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The Official Sin City Thread

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I said it last night, I'll say it here...that arrow guy should get a spin-off.


Seriously, though, I'd like to present a discussion question: If/When the Sin City sequel is made, will it have the same box office appeal? I ask this because, out of the ten people I went with, only four of us really liked it. I noticed people walking out of my theater. Some people were in over their heads. This was not really a movie for everyone, but everyone still came. I don't know if I see it happening again. I don't think it will affect the box office too much, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a drop next week. I hope not, but I'm just saying.

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I said it last night, I'll say it here...that arrow guy should get a spin-off.


Seriously, though, I'd like to present a discussion question: If/When the Sin City sequel is made, will it have the same box office appeal? I ask this because, out of the ten people I went with, only four of us really liked it. I noticed people walking out of my theater. Some people were in over their heads. This was not really a movie for everyone, but everyone still came. I don't know if I see it happening again. I don't think it will affect the box office too much, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a drop next week. I hope not, but I'm just saying.

This is the first case I've heard of that.

Everywhere I've heard everyone loved it.

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Wait, so they are saying it anti-christian to kill a cannibalistic priest and a priest covering up for said cannibalistic priest?


You know, it stuff like this that makes them look so hypocritical....we can't watch a moive called SIN CITY without some crazies saying it should have more God in it.



I'm catholic but man, religious people are fucked up in the head

I think they're more pissed off over the fact that Hartigan killed the pedophile.


Instead of, you know, covering up his crimes and moving him to a new pari....er, jurisdiction.

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I said it last night, I'll say it here...that arrow guy should get a spin-off.


Seriously, though, I'd like to present a discussion question: If/When the Sin City sequel is made, will it have the same box office appeal? I ask this because, out of the ten people I went with, only four of us really liked it. I noticed people walking out of my theater. Some people were in over their heads. This was not really a movie for everyone, but everyone still came. I don't know if I see it happening again. I don't think it will affect the box office too much, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a drop next week. I hope not, but I'm just saying.

This is the first case I've heard of that.

Everywhere I've heard everyone loved it.

Oh. Good, then.

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well sin city has made the drudgereport. Now we're going to get lots of pompous fuckwit political assholes on TV and radio whining like fuck about how its anti-religious, when in reality they should be whining that nobody's shot themin the head and made life more enjoyable for the rest of us. So lame and predictable



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Guest Vitamin X

I was kinda disappointed. Now, don't get me wrong: I fucking love violence. But Marv's story really kinda killed the movie for me.. It just felt like a ton of gratuitious action and violence for really no fucking reason. All it did was just hype up WOW LOOK AT HOW COOL AND TOUGH THIS GUY IS WOW AWESOME LOLOLOLOL.. Fucking lame. Clive Owen continues to be an actor I consistently enjoy.. Every movie I've seen him in that I remember, has been absolutely fucking fantastic (or rather, his performance has been). I need to research some other things he's been in.


But yeah, Bruce Willis turned in kind of a weak performance at the beginning, but in the second part of his story came out very strong and had a fantastic ending. Even though the ending was cool, it didn't really have much of an effect, since you kind of already get used to the fact that he's dead after the first part of his story, then it's like oh okay well he died again. I understand the whole doing it for love thing, though which brings me to my next point that I found it interesting how the three stories had the protagonist triumphing in his own particular way: one by emotional strength, another by physical strength, and another with intelligence and a bit of luck. Didn't see too much of Madsen or Murphy, and although I didn't like the Marv story much, Rourke did a very good job. The cinematography was excellent, I actually came out of the theatre seeing everything in black and white with a few accented colors for a little bit, which was kinda weird.

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Josh Hartnett is a better actor than people want to admit he is.

Actually, I don't think he is a bad actor so much as that I think he has terrible range. he comes off as the same monotone guy in every role he seems to have, but it just happens to work in some situations, SIN CITY, being one of them.

