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Weekend Boxoffice Report, April 29-May 1

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Fever Pitch was a horrible, lame attempt at a "romantic sports movie", the few attempts at which are always shitty.


Not really. Until the last 10-15 minutes with the horribly tacked on Red Sox winning ending, it was actually a really good movie that played to Jimmy's strengths, instead of Taxi, which played to his weaknesses. Jimmy and Drew had really good chemistry and Jimmy got to play himself so he was really funny in this one.


A 60% at Rotten Tomatos is not good.


Actually a 60% rating at RT is the definition of good. It has a red tomato instead of a green one- that means it's good.


Stop being an SNL mark for Jimmy Fallon and accept reality.


Stop being an idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about. If I was such a big Jimmy fan, then why did I criticise him plenty during tenure on SNL? Why did I hate Taxi?


Fallon is nothing more than a poor man's early Adam Sandler.


Jimmy's strengths were completely different then Sandler's strengths.

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Fallon is nothing more than a poor man's early Adam Sandler.


Jimmy's strengths were completely different then Sandler's strengths.

Adam's major strength is his movies make serious cash.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20
Paris Hilton dying isn't enough to get $8 out of me to see a crappy looking movie.


It is for me. Add to the fact that I actually want to see this. ;)


BTW, I just got back from viewing XXX: State Of The Union. I don't understand why people bashed the hell out of this. I went in expecting a mindless, action flick and that's exactly what I got. Why is it so cool to bash these films?


- Ice Cube carried this movie on his back. He played a decent "XXX" and I didn't think Vin Diesel was missed at all. Both he and Samuel L. played good off of each other.


- While looking lost at times, Willem Dafoe filled the villian role nicely. He's just stuck with a cliche character.


Overall, the only problem with the movie is the weak script. The President of the United States using Tupac lines? Not really something I want to see.


I'm still surprised it only made $13 million.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

They had the Tribeca Film Festival premiere on Friday.


Advance screenings are Wednesday and Thursday.

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Roger Ebert gave it ***1/2

A half star more than he gave The Godfather Part II, and * 1/2 more than he gave The Usual Suspects.


Ebert's about as reliable as a Chevy Corsica.

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I like how Ebert gave Die Hard **, then Die Hard 2 ***1/2, and DHWAV ***. I'd think virtually anyone with a brain knows Die Hard 2 is by far the weakest of the 3, what with the Skip Bayless looking dude as the heel and all.

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Roger Ebert gave it ***1/2

A half star more than he gave The Godfather Part II, and * 1/2 more than he gave The Usual Suspects.


Ebert's about as reliable as a Chevy Corsica.

I love how week after week you take these cheapshots at Fever Pitch when it's obvious you have no idea what you're talking about.


Instead of just looking at the star ratings and dismissing them, why don't you read his reviews?


Just because you don't agree with him, doesn't mean he's not a reliable and good film critic.


He gave Millions **** and I throughly disagreed with that, but his review was well written with well argued points. That's why he's the best film critic out there.

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I like how Ebert gave Die Hard **, then Die Hard 2 ***1/2, and DHWAV ***. I'd think virtually anyone with a brain knows Die Hard 2 is by far the weakest of the 3, what with the Skip Bayless looking dude as the heel and all.

Read the reviews and found out what he liked and didn't like.


Ebert himself has said that the content of his reviews is more important then the star rating.

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Guest Smues
I like how Ebert gave Die Hard **, then Die Hard 2 ***1/2, and DHWAV ***. I'd think virtually anyone with a brain knows Die Hard 2 is by far the weakest of the 3, what with the Skip Bayless looking dude as the heel and all.

Die Hard 2 was my favorite and I have a brain. Maybe not much of one, but damnit I have one! (I think)

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How dare you take cheapshots at Fever Pitch week after week!


Geez, both of you need to just chill out. One likes it, one doesn't. Whoopee. Go see Kung Fu Hustle together.

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glad to see HItchhiker's and Interpreter doing good. I saw them both this weekend, they were both good.


Hitchiker's was funny (alan rickman is god), and Interpretor was suitably tense and interesting. jesus sean penn can be a douchy guy sometimes, but goddamn is he a fucking good actor.

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I like how Ebert gave Die Hard **, then Die Hard 2 ***1/2, and DHWAV ***.  I'd think virtually anyone with a brain knows Die Hard 2 is by far the weakest of the 3, what with the Skip Bayless looking dude as the heel and all.

Die Hard 2 was my favorite and I have a brain. Maybe not much of one, but damnit I have one! (I think)

Being the weakest Die Hard movie is like being the most wrinkled thousand dollar bill. Wrinkled or not, its still a fucking thousand dollars. All of the Die Hards kicked ass, and how can you call a movie with James fucking Evans as a bad guy in it??


If they had Thelma or Florida do a cameo, I would call it the greatest movie of all times.

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James Evans?

From goodtimes. James Evans...



damn....even the black people didn't get it.





on a side note, I own both a skillet and a lil gay as boiler like those on the stove.

