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The Official Sin City Thread

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Just saw it. Decent movie, little more than that. Looked fantastic, almost completely emotionless, and pretty calm altogether. Some touches were great, a lot was just there. I'm glad to have seen it, loved Arrow Guy, and enjoyed all the stories, but it's not groundbreaking in anything but a visual sense, and even that aspect often seemed flat.

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Was it just me or.....was Bruce Willis in color when he went into the bar to meet the girl?

Yeah. The cop's flashlight on Dwight's face did it too. Happened a few times throughout.

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Here's how I interpret the above color aspect. People are shown in color when they are essentialy removed from Sin City. Dwight is illuminated by a good cop who doesn't work Sin City. With Hartigan it's sketchier, but at the beginning he's been drawn in, and not until he realizes that Nancy works in Sin City has he been drawn back in.

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Guest JMA

I just got back from seeing Sin City. Needless to say, it was awesome. It's definitely one of the best comic book adaptations I've ever seen (as well as one of the best film noir movies that I've seen). I don't really know if anyone walked out of my theatre because (1) I was so focused on the movie and (2) I couldn't tell if someone was leaving or just had to go to the restroom.

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Did anyone else notice some people getting up and leaving?


This movie definitely didn't agree with a lot of people.


I really feel like this movie should have used some sort of different format in regards to time. Kill Bill proved that this can work, I don't see why they didn't make all the stories for this series and release them in the order the comics were. Similarly, I feel like a shorter movie could have worked also. I hear that there are other stories as well, possibly a (cable/premium) miniseries?


Lets face it, if these stories can't make it to two hours, you don't have to mash three together. It makes things seem longer than they are.

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One couple walked out when I saw it.


Amazing movie. Best comic adaptation ever. It also shows you how lazy filmmakers can be, because this was truly something I've never seen before on the screen.


There are three major Sin City stories left:


A DAME TO KILL FOR (my favorite): With Dwight (Clive Owen), Gail (Rosario Dawson), Miho (Devon Aoki), Manute (Michael Clark Duncan), Marv (Mickey Rourke), and some new characters. I believe it's the first story (chronologically) of the six major stories. (I'd say more but I'd have to make a spoiler warning).


TO HELL AND BACK: With Wallace (Johnny Depp was slated to do this) and others.


FAMILY VALUES: With Dwight, Miho, Gail, and others.


These are three great stories but you really can't do two Dwight-Miho-Gail stories in the same movie. I say do DAME, TO HELL, and a brand new story by Frank (more Marv?).


People might be confused by the stories beuing done out of order but FUCK 'EM. I need another SIN CITY flick!! Rodriguez says he wants to do them all so...

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The only flaw was Brittany Murphy. God, did she stink up the joint. Otherwise, it's amazing.

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Quick point, Yellow Bastard is the first chronologically. You can see Pre-op Dwight bitching about Ava leaving him in the book.


A Dame to Kill For does indeed kick ass.

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One couple walked out when I saw it.


Amazing movie. Best comic adaptation ever. It also shows you how lazy filmmakers can be, because this was truly something I've never seen before on the screen.


There are three major Sin City stories left:


A DAME TO KILL FOR (my favorite): With Dwight (Clive Owen), Gail (Rosario Dawson), Miho (Devon Aoki), Manute (Michael Clark Duncan), Marv (Mickey Rourke), and some new characters. I believe it's the first story (chronologically) of the six major stories. (I'd say more but I'd have to make a spoiler warning).


TO HELL AND BACK: With Wallace (Johnny Depp was slated to do this) and others.


FAMILY VALUES: With Dwight, Miho, Gail, and others.


These are three great stories but you really can't do two Dwight-Miho-Gail stories in the same movie. I say do DAME, TO HELL, and a brand new story by Frank (more Marv?).


People might be confused by the stories beuing done out of order but FUCK 'EM. I need another SIN CITY flick!! Rodriguez says he wants to do them all so...

They could fill the third spot with some of the minor stories

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I loved the movie. I never read the graphic novels, but I knew going in it was going to be messy..... While I was there with a girlfriend, I think four people got up and walked out, though I had some drunk college students right behind me acting like idiots during points of the movie.


A lot of what I wanted to say has already been said, so I'll just leave two small comments:


Is it just me or did Rosario Dawson look like Vanessa Del Rio circa 1983?


I think I have fallen in love with Devon Aoki. The silent badass, and absolutely gorgeous. Yum.

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I loved the movie. I never read the graphic novels, but I knew going in it was going to be messy..... While I was there with a girlfriend, I think four people got up and walked out, though I had some drunk college students right behind me acting like idiots during points of the movie.


