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Kurt Angle Mark

Smackdown (*Spoilers*) for 05/02/05

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From Wrestlingobserver.com


by Peter Tavares




George King pinned Harry Smith.




The Basham Brothers defeated Teddy Hart and J.D. Michaels (a local HBK

ripoff for years, but very talented IMO) when Doug pinned Michaels. Teddy

was limping badly after the match after landing on the outside diving and



Cruiserweight Champion Paul London beat Chavo Guerrero and Akio in a triple

threat match after pinning Chavo.


U.S. Champion Orlando Jordan pinned Shannon Moore in a non-title match.





Carlito's Cabana starts off with Carlito claiming that The Big Show will not

be here due to last week's attack by Matt Morgan. Then the Cabana started

with this week's guest, John Cena. Cena made fun of Matt Morgan, comparing

him to Michael Cole. They talked about the draft and how this can be their

last night together, therefore Cena announced that he went to Teddy Long

earlier today and made a tag team match for tonight. Carlito and Morgan vs

Cena and his partner who WILL be here before the night is over, The Big



In a 15-minute match where the most falls scored wins, Tag Team Champions

MNM defeated Hardcore Holly and Charlie Haas 2 falls to 1. Mercury pinned

Holly to make it 1-0 and it was soon followed by Mercury pinning Haas after

Haas was KO'ed after being thrown headfirst onto the ringpost after

performing a plancha on Nitro. Haas pinned Mercury to make it 2-1. With 20

seconds left, Holly hit the Alabama Slam on Mercury but Melina ran in and

distracted the ref long enough for the time limit to expire.



A backstage vignette was shown before the tag team match where Booker

demanded that Sharmell be taken out of the match with Kurt Angle. Long said

he couldn't do that but did change it to a handicap match with Booker and

Sharmell against Angle.


Kurt Angle hit the ring to taunt Tazz. Angle explained how Tazz disrespected

him when Angle appeared on an ECW event in 1996. They showed a clip from ECW

Arena where Tazz said to Angle, "you may be a great amature, but I'm a great

professional." Angle told Tazz that WWE made him a superstar, not ECW and

invited him to join him and his SmackDown volunteers at ECW One Night Stand.



Angle beat Booker and Sharmell in a handicap match. The end came after a ref

bump, Angle nailed Booker with chairshots. As he went to Sharmell, she tried

to slap him but he reversed it into a rollup. Angle proceeded to mount on

top of her and tried to kiss her but Booker got up and fought him off.


Heidenreich pinned Devon Nicholson (I think that's what his name was). He

did the poem thing and the friend thing ...


Backstage vignette with Torrie, Joy, Michelle and Jackie interrupted by Mark

Jindrak. They mentioned the draft and Jindrak said that if he stays on SD,

he hopes to get new Divas because these ones were old.



JBL vs. Nunzio. JBL bad-mouthed ECW. He said all the brutal type of matches

we have now is because of ECW. Talks about how Paul Heyman is a liar and how

McMahon hand to lend him money because he is a bad business man. He then

bad-mouthed Lance Storm, saying he couldn't sell out an arena if the tickets

and beer were free. He said the only big thing Blue Meanie ever did was

marry a porn star. He will not allow ECW to invade his hometown of New York

and will join the crusade against ECW. He then asked Nunzio, "Hey Little

Guido, how about we make this an ECW rules match." Nunzio grabbed a kendo

stick and hit JBL and his cabinet members until JBL nailed him with a boot.

Orlando Jordan and The Bashams held Nunzio as JBL nailed him with a hard

kendo stick shot and followed up with a pin.


Booker T is shows backstage with Teddy Long, blaming him for what happened

to Sharmell. Booker wants Angle next week in one of any two ways: legal or

illegal. Long tells Booker that if he isn't drafted to RAW this Monday, he

will have his match.


In the main event, John Cena and The Big Show beat Carlito and Matt Morgan.

