Vyce 0 Report post Posted April 23, 2005 I lost interest in it the moment I saw it didn't involve any tentacle rape. That has to be part of the professional otaku's job description. They have to be able to bring the tentacle rape if they want the position. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Masked Man of Mystery 0 Report post Posted April 23, 2005 Actually, most of the anime fans/otakus I know either personally or from anime message boards hate hentai Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vern Gagne 0 Report post Posted April 23, 2005 Get this Anime shit outta CE. An important discussion about what political party Yogi Bear would of been a member of is about the begin? He ratted out that commie Ranger Smith. Good enough for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Your Paragon of Virtue 0 Report post Posted April 23, 2005 MMM, who did you vote for in the 2004 election and why? I'd like to know what issues an Otaku looks at when deciding on who leads the most powerful nation on Earth. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BUTT 0 Report post Posted April 23, 2005 How the hell does a thread about the new Pope turn into a discussion of hentai? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Czech Republic 0 Report post Posted April 23, 2005 I'm just glad a professional otaku is back in our ranks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Highland 0 Report post Posted April 23, 2005 How the hell does a thread about the new Pope turn into a discussion of hentai? *channels vince* "Anything can happen in the CE folder." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Czech Republic 0 Report post Posted April 23, 2005 ::spears Anglesault:: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vyce 0 Report post Posted April 23, 2005 How the hell does a thread about the new Pope turn into a discussion of hentai? If find it refreshing. And far more interesting than what usually happens to threads in this folder, i.e. Mike arguing with someone (usually RobotJerk or Jobber) for several pages. I think we'd all be better off if we could channel that energy into some really frank and informative discussions on hentai. Unless Mike and RJ get into a heated discussion on the positive and negative qualities of rorikon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Your Paragon of Virtue 0 Report post Posted April 23, 2005 How the hell does a thread about the new Pope turn into a discussion of hentai? If find it refreshing. And far more interesting than what usually happens to threads in this folder, i.e. Mike arguing with someone (usually RobotJerk or Jobber) for several pages. I think we'd all be better off if we could channel that energy into some really frank and informative discussions on hentai. Unless Mike and RJ get into a heated discussion on the positive and negative qualities of rorikon. Wait a minute, do you actually know something about this octopus sex loving shit? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Styles 0 Report post Posted April 23, 2005 This is the most bizzare thread in CE in quite a while. Just all over the place. Anyway, since the ridiculousness of Islam was one of the many diverse subjects brought up in this thread, I thought this link I found would be interesting. Jesus was a Muslim and saved by Allah? OMG WTF~?! http://www.bible.ca/islam/islam-start.htm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BUTT 0 Report post Posted April 23, 2005 I still want to know what's up with Mike calling RobotJerk a pedophile. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Styles 0 Report post Posted April 23, 2005 I think it would be awesome if Mike took Paul E.'s old gimmick and smashed a giant cell phone over the heads of his online opponents. And Robot Jerk could be Dean Douglas or something... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hogan Made Wrestling 0 Report post Posted April 23, 2005 I think it would be awesome if Mike took Paul E.'s old gimmick and smashed a giant cell phone over the heads of his online opponents. And Robot Jerk could be Dean Douglas or something... Mike S.C. Dangerously? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slayer 0 Report post Posted April 23, 2005 Slapnuts gheyed this thread up real fast Back to what really matters... namely, the pope tentacle-fucking 13 year-old girls Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MikeSC Report post Posted April 23, 2005 Now, private education --- that is where people who know how to teach go. Once again, you demonstrate that you don't know what you're talking about. The pay and benefits at private schools suck, so most teachers would NEVER want to teach at a private school. Nobody gives a fuck what teachers want. They're not even close to being the primary concern. When PARENTS want their CHILDREN to learn --- they don't send them to public schools. They send them to PRIVATE ones. You know, where kids tend to LEARN. Private school tend to get better results for those reasons (less discipline problems, easier to kick kids out if they screw up, parents more involved since they're paying for it directly), and because they're populations tend to be better off socioeconomically. They've ALSO offered to take any kid the state wishes to send their way --- but a certain public monopoly opposes any form of competition. Of course, it's because they know they'd be slaughtered in that competition. You don't find it funny that the biggest advocates of public education don't tend to have their kids enrolled in public schools? -=Mike Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LessonInMachismo 0 Report post Posted April 23, 2005 While trying to avoid being confrontational, I'm going to add my thoughts here. RobotJerk's comments (joking or not) about MikeSC's profession is what a lot of people like teachers, scientists, etc., actually think. The fact that people like Kerry and Edwards think they are on the blue-collar workers' side is hilarity to the extreme. It display their out-of-touchness and inability to connect with how most hard-working Americans think. It's like, "Yeah, you guys aren't smart, but do you your best at (work), so we're gonna fight for ya!" If these elitists would just let people live and allow them to do their best on their own, then everyone would be much better off and would succeed according to their capacity for success. Don't get me wrong...they're are a LOT of dumb people in the working sector. But there are a lot of very smart people, as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Masked Man of Mystery 0 Report post Posted April 24, 2005 I voted for John Kerry because I'm ~gasp~ a socialist leaning liberal Democrat. ANime has nothing to do with my politics, although Hayao Miyazaki does make good films with enviromentalist tones to them Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob E Dangerously 0 Report post Posted April 24, 2005 I think it would be awesome if Mike took Paul E.'s old gimmick and smashed a giant cell phone over the heads of his online opponents. And Robot Jerk could be Dean Douglas or something... Mike S.C. Dangerously? Excuse me guys? