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Epic Reine

Could Rey Mysterio...

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Rey Mysterio i insanley over these days and has been battling more heavyweights than ever. He's an excellent wrestler, so the question is, could Rey be a credible world champion or does his size stop him?

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Nah, Rey is simply too small to be a believable world champ. I mean it is called the heavyweight title for a reason, you have to be so big to compete for it. Rey might be US title worthy though.

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They're giving him high-profile feuds lately, and they don't seem to want him to go back in the Cruiserweight Title hunt since it would be a huge step down, so I don't think it's totally out of the question. It would obviously be silly if he won Raw's World HEAVYWEIGHT Title, so winning SD's WWE Title is more likely, especially since he's already on SD as one of the Latino ratings draws.


Eddie would probably be the best person for him to win it from. Apparently, Eddie going for the full-blown heel turn, which is leading to Judgment Day. I think Eddie has to win there, especially since he's lost so many times to Rey this year. Now, if Eddie were to ever win the WWE Title again (It's possible...), I think it could be a decent WWE Title feud between Eddie & Rey.

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Rey can't be much smaller than Shawn Michaels. I mean, he's shorter, but they probably way about the same. Rey is probably one of the greatest workers ever, has a lot of in ring charisma and has a good fanbase. In the WWE world where HOSSES~~~~~ are made to be seem superior, I'm not sure how the casual fan will take to it. But I would love to see it.

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rey could draw, definitely. he may be small but he absolutely does look like a star, its not like he's nunzio or someone.


obviously if he wins the title from a Big Show or Undertaker that would be stupid, but he's shown he can live with people like Angle, Benoit and Eddie and be perceived as on the same level.

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I've mentioned this very same thing in the past...if they keep him in fueds with Angle, Guerrero, Cena, Booker T, hell maybe even JBL, definently...with those 4 guys, that's several months worth of a title reign...but if you throw in UT and Big Show, then it's getting foolish...they could market Rey as a champ that is always able to get that lucky shot in or that lucky pin after getting his ass handed to him for most of the match...

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Well the belt weighs more than him, so I guess they would have to make a custom one if he were to win it. LOL.


Right now he isn't impressing me. The whole cry-baby feud of 'Why Eddie Why?' is annoying. But he is able to put on some good matches so time will tell I guess

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I think the coolest way for Rey to get his shot would be to win the Royal Rumble. That'd put him over in a HUGE way. Have him be denied a title shot because of his size, have a couple midcard feuds that he wins, have him still passed over for a shot, put the title on heel Eddie, have Rey Rey win the Royal Rumble to prove to everyone he can hang with the big boys, then beat Eddie Guerrero at Wrestlemania to become champion. It'd make Rey Rey look like a million bucks, and it'd be one of the best WM main events of all-time. It'd be a shocking Royal Rumble win, which would make that event even better. And most importantly, it'd help to erase the stigma of cruiserweight forever. Michaels and Benoit and Jericho started, but if Rey Mysterio became champion, then cruisers wouldn't be nearly as pigeonholed as they are now. And having Mysterio defend the title against Eddie, Angle, Cena, JBL, and others would be awesome.

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Ever since he first came to WWE, I've been saying that he'd be World Champ someday. I don't know about any of you, but I wouldn't mind a Mysterio/Angle feud for the title. Eddie/Mysterio would be fine also, but with that feud you'll always be let down because they'll never match their HH match.


Rey as champ would = $$$, I still believe that, and I still believe they'll give it to him. I wouldn't be surprised for that to happen as early as in this coming year.


If Bradshaw can go from, well...Bradshaw, to being a credible, entertaining, and over world champion, Mysterio sure as hell can.I predicted it for Bradshaw and nailed it.

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Guest Fook_Theta

Rey could easily be a really fun heel champion. I'd play off him always being held down by big dumb and ugly white guys. I'd play his skeleton back tattoo off as part of his uniqueness with lots of camera angles on it. Probably come up with a nice cocky pose with it.