Show had his ribs and shoulder taped up. Cena hit the FU on Carlito for the

pin. Cena then proceeded to celebrate in the crowd as the show went off the





As Cena made his way back to the stage area, JBL and Orlando Jordan attacked

him, leading to a handicap match. Cena pinned JBL after an FU.


Biggest pops: John Cena

Biggest heel heat: JBL

Edited by Kurt Angle Mark

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More MNM vs. Haas & Holly goodness!


And this is the another week now that Jindrak has been saying certain things about the women on smackdown. new gimmick?

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Why do I see nothing here with Eddie and Rey? You know, between Bischoff's jobbers and the SMDN crew is there going to be any ECW on the ECW PPV?

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Guest Fook

So a 15 minute iron man (kind of an oxymoron itself) has three falls and actually would have had four if not for Melina?


Why not just have a normal match and have it go 15 minutes?

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Guest nWoCHRISnWo

Just came back- Wasn't that great. Will probably make for crappy TV. Not sure why Rey and Eddie were missing, Rey was outside signing autographs outside before the show.


And they took away my "I MISS OWEN" sign. :angry:

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Rey injured himself sometime this week, that's probably why he wasn't on. Though I'm not sure why Eddy wasn't on. I'm not even sure if I want to watch this Smackdown just because there is no Rey Mysterio.


So the Cena/JBL feud is over?

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Guest nokia

So no cruiserweight action on Smackdown AGAIN ??


And they wonder why the "little dudes" doesn't get over with the crowd ?


Why does OJ still have the Us title ? Surely Eddie vs Rey for the title would be better ?

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I was at the show. It was pretty shitty compared to what WWE has given us in the past(last year's Backlash, that Benoit-Austin SmackDown match and RVD-Eddie Ladder match), but I had a pretty good time, mainly because I had an excellent seat(4th row floor), so I enjoyed the show a lot more than any other live event I've been to.


Just a few notes... Harry Smith drew a superstar reaction and looked to have bulked up since the last time I saw him. For some reason, nobody recognized Teddy Hart and he drew a standard jobber reception, he didn't look too impressive either outside of one or two moves, but he was working with The Bashams... The Cruiser three way on Velocity was the best match of the show(obviously), they gave these guys more time than usual and put on one of the better Velocity matches. I highly reccomend you check it out. Then change the channel when Orlando-Shannon comes on, probably the worst non-squash match of the night and drew audible boring chants, Orlando is a very dull wrestler in every aspect and is clearly out of place that high on the card. Hardcore Haaslies/MNM was the best Smackdown match and Hardcore even pulled out some unusual moves(for Holly), like a hurricanrana! Angle vs Booker & Sharmell wasn't bad either. The main event was passable, I guess. Didn't stick around for the dark match after the tapings.

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Cena made fun of Matt Morgan, comparing him to Michael Cole.


Okay, can we get the belt off of this tool already? Seriously. That's just terrible.


Enough with the God damn Michael Cole jokes with Cena, WWE! That is DEFINITELY reason enough to take the title off of him as of this week's Smackdown.

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Kurt Angle hit the ring to taunt Tazz. Angle explained how Tazz disrespected him when Angle appeared on an ECW event in 1996. They showed a clip from ECW Arena where Tazz said to Angle, "you may be a great amature, but I'm a great professional." Angle told Tazz that WWE made him a superstar, not ECW and invited him to join him and his SmackDown volunteers at ECW One Night Stand.


Have they played up [at all] the match at Rumble 2000 when Tazz choked out Angle in his [Tazz's] debut match with WWF/E?

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I will be watching Velocity to catch Teddy Hart. He has NEVER failed to impress me, in spite of the fact that he is a no-selling dickheaded jackass. If he would pull his head out of his ass, he could really be something special. I would KILL to see him get a match against Paul London, or Akio on Velocity one of these days.

Edited by Haws bah gawd

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What the hell is SMDN? Saturday's Main Dynamic eveNt?


Please don't respond to this and say it means SmackDown as I am well aware... it's just perhaps the worst abbreviation for the show I've ever seen and the fact it shares 3 of SNME's letters makes it worse.

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