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Modern Man's Hustle

Is this wrong?

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So this girl that I've been seeing lately, right.


Backstory: She came into town a couple years back from some ass backwards farm town that I never even knew existed in my state. She comes up for the night, and since I'm feeling bad for my buddy, I do some smooth talking and hook the two of them up. She's a very cute girl, tall, thin, model-looking, you know, all the good stuff. I plan for it to be a one night kinda thing...turns into a two-year long thing. I call the girl up one night while i'm drunk and try to convince her to come and hang out with me so that me and my buddy can tag team her (yeah, kinda drunk). She declines, my buddy gets mad and stops talking to me. We don't talk for a couple of years, then out of the blue, she shows up at my house. I'm drunk again, she's drunk, she tells me that she's done with this guy and that she wants to date me. I'm all for it, because she's hot and I liked her. We date for a couple of months, and then my best friend was killed by a drunk driver. I went into a complete and utter state of depression, and I didn't want to talk to anyone at all, including her. We were still together and I hadn't talked to her in about a week and a half. There were people over at my house because they were all afraid that I was going to do something stupid, so they all came over to drink with me. A girl I slept with a couple of times was over, and she was hitting on me all night. I decide I'm going to bed, then...


Danielle: "So, you know nothing can happen between us because of Katie." (Katie's the girl I'm talking about here)


Me: "Yeah, I know."


Danielle: "I'm just saying (closes door behind her) nothing can happen."


Me: "Yeah....I know."


Next thing I know we're going at it. I had no feelings for this girl whatsoever, but here I was fucking her. It was absolutely the biggest mistake I'd ever made. This girl was the best thing that ever happened to me, and I'd fucked it up because I was dumb and drunk. I didn't talk to her for about four months, then we started hanging out again about a month ago.


Tonight we were out at a party and some guy started talking to her. I told him privately that I was trying to fix things because I was a piece of shit and that I fucked up, which he said was alright in his book, and that he'd leave her alone. Next thing I know, he puts his arm around her. She looks over at me, I shrug my shoulders. He puts his hand on her ass, she looks at me, I realize what's going on, I hit the kid in the jaw.


Now I'm sitting here thinking....am I getting played? Is this all complete horseshit? I really do think I love this girl...I really do want to fix things. I understand that she's allowed to do as many fucked up things as she wants because I fucked her over, but still, every time I sit and talk to this girl, I get pissed.


The guy that used to be my friend has now decided that since I've slept with Katie he doesn't want to talk to me. Normally that wouldn't be a big deal, except for the fact that this kid is a total piece of shit. He used to hit Katie all the time, treat her like she was next to nothing, and pretty much scared her completely. When she dumped him, he came over to her house and broke her windshield because that's the type of guy he is. When I fucked up, guess who she ran back to? It took me a month and a half to convince her that this kid was no good, that he was poisoning her with his brainwashing, and that I loved her. I fuck up once, and she goes right back to him. Square one. I'm back to square one right now.


So I'm faced with a decision. This girl has come back into my life - she's the only girl that I've ever brought home to meet my parents - and I'm faced with trying to convince her that this kid is no good for her all over again. I'm really thinking about quiting this shit, that's how pissed I am right now. Every time we go somewhere, she makes it a point to mention to people that I cheated on her, and that's why we're not together. I'm trying so hard to make everything right again, but I have no idea how to do it.


This may be the wrong folder to post this in, but I feel good for getting it all off my chest. I love this girl. I love her with all of my heart and soul. I want things to work out. I'm thinking about rolling up to this kid's work tomorrow to have some words with him, let him know to back off Katie otherwise we were going to have an even bigger issue...I just don't know anymore, man. I just don't know.

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When you roll up on the dude. Roll hard. Roll up a pool cue in a tshirt and bust him in the head.



- Stealing Ripper's fighting tactics since I learned he was a white guy in 2005.

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Guest DonVito

A pool cue could be used, but it won't cause maximum damage. At most he'll have to get some staples in his head to close up the gash from it.


This girl sounds like she likes chaos so more than likely she wants you two to fight to the death over her. So if you choose the option of fighting the prick to death over this girl here are some things to remember...


Make sure you bring along a red aluminum baseball bat with you when you roll up to his workplace. He'll know you mean business when he gets a look at that. You may wonder why red? The red won't show the blood that you're about to get on it. Most people think a Louisville Slugger is superior because it's more classic, but wooden bats are barbaric. They are basically glorified cave man clubs when it comes to a fight. Like little league baseball, there's nothing more sweet sounding than the ping of an aluminum bat off the side of someone's head.


Just remember when you swing to follow through with your swing. The impact on his head won't be as devastating if you choke up on the bat. So don't get timid and choke up. If you can catch him in the cheekbone or jaw with the bat it should do the most skeletal damage.


Now that you have your foe stunned and seriously injured you can go the route of taunting him and shouting obscenities at him. At this point he should be on the floor of whatever fast-food restaurant that he is employed at. If he does actually work at a fast-food restaurant use the deep fryer to your advantage. It should leave permanent scarring. Continue hitting him with the baseball bat during this part of the altercation. Focus on primarily on the abdominal region.


By now the police probably would have been dispatched. Now is the time to make whatever final racial slur or threat against his life before you flee. This should take care of your problem with the abusive prick. Finally you're going to have to woo the lady all over again to get her back. Your show of brutal ultraviolence on abusive prick should win you a few brownie points but you're going to need some pillow talk to fully get her on your side. I'm not the man to ask about that so someone else should fill Modern Man's Hustle in on what he should say to the lady.