They would definitely have to make the entire program around him playing off logical reasons for him winning the title and keeping it without resorting to "sledgehammer" or killer vehicle type storylines.

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Considering how well he did this past Rumble and the fan reaction he recieved throughout (massive cheers when he barely escapes elimination and the big "AWWWWWW" when he was eliminated), I can see him at least being an Iron Man...I think they should just to do something DIFFERENT for a change...

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I agree with the point that says he can get a pin of nowhere and such. It would be awesome to watch his matches on top (he always gets beaten on most of the match, and gets his token offense in).. and then he can just hit his move at the right time to get the pin or whatever...


A rollup suprise win over the Big Show, Taker or JBL would help too.


Then if they got serious about pushing the Cruiserweights, then could have Rey lose, and bring him back down to the division like TNA did with Styles. The Cruiserweight Championship would grow in prestige just because of Rey and the division would be more high profile, also because of Rey. Also gives them a shot of a Cruiserweight like London defeating Rey and able to move up to at least US Championship Material, it'd at least get him over.

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Right now he isn't impressing me. The whole cry-baby feud of 'Why Eddie Why?' is annoying. But he is able to put on some good matches so time will tell I guess

It's pretty much the exact same as London/Kidman fued from No Mercy last year..

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wasn't Bob Backlund, hell sometimes even Bret Hart marketed as an "underdog champ"? At least at some point in their careers, anyway...


I mean, if Batman can beat Superman on several occassions... :P

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Then if they got serious about pushing the Cruiserweights, then could have Rey lose, and bring him back down to the division like TNA did with Styles. The Cruiserweight Championship would grow in prestige just because of Rey and the division would be more high profile, also because of Rey.

Then if they got serious about pushing the Cruiserweights, then could have Rey lose, and bring him back down to the division like TNA did with Styles.


Except that in TNA, the fans see the X Division as being on par with the heavyweights. In WWE, fans see the Cruiserweight division as being where the guys who get bounced around by the real stars wrestle.


The Cruiserweight Championship would grow in prestige just because of Rey and the division would be more high profile, also because of Rey.


How would it grow in prestige, when it's seen as being so far below the WWE Title ? Anyone moving from the WWE Title picture into the Cruiserweight Title picture would lose a ton of value, simply because they would be taken such a huge step down, and any juice they gained from being in the WWE Title scene would he lost.

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How would it grow in prestige, when it's seen as being so far below the WWE Title ? Anyone moving from the WWE Title picture into the Cruiserweight Title picture would lose a ton of value, simply because they would be taken such a huge step down, and any juice they gained from being in the WWE Title scene would he lost.


London, Chavo, Rey... have never really been too hurt by heavyweight talent with loses. Bring in Super Crazy, Psicosis and Juventud.. and the division could be freshened up, to an extent at least at making the title mean a bit more.

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London, Chavo, Rey... have never really been too hurt by heavyweight talent with loses. Bring in Super Crazy, Psicosis and Juventud.. and the division could be freshened up, to an extent at least at making the title mean a bit more.

London has an underdog buzz, but nobody takes him seriously in the slightest. Chavo has some credibility due to his feud with Eddie, but I don't think anyone takes him seriously whenever he faces top guys. Rey hasn't been hurt by heavyweight loses, but he's considered by management as being above the Cruiserweight division, and so isn't booked like a traditional cruiserweight, ie: as jobber fodder.


Bringing in Super Crazy, Psychosis, Juventued or every talented cruiserweight in the world won't mean anything if the cruiserweights are still treated as an afterthought, and presented as not to be taken seriously.

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Guest Redhawk

The problem with Rey Mysterio as a World champ is that not every championship contender can not hang with him in the ring, speed-wise and style-wise. Because of that, you have automatically limited the number of guys who can challenge him.


Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho are two of the smaller World champs I can remember. But while they're small, Jericho and HBK still work the regular American heavyweight style, for the most part, although Jericho and Michaels can be a little more aerial than, say, The Rock. With that said, Jericho and HBK can still work programs with big lugs like Undertaker, Kane and Kevin Nash, or work programs with other guys like Steve Austin and The Rock who don't fly around so much. On top of that, a champ like Jericho/HBK can work with the most athletic guys, like Angle, Eddie, Benoit and even Rey Mysterio.


Rey, however, primarily works the lucha style. So if you make him champ, contenders like Taker, Big Show and the like would be unable to keep up with him in the ring. If you Rey into a program with such wrestlers, the only way to script the match is "little guy gets his ass whupped for a long time." And while he has the underdog thing working for him, after too many of those matches people may start thinking, "Why hasn't someone kicked his ass yet.?"


So to sum it up, Rey can be a credible World champ, but you'd have to keep the big guys (Taker, Show, Matt Morgan) away from him and let him have programs with guys like Angle, Benoit, Eddie, Cena and the like.

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He's had good matches with Mark Jindrak, and Luther Reigns. I wouldn't be worried about the big guy factor. Rey Mysterio is superb in the ring, no matter who he faces. Heck, JBL looks like a giant next to him, and they've had several good matches.

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Rey, however, primarily works the lucha style. So if you make him champ, contenders like Taker, Big Show and the like would be unable to keep up with him in the ring. If you Rey into a program with such wrestlers, the only way to script the match is "little guy gets his ass whupped for a long time." And while he has the underdog thing working for him, after too many of those matches people may start thinking, "Why hasn't someone kicked his ass yet.?"


So to sum it up, Rey can be a credible World champ, but you'd have to keep the big guys (Taker, Show, Matt Morgan) away from him and let him have programs with guys like Angle, Benoit, Eddie, Cena and the like.

I think this is exactly why you CAN put Rey in the ring with the big guys. You can have him wrestle the Big Show and have the announcers play up the fact that Rey is too fast for him. Have that play into the finish somehow and the fans will buy it because the announcers will have prepared them for it.

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Absolutely I think he could be a credible WWE Champion. He's extremely popular, especially among the younger audience which the company has lost since 2001. He also pushes more merchandise the practically any other wrestler not named John Cena. He can certainly wrestle. He's also been booked a lot stronger than Jericho or Christian has. Rey has been able to handle his own against guys like Edge, Chris Benoit, Eddy Guerrero & Kurt Angle in the past and has even beaten most of them clean. If Christian fought Angle they probably would have booked him to lose in about 5 minutes.


The problem is that although Vince certainly seems to enjoy Mysterio (considering he always compares every other small guy to him) and that they do book him reasonably well. I don't think they would have enough faith in him to put him over for the main belt. He also has the problem in that he is a face stuck on the same show as Cena, who's the biggest thing the company has going right now in terms of fan response, despite what we may think about his workrate. Previously he was stuck behind Eddy Guerrero & Brock Lesnar. I think the best time to put the belt on him was last fall when JBL was stuck in a little bit of a rut during the latter the stages of the Undertaker program that should have ended at Summerslam. But they opted to go with the long JBL run instead, and I can't say I blame them. But I still think he would make a great transitional champion someday for about 5 months or so.

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I wouldn't mind a decent-sized reign, as long as they didn't present him as a fighting champion.


If he had one or two title defenses a month, he could make it work for a while, but I don't think they'd want to have him hold it for more than a couple months.


Actually, if they're going to get behind a high-flyer, they should probably look into a returning Rob Van Dam first. Just because he was getting stale when he left doesn't mean that he couldn't be hot on his return and motivated if he got a decent push.

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Guest TheLastBoyscout

Rey is different than Christian.


Christian is a bit under-sized and very thin. Rey is built, and small enough that his size becomes a gimmick unto himself. Plus, he moves a ton of merchandise, and he's a far better worker than most of the roster.

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