A lot of what I wanted to say has already been said, so I'll just leave two small comments:


Is it just me or did Rosario Dawson look like Vanessa Del Rio circa 1983?


I think I have fallen in love with Devon Aoki. The silent badass, and absolutely gorgeous. Yum.

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I am actually getting A Dame to Kill For from Amazon fairly soon, so I'll see what is up in that story.


It amuses me that you guys keep track of people leaving the theater. If the movie is any good I could care less. Most of the time it's just someone taking a piss.

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I was too busy noticing Del Toro's ownage to care about Brittany Murphy possibly sucking.

He was amazing; he just did another incredible transformation in the way he talked and carried himself. Didn't stop me from noticing how bad she sucked though. Not that it's easy to deliver Miller's words without them sounding silly or just plain bad (although everyone else pulled it off).


Satan save me from "ownage" and "goodness" and any other "undeliciously moronical speak".

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Guest Edmond Dantes
Is it just me or did Rosario Dawson look like Vanessa Del Rio circa 1983?

I love you.

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Madsen had to deliver some really cliched lines though, stuff like "You can't do this, Hartigan...you'll take me down with you, etc." He was probably better in the last half of the movie with his deadpan "You really made me hate myself" line than he was at the beginning.


Either way, I didn't think Murphy or Madsen were really BAD in the film. Maybe not quite as good but not anything that was so horrid it stood out.

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(although everyone else pulled it off)

except Michael Madsen

I didn't notice.

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Guest TheLastBoyscout

Brittany Murphy gave one of the better female performances in the film. She "got" the dialogue.

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No one else spoke in that weird, ultra-affected 50's noir dame kind of voice though. And she didn't speak that way in her other appearances in the movie.

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Guest TheLastBoyscout
No one else spoke in that weird, ultra-affected 50's noir dame kind of voice though. And she didn't speak that way in her other appearances in the movie.

She did, actually. It's just all the other lines were so short (What'll it be, Marv?) that it didn't come through as clearly. If you see it again concentrate and you can tell she's not just using her normal voice.


The vintage delivery was very cool and worked well with the "timeless/90's mixed with 40's" vibe they were going for.

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Brittany Murphy gave one of the better female performances in the film. She "got" the dialogue.

You say tomato, I say tomato.


I thought she was godawful.

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I saw it last night. Never read the comics, but I liked it. My friend didn't seem to understand that there were three different stories. I hate having to explain things to him after the fact.


Alexis Bledel, man, she was basically playing a hooker version of Rory Gilmore. I half expected it to turn out to be Lorelai on the other end of the phone.

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Guest JMA
No one else spoke in that weird, ultra-affected 50's noir dame kind of voice though. And she didn't speak that way in her other appearances in the movie.

She did, actually. It's just all the other lines were so short (What'll it be, Marv?) that it didn't come through as clearly. If you see it again concentrate and you can tell she's not just using her normal voice.


The vintage delivery was very cool and worked well with the "timeless/90's mixed with 40's" vibe they were going for.

Agreed. She really captured the stereotypical female victim that appears quite often in film noir.


To be honest, I thought everyone involved with the film did a good job.

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No one else spoke in that weird, ultra-affected 50's noir dame kind of voice though. And she didn't speak that way in her other appearances in the movie.

She did, actually. It's just all the other lines were so short (What'll it be, Marv?) that it didn't come through as clearly. If you see it again concentrate and you can tell she's not just using her normal voice.


The vintage delivery was very cool and worked well with the "timeless/90's mixed with 40's" vibe they were going for.

Agreed. She really captured the stereotypical female victim that appears quite often in film noir.


To be honest, I thought everyone involved with the film did a good job.

I still say Madsen did a mediocre job at best. His delivery seemed kindof akward to me (not sure if akward is the word I'm looking for, though)

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Guest JMA
No one else spoke in that weird, ultra-affected 50's noir dame kind of voice though. And she didn't speak that way in her other appearances in the movie.

She did, actually. It's just all the other lines were so short (What'll it be, Marv?) that it didn't come through as clearly. If you see it again concentrate and you can tell she's not just using her normal voice.


The vintage delivery was very cool and worked well with the "timeless/90's mixed with 40's" vibe they were going for.

Agreed. She really captured the stereotypical female victim that appears quite often in film noir.


To be honest, I thought everyone involved with the film did a good job.

I still say Madsen did a mediocre job at best. His delivery seemed kindof akward to me (not sure if akward is the word I'm looking for, though)

Maybe it's because he wasn't playing a sadistic bastard. Granted, the guy he was playing was certainly evil, he wasn't anywhere near on the level of Mr. Blonde or Budd.


His part in the movie was pretty small, but I think he gave a decent performance.

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