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Edwin MacPhisto 0 Report post Posted April 24, 2005 This thread has exploded, but the fact that some posters have such hard-ons for thinking SCHOOL TEACHERS HOLY SHIT are the most horrible venomous malicious people in the world just makes me laugh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cbacon 0 Report post Posted April 24, 2005 I'd say Mike referring to Islam as a "Death cult" was the most absurd thing to come out of this thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MikeSC Report post Posted April 24, 2005 I'd say Mike referring to Islam as a "Death cult" was the most absurd thing to come out of this thread. Except my claim is based on reality. Meanwhile, with you around, nothing can be referred to "absurd". And, Edwin, who thinks teachers are evil? I'm simply stating that public school teachers tend to be not too good at their jobs. Just because they have a "noble" title sure as hell doesn't mean they're worth a damn at their job. Being a policeman is a noble job. Does that mean all cops are great and competent people? -=Mike Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cbacon 0 Report post Posted April 24, 2005 Your "claims" are based on surprise surprise, narrow-minded generalizations and bigotry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MikeSC Report post Posted April 24, 2005 Your "claims" are based on surprise surprise, narrow-minded generalizations and bigotry. Yup, just my imagination that Muslims tend to hack up anybody who questions the Koran. Gee, how did Theo Van Gogh die? Was it Buddhists who opposed his film that dared to reveal that *gasp* Muslims aren't nice to women? Gee, what happened at the Nigerian Miss World Competition? Gee, what religion referred to Eichmann as the man who had the "honor" of killing 6 million Jews? Gee, which religion tends to have its adherents buying a startlingly large number of copies of "Mein Kampf"? Gee, which religion glorifies homicide bombers? How about that sharia law thing? Lovely stuff. I'm sure rape victims probably deserve death. What religion forced little girls to burn to death because they weren't dressed "modestly" enough? Odd, Christian countries tolerate Islam. Ask Christians or Jews how life is treating them in Muslim states. Yup, narrow-mindedness. Of course, I'm sure there were some NICE Communists and Nazis, too. Didn't make either worldview worth a damn. -=Mike Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vyce 0 Report post Posted April 24, 2005 You know, not that I'm agreeing with Mike's comment or anything, but I really do wonder sometimes how much bad, evil, or just plain ignorant, discriminatory and intellectually backwards shit people will let Islam get away with before it's considered okay to postulate that maybe that religion as a whole just isn't terrible beneficial to the human species as a whole. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LessonInMachismo 0 Report post Posted April 24, 2005 You know, not that I'm agreeing with Mike's comment or anything, but I really do wonder sometimes how much bad, evil, or just plain ignorant, discriminatory and intellectually backwards shit people will let Islam get away with before it's considered okay to postulate that maybe that religion as a whole just isn't terrible beneficial to the human species as a whole. Read the Jack Chick comic strip on Islam. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MikeSC Report post Posted April 24, 2005 You know, not that I'm agreeing with Mike's comment or anything, but I really do wonder sometimes how much bad, evil, or just plain ignorant, discriminatory and intellectually backwards shit people will let Islam get away with before it's considered okay to postulate that maybe that religion as a whole just isn't terrible beneficial to the human species as a whole. I just wonder where these same libs who bitch and moan about the GOP being a party of "theocracy" and how much Christians want to govern their lives get off praising Islam as more than a death cult at this point. You think Christians are hard to deal with here? Try living in a Muslim theocracy and see how much you enjoy life. -=Mike Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Edwin MacPhisto 0 Report post Posted April 24, 2005 And, Edwin, who thinks teachers are evil? I'm simply stating that public school teachers tend to be not too good at their jobs. Just because they have a "noble" title sure as hell doesn't mean they're worth a damn at their job. I don't see how this generalization works, nor do I see how it's much different from what LessonInMachismo characterized as elitism. Don't get me wrong...they're are a LOT of dumb people in the working sector. But there are a lot of very smart people, as well. is what he said, and it's how I think you're portraying teachers. Some teachers are lousy, but so are, as you pointed out, some cops. Some mechanics are lousy; some accountants are lousy. What besides your anecdotes gives this elitism of yours a foundation? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MikeSC Report post Posted April 24, 2005 And, Edwin, who thinks teachers are evil? I'm simply stating that public school teachers tend to be not too good at their jobs. Just because they have a "noble" title sure as hell doesn't mean they're worth a damn at their job. I don't see how this generalization works, nor do I see how it's much different from what LessonInMachismo characterized as elitism. Don't get me wrong...they're are a LOT of dumb people in the working sector. But there are a lot of very smart people, as well. is what he said, and it's how I think you're portraying teachers. Some teachers are lousy, but so are, as you pointed out, some cops. Some mechanics are lousy; some accountants are lousy. What besides your anecdotes gives this elitism of yours a foundation? Nothing. Just shedding a light on RJ's absurd elitism. He wishes to trash my job? So be it. HIS job doesn't have much room to stand on and is just as ripe for criticism. Sorry, but teachers aren't sacrosanct and if a teacher wishes to refer to my job as a joke, then they better deal with the criticism that the shit job public education has done for decades delivers for them. -=Mike Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Edwin MacPhisto 0 Report post Posted April 24, 2005 So you guys are just arguing kinda snippily some more. I'm actually fine with that. POPE'D (Also, I think the best thing public education has going for it right now is in programs like Teach for America and AmeriKorps. That's the way to go about improving public education in shit districts: take eager as hell college kids for whom $25-40k is an exciting salary, throw them in a high school that needs them, and let them teach something they care about. Once I get my master's I think I'm going to do a two-year term for one of these guys.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites