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Stephanie McMahon sent down to OVW.

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Stephanie McMahon will be going to the OVW tapings tomorrow night which no doubt has added pressures and incentives for everyone in that promotion. The pressures have taken on added meaning with the recent talent releases.


Da Meltz.


Edit: Sent, not send.


EDIT: fixed title - Nik

Edited by nikjohns

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She won't be going to fire people, she'll be going to sign them up. I think this also happened last year after the mass firings.

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Is she gonna tell them all to cut their hair?


and fire all the wrestlers and bring in all the gimmicks.


I hope so...hopefully Jim Cornette hits her with the tennis racket....then she dies.

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Guest jumpingbombangel
Stephanie McMahon will be going to the OVW tapings tomorrow night which no doubt has added pressures and incentives for everyone in that promotion. The pressures have taken on added meaning with the recent talent releases.


Da Meltz.


Edit: Sent, not send.

In related news, the concession stands at tomorrow night's show will be open an extra three hours to accomodate Ms. McMahon's visit.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Triple H probably sent her there to score some roids for him.

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I don't have access to OVW TV, who other than MNM are potential call-ups at this point? Both the ones who are ready and the ones who might get fast tracked due to a look? There was a mention of a quality Matt Morgan/Cornette promo on WOL, wouldn't surprise me to see him back in the bigs soon....

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Guest Coffey

...and here I thought this thread would be important. I was thinking it was going to say something like Stephanie is going to book OVW now and switch places with Jim Cornette.



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I don't have access to OVW TV, who other than MNM are potential call-ups at this point?  Both the ones who are ready and the ones who might get fast tracked due to a look?  There was a mention of a quality Matt Morgan/Cornette promo on WOL, wouldn't surprise me to see him back in the bigs soon....

MNM (Johnny Nitro, Joey Matthews, Melina Perez), Jeter/Capotelli, Brent Albright, Matt Morgan, Jillian Hall, Alexis Laree are all people I would call up now if I were running things.


Out of those, I think only MNM and Matt Morgan were the only two WWE was planning on bringing up anytime soon. I think one of the OVW women will get a shot now that Molly quit, probably Jillian Hall as she's an excellent heel character.


Blaster Lasheley might get fasttracked but there's really no hosses left down there (and Blaster is a marginally sized hoss). Mordecai might get another shot. No sign of the Shane Twins on OVW TV yet.


Lance Cade is down there too at the moment, and I imagine he'll probably get his roster spot back.


I really need to do some profiles on all these guys at some point, sort of like how they do minor league rankings in baseball and project their WWE ceiling.

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With the women's division being put to sleep aparently it would be great to run a summer storyline where all these fresh new tag teams show up on Raw WANTING the tag titles on Raw since they are indeed the REAL World tag team titles...the angle would be the competition itself..maybe a Round Robin Tournament..we haven't seen that for a while..but you could throw in at least three tag teams from OVW and involve La Res and Regal/Tajiri/Eugene and maybe Hassan and Davari after Monday night...it would be fun and it would definately counter the goddamn Diva search that we will be forced to endure...maybe the Rockers will return too...

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Johnny Nitro, Joey Matthews and Melina are more than likely headed to SD. Perhaps Matt Capotelli and Johnny Jeter could still end up on Raw although MNM wouldneed some good teams to work with on Smackdown. Why didn't they keep Albright and Masters as a tag team instead of putting Masters in this singles gimmick role he obviously can't pull off. Maybe put ALbright with Rob Conway who needs out of the La Resistance gimmick. Matt Morgan and Fertig in a Demolition gimmick to compete with the reuninted Rockers? Teddy Hart and Harry Smith maybe?

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Paul Burchill is also down there, who's an impressive 6'4" 280lb worker who can do a standing shooting star press as well as a variety of good power moves. He also has a lot more agility than recent OVW call-ups.


He could make a big name for himself if they use his correctly.


Actually, I e-mailed Lance Storm a week or so ago to ask how he was doing and he said he was doing just fine there.



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are OVW shows actually any good?  I'd love to get my hands on some tapes...

It's the most entertaining wrestling program I watch every week... very well-booked, decent wrestling (not great usually but sometimes good), great announcing. There's usually a *** match about every couple weeks and 2-3 **** matches a year on TV.


Sometimes it's just solid, sometimes it's very good.

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are OVW shows actually any good? I'd love to get my hands on some tapes...

The ring work is sometimes great, sometimes lame. But everyone is booked to their strengths making the shows great to watch.

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Stephanie McMahon canceled her scheduled trip to OVW today. Going instead were John Laurinaitis, Ted DiBiase, Ed Koskey, David Lagana and Brian Gewirtz. They will all be watching the TV taping tonight, as well as watching matches in the gym with the various wrestlers who aren't working TV, and observing everyone cutting promos. from Wrestling Observer


I really wish they'd promote Stephanie to another position, outside of creative. It's time to move on. She's the head of the creative team and she can't even bother to check out their development roster? Then she's expected to know what to do with the talent when they get called up? Watch Koskey, Laguna and Gerwitz all take pointers from how Cornette writes OVW TV, books to talent's strengths, etc. and make similar suggestions to Steph only for her to shoot them down. They should just send the entire creative team to a wrestling booking bootcamp with Cornette.

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