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I loved the movie. Haven't left the theater with this feeling in a long time. Someone posted the DVD specs, and it looks awesome. This movie delivered on all levels, and exceeded my expectations highly. I really hope this movie does well, and I don't expect everyone to like the flick as much as I did, but I am not sure how someone could not at least minimally enjoy it. :cheers:

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I really enjoyed it. I thought I'd be very grossed out by all the gore, because I don't normally like gore...at all. But after awhile, I got used to it and thought it was a great movie.


Does the girl in the first scene (with Josh Hartnet) show up anywhere else in movie? I haven't been able to figure out how his two scenes tie in the with the rest of the movie.


I think it's to show that Harnet is a hitman, so right when you see him with the girl who betrayed Old Town, you know she's dead.

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Guest Coffey

It was a really good movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I still think that I liked Constantine a little bit better, but it's definitely a DVD purchase for me.

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Constantine? It was ok, but Reeves was wrong for the part really...in the hands of a better (or cooler) actor that role could have been a bad ass dream. I liked it reasonably well. Sin City is the closest thing to comic book as film art that I have seen however.


I figured it would cause a huge amount of controversy though, especially with the Pope dying and all. Just bad timing really. I think that the film isn't crapping on organized religion as much as it is badmouthing priests/cardinals/etc. who are counterfeits and lose the faith. Perhaps a brief scene with Marv on death row talking to a legit priest would have chilled people on this, since all we saw in the film was the Cardinal and the other corrupt priest who was involved.


I saw it again today, I think it might have been BETTER on a 2nd viewing. I don't get the talk of the 2nd storyline being weak, hell Del Toro was just the man there. Think Dr. Gonzo crossed with Dennis Hopper from Blue Velvet, haha.

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Guest Vitamin X

The 2nd story I was talking about was Marv's. I essentially saw it as 3 parts.. from Hannigan's perspective, from Marv's, and from Dwayne's.

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Guest Rrrsh

It was one of the best movies I have ever seen. That being said, I don't think I want to watch it over and over, as it will lose it luster. There are some movies you can watch over and over, I dont believe this is one of them ( much like Seven)


This is one of the very few times wear I found myself really rooting for every good guy the whole time. Thats when you know you have made hateable villians, when 3 diffrent #1 Good Guys are all rooted by from all ages and sexes. No one could have rooted for Eligah Wood or the Oragne guy (I dont count Benito really a bad guy, he wasn't a focal point)

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I dug the hell out of this from a visual aesthetic point of view and the stories were good enough but that's about all. Acting was forgettable with the exception of Rourke and Owen.


I really like it now but I can see myself end up cooling off about this film due to the massive amounts of overrated love it's going to get.

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I agree on the heels, this movie had some of the most memorable heels in recent memory, what with Kevin (Elijah Wood) and the Cardinal in the Marv story and of course YB and the Senator in the Hartigan story.


Just wondering but did anyone talk to someone who didn't like the film because it was mainly B and W?

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Guest El Satanico
Just wondering but did anyone talk to someone who didn't like the film because it was mainly B and W?

No, but I don't talk about movies with people that may make such comments. Well, other than my one friend that dislikes subtitles, but occasionly he tolerates them (City of God for example).

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Guest Vitamin X

I for one, rooted for Elijah Wood because I equally despised Rourke's character and thought his character was an awesome fighter. Sick motherfucker, though.

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I can't see anyone actually ROOTING for Kevin in the film. Yeah I know Marv was also a sick bastard in his own right but at least the guy was attempting to follow some sort of code of honor, even if he was wasting everyone in sight.

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Marv was getting revenge for his lost love. Kevin ATE PEOPLE.

And he fed the leftovers to his dog. His dog. Come on.


Speaking of which, what's up with acclaimed graphic novels and dogs eating people? Sin City had it, Watchmen had it. Come to think of it, both ate females too.

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I was sort of rooting for Kevin.


But more so because I think Elijah Wood is just a very, very pretty man.


And he was a pretty badass heel in this.

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