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Giuseppe Zangara

Comments which don't warrant a thread.

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Yes, there is.


If you're going to drink, learn to say crazy, outlandish, offensive shit as a regular habit, and then no matter what you say, you can play it off like "I was drunk, what do you want?". If you handle it right, it becomes endearing.


Like, I was just recently in this situation. Last month I was totally hyperdrunk and did a bunch of stupid shit, and then I told this girl "Oh my God, I promise you I will never drink again, and if I do, that means I am a loser and I have broken a promise to a friend."


And then I did... and got a DUI to boot.


And she was pissed at me at first... but then I said, "Look, it was supposed to make me ashamed if I broke the promise, and it did. So what's the problem?" And then I went on this crazy rant about copier paper, and she laughed and forgot all about it.


When they say the first thing they look for in a guy is a sense of humor, they ain't lying: they just seriously mean that. It's more than just you being "The Funny Guy" at work, you have to really be funny. It's more work than being good at sex, but pays more dividends in the end. Learn to be funny.


If I was you, I'd have let the drunk MySpace message sit, and then sent a followup message which said "And Sceeeene!" And not even sent it until she'd read the original one. So she knows, yeah, you really got fucked up and said shit you didn't mean, but can be funny from it. That's the real kicker. Learn that, and women are yours.

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Well, I guess my problem is that when I have too much to drink, I'm not very funny, just really angry. Like normal shit that normally wouldn't bother me suddenly becomes a big deal, and I feel like I have to let everyone know exactly how I feel.

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I complained about it.


Sorry, I don't mind a lot of things people post in their avatars, but a picture of two dudes fucking is a little much.

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Anyone go back and read this thread's early pages?


I'm presently lusting after three of my friends' girlfriends. Strange, seeing as how I never found two of them attractive until about a week ago, though I've known both for two-or-so years.

I totally fucked the one I always found attractive earlier this year. o/

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I was just given £40 by my father under the pretense of going to London and spending it there and I plan to spend £25 of that on an eigth of weed, which I am sharing with three of my friends. Now granted, they're paying me back £15 between them, but still. Should I feel guilty?

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It's more like $40. The guy who introduced my dealer to me basically told me he was somewhat overpriced, but I cannot find anybody else on short notice.

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Guest Pizza Hut's Game Face

I'm prone to sluggishness, overeating, and inflated self-worth now and then, even without pot. Seems like half the fun is in the chase, anyway.

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My girlfriend has been watching The L Word a lot recently. I'm not afraid of her going, y'know, lesbo on me or anything, but have you heard the theme song for this show? It's awful.

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Question which doesn't warrant a thread! Which "Carol of the Bells" do you guys prefer:


1. Trans-Siberian Orchestra

2. Mannheim Steamroller

3. original

4. shut up h0m0f4g

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