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Wow, I have new found respect for you MMH, just pick better friends next time.



What you should do first is have a talk with him, but don't start off violent or even raise your voice. Try go for intesity and firmness rather than agression and tell him what you have to say. If after that he's still an asshole then you shoulc kick his ass. If he starts going off the handle shouting while having the talk also feel out how you think the argument is going, then beat his ass down if needed.

Your girl obviously is a bit fucked up around this guy and would probably be pissed off if you beat the shit out of him unless you had a reason so I would try and avoid it.

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I wouldn't recommend violence and maybe you shouldn't even go and talk to this guy at all. Is he worth it? Let it run for a little while. By the sound of your story, I'm sure you could wait for this girl to see sense, whether it takes a couple of weeks, or even months. Sit it out and give her time to think. What you did was stupid but we all make mistakes and she'll come to realise that sooner or later. Just wait just now and if this guy treats her like crap again, just make sure that you're there to pick up the pieces.

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I see. Anyway, last night when I dropped her off, I told her basically everything that I was thinking, and I ended it with "I'm not sure about 90% of the things in my life, but the only thing I am sure of is how I feel about you." She's going out of town until Monday, so I'll get some time to clear my mind, and she'll get some time to think about what I had to say. Turns out the kid doesn't work today. Works Saturday.

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Guest Vitamin X

Seriously, don't even bother. I was in this exact same situation.. Two best friends, hooked them up for what I thought would be a short thing, turned out to be a two year thing. Fell in love with the girl, guy treated her like shit, she cheated on him with me, everything was awkward.


I mean, it's not the exact same, but I can see where this is going. The best thing to do is nothing. Let it sit for a while, and really open your mind up to another girl. If she really loved you, she would ditch the asshole and commit to you. TRUST ME on this. I gave up a lot for this girl, moving across the country and a good life to be with her and she didn't show anything back. You've gotta wait and see where she feels about it.. You've done all you can do. She should know by now. So you've gotta open up possibilities as well in the meantime, otherwise you're just going to seem desperate for her, and then it's just going to be harder for her to accept you.

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Karma's a bitch. So are you. You don't deserve her after cheating on her.


Look on the bright side. I was in a situation where I had all kinds of fucked up shit happen between me and a girl who went from being with my former best friend for 3 years, to being with me, to dumping me for some older loser, to being engaged to me, to cheating on me with a girl. I never did one bad thing to her, and I still got screwed and wasted a lot of time.


She put me through hell when she had nothing to use against me. You, on the other hand, cheated on this girl and she'll never let you forget it. Even if you do get back together, every time you do something wrong, she'll play the cheater card. Every time she does something wrong, it'll be "At least I didn't cheat on you."


Man, fuck that shit. Leave her behind, move to southern California. don't return her calls or e-mails, and hook up with a hot little Mexican who likes skinny white dudes. Worked for me.

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When you roll up on the dude. Roll hard. Roll up a pool cue in a tshirt and bust him in the head.



- Stealing Ripper's fighting tactics since I learned he was a white guy in 2005.

I'll do you one better, put a cue ball in a tube sock and crack somebody's skull with it.

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Guest DonVito
When you roll up on the dude.  Roll hard.  Roll up a pool cue in a tshirt and bust him in the head.



- Stealing Ripper's fighting tactics since I learned he was a white guy in 2005.

I'll do you one better, put a cue ball in a tube sock and crack somebody's skull with it.

I actually saw a bar fight involving a cue ball in a sock. Except it was three guys with balls in three different socks. Two weeks ago at this bar I was at, this group of guys kept fucking with these three guys in this shitty rock band all night. Well the leader of the guys fucking with the rockers got up to go take a piss. The band followed him into the bathroom, shut off the lights, and just laid waste to the guy. That guy got fucked up. Hell then proceeded to break loose and the cops showed up. I decided to get the hell out of there.


I don't even remember posting my previous post in this thread...I should be more coherent.

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When you roll up on the dude.  Roll hard.  Roll up a pool cue in a tshirt and bust him in the head.



- Stealing Ripper's fighting tactics since I learned he was a white guy in 2005.

I'll do you one better, put a cue ball in a tube sock and crack somebody's skull with it.

I actually saw a bar fight involving a cue ball in a sock. Except it was three guys with balls in three different socks. Two weeks ago at this bar I was at, this group of guys kept fucking with these three guys in this shitty rock band all night. Well the leader of the guys fucking with the rockers got up to go take a piss. The band followed him into the bathroom, shut off the lights, and just laid waste to the guy. That guy got fucked up. Hell then proceeded to break loose and the cops showed up. I decided to get the hell out of there.


I don't even remember posting my previous post in this thread...I should be more coherent.

Yeah, rant fucked it up as always, its supposed to be the cue BALL. And yeah...you guys do realize this isn't a steven segal movie, you hit someone in the head with that its probably going to kill them, right. So um...don't do that. Hit them in the knee cap. You can kick their ass all day then...they ain't gonna run.



But yeah, Personally the best advice would be for the girl to leave both of you the fuck alone. I mean, drunkenous is never a excuse for fucking around. Its a good reason, but never a good excuse. You did it because you pretty much wanted to. You should have just kept fucking the new girl and moved on, but you already fucked that up so just go on with life. Eventually other dude will make her leave again, she will come back to you and everything will be washed clean. Tis the way of the world.

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