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First new Family Guy episode leaked

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Guest Vitamin X

Family Guy is just really not that good with musical numbers. That's one aspect where the Simpsons (at least used to) be really, really good at. I haven't watched it for like years though, so I don't know about recently.

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The Rocketman cutaway scene was the shit. No one should even be allowed to say bad things about it.



Fuck yes. In fact, that episode was on tonight.

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Family Guy is just really not that good with musical numbers. That's one aspect where the Simpsons (at least used to) be really, really good at. I haven't watched it for like years though, so I don't know about recently.

No way. Brian and Stewie's duets are absolutely perfect.

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Why? I've seen the Shatner clip. It's much funnier.

Taking something funny/kitschy from the 70's or 80's and sticking a Family Guy character in it doesn't make it funnier or more clever.

It's the equivalent of screaming "HEY DO YOU REMEMBER THUNDERCATS?" Actually it's the equivalent of 'you are the weakest link, goodbye' (the ensuing Stewie bit after that may be my favourite FG moment.) If someone busted out 'is that your final answer' on you in 2020, would it suddenly be hysterical?


With Kool-Ade man, or Jewish Optimus Prime, or Stewie and Brian's duet, they actually made jokes.

The best straight homage they've done is "Fast Times in Ridgemont High", and that's because Tom Tucker in place of Phoebe Cates is fairly funny.

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Why? I've seen the Shatner clip. It's much funnier.

Taking something funny/kitschy from the 70's or 80's and sticking a Family Guy character in it doesn't make it funnier or more clever.

It's the equivalent of screaming "HEY DO YOU REMEMBER THUNDERCATS?" Actually it's the equivalent of 'you are the weakest link, goodbye' (the ensuing Stewie bit after that may be my favourite FG moment.) If someone busted out 'is that your final answer' on you in 2020, would it suddenly be hysterical?


With Kool-Ade man, or Jewish Optimus Prime, or Stewie and Brian's duet, they actually made jokes.

The best straight homage they've done is "Fast Times in Ridgemont High", and that's because Tom Tucker in place of Phoebe Cates is fairly funny.

Dude, why are you arguing on what people think is funny? Just because you don't think it's funny, doesn't mean no one else can think it's funny.

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And on top of that, Peter randomly saying "You know what I haven't had in a while...Big League Chew." Was fucking hilarious to me. Eric Cartman doing a interpretation of a scene from scarface is fucking hilarious to me. Randy Marsh doing a dramatic scene from Rocky, HILARIOUS.


Its all about the type of comedy you like.

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The funniest thing in this episode was the Stewie/Brian gay dynamic that they've been having. Especially where they were in bed and stewie was sewing the "I hate Lois" or "Die Lois" thing(can't remember what exactly it said).

Also the scene where he was spanking Chris was one of the most laugh out loud funny moments of the show.


I was disappointed no Quagmire or Joe showed up though. Hopefully next episode.

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The funniest thing in this episode was the Stewie/Brian gay dynamic that they've been having. Especially where they were in bed and stewie was sewing the "I hate Lois" or "Die Lois" thing(can't remember what exactly it said).

Also the scene where he was spanking Chris was one of the most laugh out loud funny moments of the show.

"Did I remember to turn off the stove?"







I thought that was funny.


Parody has to be done right. If its not done right. the whole gag will flop. I personally found Passion of the Christ 2 skit not funny, except for the title.

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The funniest thing in this episode was the Stewie/Brian gay dynamic that they've been having. Especially where they were in bed and stewie was sewing the "I hate Lois" or "Die Lois" thing(can't remember what exactly it said).

Also the scene where he was spanking Chris was one of the most laugh out loud funny moments of the show.

"Did I remember to turn off the stove?"







I thought that was funny.


Parody has to be done right. If its not done right. the whole gag will flop. I personally found Passion of the Christ 2 skit not funny, except for the title.

The fact that it was made into a black/white buddy-cop movie, and the other guy was of course Chris Tucker, who apparently does nothing but black/white buddy-cop movies, made it funny to me.


Oh by the way, better than Stewie spanking Chris was Chris talking back to Brian.


"I don't have to listen to you! You're a dog! You don't have a soul!"

But yeah "I got hit with a ba-a-aseball..." was good too

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Yeah that was really bad and not funny at all. Although the Sound of Music thing does bear (dis)honorable mention.

No Brian's virtual reality fantasy of him marrying and having kids with the old lady was the worst thing FG's done.



We've got a winner... Or loser.

I could never figure out what they were going for with this one. The only episode of Family Guy I could say I genuinely dislike.

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Dude, why are you arguing on what people think is funny? Just because you don't think it's funny, doesn't mean no one else can think it's funny.




And seeing as family Guy is one of the only comedy shows I find palattable nowadays, nitpicking is just that.

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I think that comedy is not subjective at all. If I don't think something is funny, it isn't, and I have the right to say so. If anyone thinks it is, they are wrong, and stupid.

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Yeah that was really bad and not funny at all. Although the Sound of Music thing does bear (dis)honorable mention.

No Brian's virtual reality fantasy of him marrying and having kids with the old lady was the worst thing FG's done.

No way I loved that bit!!!!



oops I got confused I thought you meant stewie imagining himself grown up as an older man.

Edited by Jericholic82

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I didn't like that episode much (the Brian tries to build a family) but I think my favorite drawn out joke was "Da Boom" or whatever it was called and Peter got into at least a five minute fight with the chicken. Just the lengths they go with it.

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I take it this is the "official" FG thread for this season.

As usual of course. Just like "New Raw vs SD Article" became the official thread for that game and countless other things like it.

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I just downloaded it today, considering it'll be at least a year before we get the series in Aus. Awesome ep, start to finish. Possibly my favourite episode ever, the 'that time I forgot to sit down' gag, plus GI Joe and 'upside down head' were hilarious. I can't wiat for the next one.

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I just heard Hope and Crosby singing We're on the road to Morocco on the radio, and you can't help put think of Brian and Stewie's version.

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I feel bad for all my fellow Brits that don't have anything resembling a decent internet connection and are going to have to wait around 6 months or so before they get to see the new episode.

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