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Harry Potter Movies

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Actually I guess the Angel prophecy was about Connor having to kill whats-his-face, yeah I forgot the guys name, but there was still the whole thing about it being changed to the father must kill the son, which is definitely different from Harry Potter.

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you know at this rate, i'd suggest that people who like harry potter but arent up to date on teh books actually see the movies first.

it seems most book-readers are upset and annoyed at the stuff being left out, while the people who watch the movies seem to genuinly enjoy GoF (and Azkaban) on their own. Might be better to enjoy both the movie, and then the book even more, than to enjoy the book then be pissed off at the movie.

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Saw Goblet of Fire for a second time last night, and loved it even more. So much stuff I missed the first time.


Probably going to see it again sometime this week.

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I have a different approach than most of you. I enjoy the books more than the movies, so I make sure I read them first, otherwise the movie would end up spoiling the book for me.


I do enjoy the movies enough anyway. I'm not really affected by the changes from the books too much. As long as the movie works by itself, and the main plot follows the book for the most part, I'm not concerned. The Harry Potter movies are quite close to the books anyways, possibly moreso than any other series based off of a book. Even Lord of the Rings had a lot more major changes than the Potter films. In Goblet of Fire they cut a lot of stuff that really wouldn't work on film anyways (like the House Elf subplot, and the complicated Crouch/Crouch Jr relationship).

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I just hope the "big scene at the end of Ootp doesn't come across as "Scooby Doo" as it did in the book. Thats the main part of that book that really annoyed me. Well, that and Harry being a moan bastard for the majority of it.

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Things I really liked about the movie-


Characters that have had minimal screentime over the last few movies got a chance to shine. Ginny's friendship with Hermione was established, the Twins REALLY got a chance to show their stuff (we barely see them at all in the first two), Neville got some choice scenes (I killed Harry Potter!), even FILCH got some screen time.


Of course, on the flipside we got less of other characters- Snape (except for the study hall scene, he was criminally underused), Sirius ( I really wanted his scene in the hospital wing), Draco, and Hermione (though I expected that, after her tour-de-force in the last film; they go in cycles, I've always said).


It was unfortunate that they had to cut some scenes out (Quidditch World Cup), but overall I thought it was a great movie. Plus, recent photographs point to deleted scenes, which will hopefully be included on the DVD.

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You'll probably enjoy it mole. but beware:


a) harry's whiny bitching throughout the book


b) scooby doo ending


c) the obvious, pretty much already know fact that dumbledore has to tell him ( and whats hinted on the back of the book/on the sleeve)



Not really spoilers, but i thought id better incase i ruined anything for anybody.

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I have no problem with the ending, especially since it's been building from book one since:


Dumbledore has been holding off telling Harry about the prophecy that long. Which would explain all the "Dumbledore explains all" scenes as Dumbledore was probably fighting the urge to tell Harry about the prophecy every time.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I've never seen a Harry potter movie or picked up one of the books. Could I enjoy the Prisoner of Azkhaban if I decided to jump in with that movie?

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Thanks Side.


Should I not read that Parka, if I am going  to read the book?


It's nothing I haven't already said in this thread. Have you read the other books? Even though you've seen the movies there are subplots and characters the movies either left out or didn't flesh out completely. So you might run across some names or references that you won't recognize. Have you read Goblet of Fire? I would reccommend reading that one too since it's an awesome book and the movie left out some stuff that I haven't mentioned in this thread that you might want to read before reading OotP.

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Here's some tidbits then that the movie left out:


In Goblet of Fire Hermione kind of gets on this kick where she feels sorry for House Elves as she believes they are being used as slave labor. She starts a movement called S.P.E.W. (Society for the Protection of Elven Welfare), but no one wants to join it. She gets mad because Hogwarts uses house elves around the castle.


A house elf named Winky, who was Barty Crouch Sr.'s house elf, was fired by Crouch in Goblet of Fire because she was accused of sending up the Dark Mark at the Quidditch World Cup. Really it was Crouch Jr, which the movie of course showed. Here is an explaination of what really happened in the book. Sorry if it gets confusing because I'm doing this off the top of my head from memory.


Crouch Jr. was arrested and put in Azkaban for being a Death Eater, but in the book he claimed he was innocent. Crouch Sr. was one of those guilty until proven innocent type people. In fact he put Sirius in Azkaban without even a trial. Crouch Sr. hated Dark Arts so much that he basically disowned his son without trying to find out if he was really innocent and sent him to prison. Well Crouch Sr.'s wife was dying and she wanted her son out of Azkaban so they brought her to see Crouch Jr. and made a switch using the Polyjuice Potion. So Crouch Jr. was broken out of Azkaban and brought home. While at home Winky the House Elf watched over Jr. Jr. wanted to go to the Quidditch World Cup so Sr. brough him there under an invisibility cloak and had Winky watch over him. (The whole time Jr. was at home Sr. put him under the Imperius Curse so he could control him) Well the Imperius Curse started wearing off while Jr. was at the World Cup and he decided to cause some Havoc to show he was still loyal to Voldemort (this much you know from the movie), but in the book Winky got blamed for setting off the Dark Mark because no one could see Jr. since he had the invisibility cloak.


Now at some point while Jr. is hiding at the Crouch home a worker from the Ministry of Magic accidently finds out that he's still alive (since everyone thought Jr. was dead because they faked his death to get him out of Azkaban) well this Ministry worker runs off and gets kidnapped by Wormtail. Wormtail and Voldemort find out from her that Crouch Jr. is still alive. So they go to his house and get him. There they make the plans for him to impersonate Moody.


Basically that's how the story played out in the book. The rest is like the movie. Winky will make an appearance in OotP so thats why I gave you this background. She isn't like Dobby. Dobby was happy to be freed but she hates it and misses working for the Crouch's, so that's why she's in such a bad mood in OotP.

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In Goblet of Fire Hermione kind of gets on this kick where she feels sorry for House Elves as she believes they are being used as slave labor. She starts a movement called S.P.E.W. (Society for the Protection of Elven Welfare), but no one wants to join it. She gets mad because Hogwarts uses house elves around the castle.



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Oh the best part is Harry and Ron are constantly calling it Spew (like the word spew) as opposed to spelling it out, which ticks Hermione off big time.


I figured that's not spoilerish enough to spoilerize. I'm not even sure why I put that part in spoilers above anyway.

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That's probably not the most important part of Book 4, which is of course the very ending, which we've already gone over in this thread.


Read the book, it's sooo good!

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Guest clockworkraven
What do you mean by pink power ranger Hermione?


Forgive me, I never watched the power rangers ...  :ph34r:


I think he means the punch she laid on Draco in PoA.

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No the punch was straight from the book. He's referring to how Hermione's character in the POA movie was basically exaggerated from the book to the point she was almost portrayed as the heroine of the movie. A lot of people were upset by how she was portrayed because it was so drastically different from the book.

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