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Epic Reine

Matches where the crowd was 50/50

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Warrior/Hogan is an example but does anybody else know matches where half the crowd was cheering for one guy and the other half was cheering for the other?

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Why is it that split-heat seems like a bad thing? Why does every match have to be face/heel? I can understand why there are very few heel/heel matches, but what's so wrong with face/face?

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Guest Shadow

In the opinion of Vince McMahon


"It splits the merch sales".


It's fine for Mid-card or whatnot like Rey/Eddy but rarely will they push it as a main event.

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Split heat is a good thing IMO, since it means the crowd's being vocal and likes both guys. WWE probably hates it, with the rare exception of big face matches like WMVI, because it goes against their booking.

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Guest Eric the Eagle

I would guess TNA's Heel Section (while they were still around) must have created sime marvelous split heat. Personally, I love it. As C Man said, it means everyone's into it, and, X-Pac heat aside, what kind of reaction you get is secondary to actually getting a reaction.


I've worked one match with a roughly 50/50 crowd myself, and that was a huge blast. Since they start playing off each other, the crowd genreally gets damn hot really, really, fast.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

Jericho & RVD had the fans about as split as i've seen at Unforgiven '01.

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I haven't seen it in a long time, but how about Angle vs HHH (Royal Rumble 2001 I think.)


I seem to remember that being about 50/50.



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As previously mentioned (but with uncertainty), Cena vs Angle at No Mercy in 2003, feautring the neat "Let's Go Cena!" / "Let's Go Angle!" dueling chant. That was followed up at WMXX with "Let's go Angle!" / "Angle Sucks!" dueling chants in his match with Eddie.

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Undertaker/Bret Hart at One Night Only.

that was brillaint. it wasn't cheering for both men, it was fans of the other guy booing both men. every single move in that match got booed, LOUDLY.

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What prolonged feud did both wrestlers receive 50/50 heat? Angle and Micheals split the crowd at WM? But, Angle was the definite heel leading up to the match?

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