I have no involvement, although it's being made close by in England. I'd be interested to see what they're doing but I don't know that they'd want me hanging around making suggestions any more than I'd have the time to do so!”



I think this is freaking awesome. I don't actually own a copy of it, but I'll definitely check out this edition. Although I do fear the recoloring. Sometimes when they do it, it doesn't turn out right. Someone on Newsarama's board mentioned the DC Neal Adams Batman book, and that is a perfect example of why you shouldn't.

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Can someone elaborate on the "Absolute" format? I probably won't buy it, since I already have a DC HC edition, but it's good for future reference...

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Soooo should I be excited about this since I can buy the trade for $10 froma friend if I want.........dont ask why I didnt buy it from him...Im not sure myself.

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