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Guest wildpegasus

2 top 100 Video Game Lists

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About the DDR question - I think you need to list the specific mix. It's no problem for me, though. I'm just listing DDR Extreme in the arcade. With 250 songs including almost everything that matters, it's far and away the best DDR mix ever.

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Game Informer is the free magazine you get when you join the Gamestop buyer club, right?

More or less, yeah.


It isn't worth the money, but for me the discount card is.

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I'm kinda had my internet suspended at home till I re-organize my current room I'm in. I moved half my stuff over and well... Left half of it in the old room. So until I get everything moved to the new room, I probably won't be online except at school. Stupid sister moving back in... Make me have to actually clean up stuff...


So please don't panic if I don't get back to your right away that I've received your lists or that something terrible has happened to me. ^_^ Not that you guys are worried, but just explaining things.

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I'm kinda had my internet suspended at home till I re-organize my current room I'm in. I moved half my stuff over and well... Left half of it in the old room. So until I get everything moved to the new room, I probably won't be online except at school. Stupid sister moving back in... Make me have to actually clean up stuff...


So please don't panic if I don't get back to your right away that I've received your lists or that something terrible has happened to me. ^_^ Not that you guys are worried, but just explaining things.


*grabs flik's wrist, gives it a slap*



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Told Flik already, but finished making my list and I've got about 18 games commented on.


Picking just 30 was hard. Plenty of games came to mind that I simply couldn't all fit in (sorry, Bionic Commando).


Renegade and I both agree that with more time to write/play some games, we could easily have each done a top 50.


Ranking for a lot of this is also pretty difficult. For some of us, probably surely, oh, number 8 on our list could be a number one to us depending on our mood

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Yeah. My ranks would be completely different if I did it again. Except maybe the top 3.

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Quote I found on RT--seems to ring very true:


"When I first had my Genesis and SNES and the earlier systems, there weren't nearly as many good games coming out this quickly, so I got to savor the ones that were really the most exceptional. Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Sonic 2, Vectorman, I played them all more than I play any of the new games I got now, because now it's like, 'this is a fun game, but I also gotta make room for more games I wanna play.'"


Probably a lot to do with why chaosrage loves his Cube so much. Yeah, misses a lot of the other systems' exclusives, but the must-haves are timed such that he can savor each one the best.

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About the DDR question - I think you need to list the specific mix. It's no problem for me, though. I'm just listing DDR Extreme in the arcade. With 250 songs including almost everything that matters, it's far and away the best DDR mix ever.

Thanks for answering my question. DDR Extreme sounds awesome, but I just started playing recently and I haven't had much time to practice, so I'm nowhere near arcade-ready.

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Guest CronoT
Told Flik already, but finished making my list and I've got about 18 games commented on.


Picking just 30 was hard. Plenty of games came to mind that I simply couldn't all fit in (sorry, Bionic Commando).


Renegade and I both agree that with more time to write/play some games, we could easily have each done a top 50.


Ranking for a lot of this is also pretty difficult. For some of us, probably surely, oh, number 8 on our list could be a number one to us depending on our mood

That's why I was going to make a list or 10 or so games, in no specific order, in an Honorable Mention category.


I was also planning on putting Resi Evil 1, 2, and 3 together as one continuous "game," and list it as such, since all three games are so interconnected to the point where it's hard to tell where one ends and another begins.

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Guest CronoT

I'm also debating on whether to put .Hack// on it, too. It's four games, but they're one continuous storyline.

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Guest MikeSC
I'm also debating on whether to put .Hack// on it, too. It's four games, but they're one continuous storyline.

I'd honestly debate about putting them on because they weren't very good games.


Ditto RE until the most recent one. It had good atmosphere, but it was painfully slow until the admittedly awesome RE4 hit.


...Who would submit a list, but I'm too hated to do so. :)

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Guest CronoT
I'm also debating on whether to put .Hack// on it, too. It's four games, but they're one continuous storyline.

I'd honestly debate about putting them on because they weren't very good games.


Ditto RE until the most recent one. It had good atmosphere, but it was painfully slow until the admittedly awesome RE4 hit.


...Who would submit a list, but I'm too hated to do so. :)

Just because you're hated doesn't mean you can't do it, Mike.


I tend to put things in perspective. Just because we disagree, routinely, about politics, doesn't mean I wish you would drop dead every other second.