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I was about to say, James Evans? I recall William Sadler being the lame heel Colonel in it and Franco Nero was the dictator dude....I also think Robert Patrick and John Leguizamo had bits as heels.


It's not that Die Hard 2 is a bad movie, it's just that it is maybe *** at best while the original and third are, I dunno, ***1/2. The 3rd has Samuel in it, thus by divine right is better than part 2. And the 1st has the best heel in the series, though I also kinda like Simon too.

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James Evans?

From goodtimes. James Evans...



damn....even the black people didn't get it.





on a side note, I own both a skillet and a lil gay as boiler like those on the stove.

all you had to say was John Amos...I never watched Good Times...he's McDowell from Coming To America...even though I never watched Good Times I knew he was in it...I also knew John Amos was in Die Hard 2...

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all you had to say was John Amos...I never watched Good Times...he's McDowell from Coming To America...even though I never watched Good Times I knew he was in it...I also knew John Amos was in Die Hard 2...

*takes away Lushus's black card*

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Roger Ebert gave it ***1/2

A half star more than he gave The Godfather Part II, and * 1/2 more than he gave The Usual Suspects.


Ebert's about as reliable as a Chevy Corsica.

I love how week after week you take these cheapshots at Fever Pitch when it's obvious you have no idea what you're talking about.


Instead of just looking at the star ratings and dismissing them, why don't you read his reviews?


Just because you don't agree with him, doesn't mean he's not a reliable and good film critic.


He gave Millions **** and I throughly disagreed with that, but his review was well written with well argued points. That's why he's the best film critic out there.

Actually, bob, I was taking a cheap shot at Ebert.


And I can guarantee with 100% certainty that Godfather II was a better movie than Fever Pitch.

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I've never seen Godfather Part II so I can't say but read Ebert's reviews and see what he says.


In his defence, that review was written 30 years ago so he may have changed his mind.

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They had the Tribeca Film Festival premiere on Friday.


Advance screenings are Wednesday and Thursday.

Okay, I was wrong about that.


But I saw it, and it sucked. Sucked hard.


Nothing happens for about an hour except cheap "boo" crap and countless horror movie cliches that were stale when the original HoW came out.


And Paris Hilton takes longer to get killed than any of the other cannon-fodder peripheral characters. Bullshit.


But it had a cool ending.

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well I have said before my friends lovingly call me the whitest black guy they know!

Do you shop using a Land's End catalog? Wear a sweater tied around your neck?

Remove Dolemite as your avatar and replace him with Carlton Banks :ph34r:

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Just saw "House of Wax", and while it's hardly a masterpiece, I didn't think it was too bad. Some nice gore (scissors through the tentons, peeled off skin, and other goodies) and Eliza Cuthburt being a serious hottie. Granted, Paris Hilton can't act for shit (neither could the rest of the cast, save Cuthburt and Brian Van Holt as the evil twins) but she does get killed off good. Not a classic, but a decent time waster.


Also, it has a great tribute to "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?", though it's basically a "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" knock off with a bigger budget.

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I went into it without reading ahead, and hoped it actually followed more of the plot of the original. I liked the House of Haunted Hill remake Dark Castle made and hoped this would be as good. Not even close, though.


On the bright side, I went to it mainly because a friend wanted to see it, so now he's going to go with me to see Hitchhiker's. :)


I'm surprised you're not a little harsher on it lc231, considering how exceedingly lame all the lame "boo" scares and fake scares were. Then they were done over and over and over.


If you're coming into it to see dumb kids getting killed, well, it has that but I suggest you come an hour late.


Hilton's strip tease scene made her look slightly sexier than Olive Oyl.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

I saw it.


It's somewhat decent. I didn't expect much, I went expecting to see kids get killed. To it's credit, the death scenes are well done. It's a good way to waste the afternoon.


Seriously though, since when did these movies waste time on such a thing like character development? There was nobody in this movie that I cared for and didn't want to see die. As another poster said before me, if you just want to see kids get killed, take a nap for 50 minutes then wake yourself up.


I can't really judge Paris Hilton's acting since she's in the movie for a total of 20 minutes. Paris is just... Paris.

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It's somewhat decent. I didn't expect much, I went expecting to see kids get killed. To it's credit, the death scenes are well done. It's a good way to waste the afternoon.

The death scenes were kinda eh, I thought.


Idiot Boyfriend didn't die right away, and it just showed us mainly the process...so I don't count that.


Odious Comic Relief (septic tank cleaner) had the best "quick" death scene, IMO.


Hilton's was okay.


Token Black Guy's doesn't count. Offscreen?! Weak.


The "snip" Cuthbert had was surprising and wince-worthy, but that punch--HOLY CRAP that was well done. When she got her revenge for it--beautiful. Which was part of the comparatively-awesome ending, of course.


They didn't have enough material to fill the entire time, so they padded the hell out of the beginning.


"There's no rednecks in New York"--yes there are, Paris, you stupid bitch.

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