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May, 5, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

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Rey better be selling that next week. If Hogan can get away with selling that horrible "draged behind a motorcycle" shit that clearly didn't look painful, I think Rey should be selling like nuts for this.

Honestly, for the sake of the workers' health, he needs to sell this for a WHILE.


That was a sick bump. He needs to sell it for a while. It'll be hard to do a significantly sicker bump than that, so if he's only hurting for one week, there won't be too many spots that should be able to hurt anybody for a week.


But he has to be back for Judgement Day, so the most he can take off is what, 17 days? That'll be a cool sell though, not knowing if Rey will even be there. Eddie can be more than enough to sell the angle, especially if he's playing off Chavo and consequently London, since I'm assuming Chavo is still feuding with him. We'll see.

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I am totally digging the entire Rey/Eddie feud. This feud was different, because the Eddie turn was ALMOST done, but Eddie kept making things better by telling him he is family. It took a pretty intense turn tonight, with the beating Eddie gave Rey. I'm loving it. Most entertaining thing on SD in a while.

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They definitely learned how to turn Eddie heel by using Rey and doing it slowly instead of the Tajiri turn. How long this will last is a different story, but if they go for the Latino War approach that was a an article and add people to the feud it will work. Cena/Eddie is definitely down the line.

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Sick spot on the steps at the end of the show, though I was worried he was going to do a brainbuster when he had Rey up in the air. Great stuff, I look forward to JD.


It looked to me like he was intending a brainbuster, but had to do it more of a suplex in order to, you know, not murder Rey.

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Holy Hell what an awesome SmackDown.


The Eddie/Rey feud has to be the best WWE storyline these past years. the WWE ALWAYS comes up with crap storylines but I think they're really on their A-Game with this one. so far, I've been really into this storyline sence things really got intense between Eddie and Rey. the promo at the start of the show was just great. Eddie and Rey really showed alot of emotions and Eddie really came off as an asshole in that segment. great stuff. I never seen Rey Mysterio get this much airtime before so that was cool. the Rey Mysterio vs Chavo Guerrero Street Fight was an awesome match!. lots of sick bumps in that match espeically the springboard from the top rope on to Chavo while sitting on the Chair. that was wicked. the post-beatdown with Eddie was really well done, but holy crap, the slam on the steel steps was SICK!. holy shit that made me cringed. Rey looked fucking dead after the bump being all bloody and all. that was sweet though.


I know more happened on SD but I don't feel like typing more. just wannit to get the Eddie/Rey storyline off my chest. I don't see anything on Raw thats even near as good as this feud.


I was thinking. with Eddie, Chavo and MNM contantly beating down Rey, Rey has no one to stand up for him. I think this is the best time to bring in Phycosis and Guerrera to team with Mysterio on this feud. that would be fucking killer.

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Does anybody else see Eddie Guerrero beating Mysterio by cheating at J-Day, then Eddie wins the WWE Title and Mysterio goes after Eddie and eventually wins the title. I can see it happen

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So were all in agreement? Eddie and Ray made Smackdown a good show tonight?

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I was thinking. with Eddie, Chavo and MNM contantly beating down Rey, Rey has no one to stand up for him. I think this is the best time to bring in Phycosis and Guerrera to team with Mysterio on this feud. that would be fucking killer.

8 Man Tag


Los Guerreros/MNM vs Rey Mysterio/Psychosis/Juventud Guerrera/Paul London or Super Crazy



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Problem is MNM and Eddie don't like each other. In fact, Eddie still hates them because they took the titles of him. So as things are looking now Eddie won't team up with them. MNM vs. Los Guerreros vs. Rey Mysterio/insert player here, for the Tag Titles. MNM get away with the belts while the Rey/Eddie story continues.

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Cena/JBL I Quit Rules?! Bolding just because it has no appeal when neither participants are named Terry Funk or Mick Foley.

Bret Hart/Steve Austin?

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

the irony of this all is that Rey and Eddy only fueded cause the writers had nothing for them to do at WM


Now its main eventing SD!

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool
I hope Eddie's reason for turning on Rey isn't the same old reasoning we always seem to get.

Sexual Angst?

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I supppose it was meant to be a brainbuster, but most of the brainbusters you see wind up looking like suplexes anyhow (in order to not hurt the other guy). It looked for a moment like eddy might drop rey to the floor, but he got into position and made it look real. Hey haven't seen Rey's face in a while. Nice to see his haircut hasn't changed since 1996 lol


You see you can turn Eddy, if it is done properly. Although technically Rey asked for his ass to be kicked by eggeing on Eddy for a fight. and was the crowd full of marks last night or what? They totyally bought that Eddy was coming to save Rey (although that might have been more canned heat, like the obvious one for Holly)


Geez Eddy has the easist chants, when he is a face its "Eddy, Eddy" and when heel simply adds sucks to that. BRILLIANT



and why was Cole so shocked, he has seen that Eddy before, right? That's the real Eddy and we are glad to have him back.



This would be an awesome WWE title feud, though I woulf think that is never going to happen.

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and why would they let Carlito in the ring with Holly again after he injured his shoulder? I swear every time I see a Holly match I keep waiting for an injury to occur.

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During the whole opening segment with Rey yelling at Eddie, asking what was wrong with him I was just waiting for Eddy to say "I'm Pregnant!" then drop the mic and walk away. What the fuck would the crowd do?

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Rey better be selling that next week. If Hogan can get away with selling that horrible "draged behind a motorcycle" shit that clearly didn't look painful, I think Rey should be selling like nuts for this.

Honestly, for the sake of the workers' health, he needs to sell this for a WHILE.


That was a sick bump. He needs to sell it for a while. It'll be hard to do a significantly sicker bump than that, so if he's only hurting for one week, there won't be too many spots that should be able to hurt anybody for a week.


But he has to be back for Judgement Day, so the most he can take off is what, 17 days? That'll be a cool sell though, not knowing if Rey will even be there. Eddie can be more than enough to sell the angle, especially if he's playing off Chavo and consequently London, since I'm assuming Chavo is still feuding with him. We'll see.

They won't sell it big because Taz and Cole didn't sell as big as they should have. They should have been selling that shit as death. Instead they went along with the "Eddie is beating the CRAP out of Mysterio. Is it jealousy???"

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I hope Eddie's reason for turning on Rey isn't the same old reasoning we always seem to get.

Sexual Angst?

Why not?


Really though, do something beyond Eddie's jealous and feels he carried the team to the belts. What about having Eddie not give a reason, or maybe just say Rey know's why I did this?

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Oh, next week Eddie has to come out and give the Interview From Hell, just ranting all over his descent from the main event to dicking around with Rey in nothing tag matches over meaningless belts. Just a bitter, venomous tirade. He should vow to beat the shit out of Rey should he mess with him again, and also that he is sick of being a bum and is going to win back the WWE title since he never should have lost it.


Eddie doing a heel turn is great since it totally fits his deceitful character. Anyone who has watched long term had a smile last night as he beat holy hell out of Rey.

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Problem is MNM and Eddie don't like each other. In fact, Eddie still hates them because they took the titles of him. So as things are looking now Eddie won't team up with them. MNM vs. Los Guerreros vs. Rey Mysterio/insert player here, for the Tag Titles. MNM get away with the belts while the Rey/Eddie story continues.

But Chavo seems to be able to manipulate Eddie pretty easily, so maybe he can do it again.

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