This forum is about video games, and another well-educated and experienced perspective is always welcome.

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The panel is full, though.


However, if you want to abdicate your position to let Mike take a spot, Flik'd probably be flexible about it, CT...


doesn't think we needed CT *and* Anya...

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Ok... Are you people suggesting more time? I mean, I'm more than willing to give people more time if it helps them to complete the Top 30 like they think it should be.

Yes, plz. I want some time to beat RE4 before I make mine.

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I'm also debating on whether to put .Hack// on it, too. It's four games, but they're one continuous storyline.

I'd honestly debate about putting them on because they weren't very good games.


Ditto RE until the most recent one. It had good atmosphere, but it was painfully slow until the admittedly awesome RE4 hit.


...Who would submit a list, but I'm too hated to do so. :)

RE4's a great game and all, but am I the only one that thinks it's not close to as scary as the other REs? Music is usually better too and helps more to make it moody and atmospheric. I'm not convinced yet that it's the best in the series, I'll reserve judgement until I finish it though. I just made it to the 2nd disc.

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Guest MikeSC

Thing is, I didn't find the other ones scary. This one had a scary atmosphere and didn't have the snail's pace.


I know they were shooting for suspense, but they hit drudgery far too often.


That, and the controls were, IMO, brutal until RE4.


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doesn't think we needed CT *and* Anya...

I am needed. In fact, my vote should count twice.

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doesn't think we needed CT *and* Anya...

I am needed. In fact, my vote should count twice.

CT on the panel seems to be essentially the same thing.


Will the discussion phase of this take place via IMs or the board, Flik?


And the extension would be welcomed, but I was under the impression that we needed to finish everything before the 20th.

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The panel is full, though.


However, if you want to abdicate your position to let Mike take a spot, Flik'd probably be flexible about it, CT...


doesn't think we needed CT *and* Anya...

Actually, one free space so if Mike or anyone wants to step to the plate and can have a list to me by Sunday at Midnight, more than welcome to give it a shot.


Ok... Are you people suggesting more time? I mean, I'm more than willing to give people more time if it helps them to complete the Top 30 like they think it should be.

Yes, plz. I want some time to beat RE4 before I make mine.

Extension granted then. You have till Wednesday, May 11th at midnight. Cut off date for games is today. So if anything comes out today, you can't add it to your lists.


doesn't think we needed CT *and* Anya...

I am needed. In fact, my vote should count twice.

Votes will only count once. Or I hurty people.


CT on the panel seems to be essentially the same thing.


Will the discussion phase of this take place via IMs or the board, Flik?


And the extension would be welcomed, but I was under the impression that we needed to finish everything before the 20th.

Considering the diverse nature of things, having CT on the list as well as Anya does not necessarily mean the two will have the same lists or share the same ideals on games. Having things in common and defending a few ideas does not count as identical as you are trying to discribe, but similar.


Discussion will take place on an AIM chat instead of the board, because I'd like to keep the Top 30 a surprise before people can take place.


Everything needs to be done before May 20th, but I don't need a full week to write up the Top 30 from May 9th to May 15th. I did that in case of extensions needed. Most likely the chat will occur either Saturday or Sunday of the 15th or 16th.


Also congrats to Special K and Anya for submitting their lists. I'll have to say that after those two submitted theirs, I was a little concerned that I wouldn't see any lists before granting extensions but apparently I saw two. ^_^ Good times.


No, I'm not "unsuspended" per se somethings come up that allows me to get my internet.

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Ok, rough list is done, starting the order soon, and I can already tell that the placement on my final list will be totally wrong to me the day after it's completed.

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List of those completed:






Special K


I'm still in need of 7 panelist whose names I forget and I'm too lazy to check my list, who need to finish their lists by this coming Wednesday.

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Can I join in on this list? I too have been playing since the days of Intellivision and used to own a C64. I still consider some of those games to be better than the games offered today. Anyone that's played Pirates! or Below the Root will know what I mean. Classics.

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Can I join in on this list? I too have been playing since the days of Intellivision and used to own a C64. I still consider some of those games to be better than the games offered today. Anyone that's played Pirates! or Below the Root will know what I mean. Classics.

Nope, we don't have any room on the panel for people that don't appreciate Earthbound. Sorry. Maybe next time.

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